The article is a summary of the comments and discussions a session at the 2006 AAM conference that addressed what museums in the fields of art, history, and science might learn from each other and how museums might benefit from "cross-pollination." Panel participants were Eric Siegel, Executive Vice President for Programs and Planning at the New York Hall of Science, Benjamin Filene, Director of the Public History Program at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, Deborah Schwartz, President of the Brooklyn Historical Society, and Jennifer MacGregor, Curator of Visual Arts at Wave Hill.
Eric SiegelBenjamin FileneDeborah SchwartzJennifer MacGregor
Nanoscale science and engineering study and create materials and devices on the molecular scale. The Nanobiotechnology Center, a National Science Foundation supported Science and Technology Center, collaborated with Ithaca, New York's Sciencenter, a hands-on museum, and Painted Universe, Inc. an exhibition design-and-fabrication team, to create It's a NanoWorld, a 3,000 square-foot, hands-on traveling exhibition. Edu, Inc., an external evaluation group, led front-end research and formative evaluation to guide and refine development of the exhibition. Summative evaluation investigated visitors'
Douglas SpencerCornell UniversityVictoria AngelottiSciencenter
This guiding question for this evaluation conducted by ILI was to measure the long term impact of the NYHS SCL program on its participants. The SCL participants also known as Explainers are high school and college students who are paid employees for NYHS. Focus was on knowledge development and skill development specifically critical thinking, and problem solving and transfer of those skills to everyday life. The evaluation also attempted to gauge SCL graduates' perception of science and scientists, influence of the program on career planning, leisure time choices with respect to lifelong
Martin StorksdieckNew York Hall of ScienceKate Haley-GoldmanMika Cohen Jones
The Undergraduate Engineering Mentor instruments are used to measure the impact of peer mentoring (or similar peer support activities) on the undergraduate women students who serve as the mentors during peer mentoring.
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri
The New Ecological Paradigm Scale-Revised (NEP-R) is an updated version of the 1978 New Ecological Paradigm Survey. This updated version reflects current environmental terminology, as well as tests a single construct. The NEP-R is suitable for use in the general adult population.
Riley E. DunlapKent D. Van LiereAngela MertigRobert Emmet Jones
The Undergraduate PDQ instruments are designed for undergraduate activities where time limitations or activity importance make rigorous assessment (e.g. using pre and post measures) impractical. PDQ stands for “pretty darn quick”, so named because you can use them for activities that you want to assess but don’t have the desire or time to do so more intensively. Both versions of the undergraduate PDQ instruments gather data on the extent to which respondents participated in the activity, their goals, and feedback from the leaders or participants on their impressions of the activity, their
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri
Retention of students in engineering continues to be of concern. To best address this area, we need to know what contributes to both students persisting in engineering and what contributes to their leaving.
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri
Retention of students in engineering continues to be of concern. To best address this area, we need to know what contributes to both students persisting in engineering and what contributes to their leaving. The persisting in engineering instrument is designed to measure both male and female student’s reasons for persisting in engineering programs.
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri
The Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) is a 40 question, 4-factor survey designed to measure high school and college students’ attitudes toward mathematics. Unlike other math assessments, the ATMI was designed to be brief while also capturing multiple factors that contribute to one’s attitude about math.
This is part three of the four part "Classroom Activities and Outcomes Survey." The survey asks students to rate the progress they have made in science process skills as a result of completing a particular course or program.
Patrick T. TerenziniAlberto F. CabreraCarol L. ColbeckJohn M. ParenteStefani A. Bjorklund
LAESE is designed to identify longitudinal changes in the self-efficacy of undergraduate students studying engineering. (see AWE Self-Efficacy Literature Overview and Information on Self-Efficacy). LAESE can be used with any students studying engineering. A High School instrument, based on LAESE, was developed and tested by the Female Recruits Explore Engineering (FREE) Project.
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of Missouri