Retention of students in engineering continues to be of concern. To best address this area, we need to know what contributes to both students persisting in engineering and what contributes to their leaving.
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri
Retention of students in engineering continues to be of concern. To best address this area, we need to know what contributes to both students persisting in engineering and what contributes to their leaving. The persisting in engineering instrument is designed to measure both male and female student’s reasons for persisting in engineering programs.
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri
The Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) is a 40 question, 4-factor survey designed to measure high school and college students’ attitudes toward mathematics. Unlike other math assessments, the ATMI was designed to be brief while also capturing multiple factors that contribute to one’s attitude about math.
Measures children's global attitudes and knowledge about environmental issues, such as animals, energy, pollution, recycling, water, and general issues.
Frank C. LeemingWilliam O. DwyerBruce A. Bracken
This is part three of the four part "Classroom Activities and Outcomes Survey." The survey asks students to rate the progress they have made in science process skills as a result of completing a particular course or program.
Patrick T. TerenziniAlberto F. CabreraCarol L. ColbeckJohn M. ParenteStefani A. Bjorklund
This evaluation instrument was developed for Exploring Physics, an extra curricular program for 5-7 grade students, with a focus on female students. It is part of an NSF funded program entitled Promoting Young Women in the Physical Sciences.
The tool was created by 4H Nebraska to measure students’ (7-10th graders ) learning and attitudes towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The tool also assesses students’ attitude about GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and GIS (Geographical Imaging Systems).
To evaluate the reasons for students in abandoning the science, engineering, and medical (SEM) pipeline while others choosing to continue. The influence of family and teachers on students’ goals in science, activities, and science identity is considered.
Pamela R. AschbacherErika LiEllen J. Roth
Measures students' attitudes towards science related to such factors as students' perceptions of the science teacher, anxiety toward science, value of science in society, self-concept toward science and desire to do science.
The New Ecological Paradigm for Children is modeled after the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) and the New Ecological Paradigm-Revised (NEP-Revised) for adults. The survey contains 10 questions assessing three subscales that contribute to one’s “environmental world view” including “rights of nature,” “eco-crisis,” and “human exceptionalism.”
Constantinos C. ManoliBruce JohnsonRiley E. Dunlap