As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative research, approaches and resources for STEM learning in a variety of settings. Many military veterans who seek to transition to higher education or workforce pathways find it challenging to translate the skills they acquired during service to civilian STEM settings and the modern day workforce. Yet many returning veterans have significant experience with STEM fields, including mapping and geospatial technologies, because of their unique functions and service assignments. Such geospatial skills are useful for location-aware industries, citizen science and public services. At the same time, military and veteran families have been largely overlooked as an important public audience for focused informal STEM learning. Informal learning events called "mapathons" which enlists participants to mapping exercises and create geospatial data on open platforms that address authentic needs in their communities and the broader society at large. When seeking to further their education upon returning from service, veterans' typical options have included some form of formal higher education. Mapathons may be a feasible bridging activity that (a) recognizes veterans' unique, valuable, and in-demand STEM skills and (b) supports lifelong learning.
This pilot research seeks to understand how informal learning experiences such as mapathons are viable pathways for veterans to transition to the civilian workforce. The conceptual approach pays attention to the realities of the life course of military and veteran families, especially building upon theories of change related to transitions to include a spatial component. The foundation of the project's intellectual merit is its explicit inclusion and sensitivity to place, scale, and spatial behavior, building directly from findings of prior NSF-funded projects and the evidence base for informal learning pathways. The research will contribute to knowledge about workforce development by addressing the questions: (1) To what extent do veterans recognize that their extant skills acquired, in military settings, are translatable to civilian STEM settings?; (2) How can informal learning experiences help a diverse veteran population increase awareness of the translatability of geospatial workforce competencies, build confidence in technology skills, and motivate interest to pursue formal studies in STEM fields in general?; and (3) What pathways do which veterans favor when they could pursue formal STEM higher education learning among an array of choices online or at regional sites, and why? The study will engage 320 participants at 8 sites across Texas; employ in-depth surveys and interviews; and use spatial analysis to elicit insights about the research questions.
Military and veteran families include a significant number of people from group typically underrepresented in STEM fields. Supporting more veterans to transition successfully to higher education pathways or careers in STEM is a vital service to the nation. This study on informal to formal pathways for veterans will include an innovative understanding of the importance of place in meaning-making and in the reality of choices they consider during the transitions of their life course.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Patricia SolisMelanie HartDennis Patterson
Due to the dynamic nature of many fields of science, most adults will acquire the majority of their science information after they leave formal schooling. Future public-policy decisions will require adults to have an understanding of the practice and nature of modern science and technology. A major source for continued learning is science media and journalism, which has the capacity to provoke and increase science curiosity and the value of science.
In partnership with Jacobs Media Strategies, the Cultural Cognition Project at Yale Law School and Texas Tech University, KQED, the NPR and PBS
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. This Innovations in Development project will research and produce science media based on the role that interest, motivations, identify, and values play in engaging diverse, millennial audiences in a dynamic media environment. Using a design-based research approach the project team will develop Millennial Science Media Engagement Profiles (a set of categories describing different audience types who engage with science media in different ways). It will design and test science media content (text, audio, graphics, video), placement and platform use for millennials; and make conclusions around science media storytelling and outreach tactics that spark interest and engagement, the precursors to learning. Broader impacts include contributing significant new knowledge about millennials interest and engagement in science while they are at a stage in life making critical career decisions. It will also provide a model for other science media producers providing new protocols for creating targeted digital media for this specific audience. And further impacts include reaching a large national audience through social media. The project is a collaboration between KQED and researchers at Texas Tech.
The research will focus on the distinctive experience and interest of "millennial" science consumers. It builds on a previously funded national survey and series of focus groups with millennials looking at their science media preferences versus other generations. With these survey results this project will build profiles of millennial audiences based on two factors: level of science curiosity and level of science media engagement. The researchers will use a previously validated Science Curiosity Scale. The Millennial Profiles will be validated in two ways: through performance-based survey questions and through internet audience behavior analysis using existing digital analysis tools. KQED will produce different science media content and send it to certain groups conducting A/B testing to validate profiles online. The profile assumptions will continue to be tested until the team can effectively predict the kinds of science content that different profile groups prefer. The research will use a study protocol used in other domains to bridge the gap between lab and real-world settings. The protocol involves four steps: initial hypothesis development; ante experimental simulation; real-world communication; and ex post experimental simulations. Following the profile validation, the protocol will be used to test the efficacy of new KQED Science content, testing the variables that contribute to millennial engagement.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Summative evaluation of the Marcellus Matters: EASE project. Marcellus Matters: Engaging Adults in Science and Energy (EASE) was a program of Penn State University’s Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research (MCOR), in collaboration with other experts across the university. The first year of program activities took place in 2012, and the project continued through September 2016. EASE was a multidisciplinary initiative that provided adults in rural Pennsylvania with opportunities to increase their knowledge of science and energy systems and engage in scientific inquiry and investigation
Purpose: The Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) in Seattle, WA, changed their name from Experience Music Project in 2016. The institution has undergone several changes since its inception and has not conducted a comprehensive visitor study since 2010. As such, MoPOP partnered with the University of Washington Museology Graduate Program to conduct a large-scale visitor study to better understand who MoPOP visitors are, explore their perceptions of pop culture and MoPOP prior to their visit, and the extent to which these perceptions changed due to their museum experience.
Methods: Pre-visit
Integrating Science Into Afterschool: A Three-Dimensional Approach To Engaging Underserved Populations In Science, or STEM 3D, was a five year project led by The Franklin Institute. The project was created with three major goals: to (1) increase youth engagement in hands-on, inquiry based, science projects; (2) cultivate intergenerational/parental support for science learning; and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of this 3-D (afterschool, home, and community) approach in engaging children, families, afterschool facilitators, and community-based organizations in science learning and the promotion
Please join us in celebrating Citizen Science Day, which falls this year on Saturday, April 14th. This issue of Connected Science Learning is dedicated to highlighting effective citizen science programs that involve classroom students in collecting data for research scientists, while also engaging them in key STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) content and practices. Students get a “front row seat” to what scientists do and how scientists work, plus develop the reasoning skills and practices used by scientists.
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), SciStarter 2.0 was launched to enhance, diversify, and validate participant engagement in scientific research in need of the public’s help. SciStarter’s leadership is part of the National Academy of Sciences’ Committee, Designing Citizen Science to Support Science Learning, which is developing guidelines and a research agenda for citizen science in education. This article briefly introduces educators to SciStarter 2.0.
This preliminary study examined the effect that five major sources of public science education—schools, science centers, broadcast media, print media, and the Internet—had on adults’ science interest values and cognitive predispositions. Over 3,000 adults were sampled in three U.S. metropolitan areas: Los Angeles, California, Phoenix, Arizona, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To minimize potential sampling bias, the results were weighted by current U.S. Census data to be comparable to demographics from each of the three jurisdictions. Participants were asked to self-report their current and
An interview with Jacquelynne S. Eccles, an academic researcher, is presented. Eccles states that after enrolling in graduate school at UCLA in Los Angeles, California, she learned more about what it entailed to be an academic researcher. Eccles avers that she is interested in how people make selections. Eccles believe that the expectations for one's performance and the value that one connects to acting well are heavily socialized within the cultural setting as individuals grow up.
Digital Observation Technology Skills (DOTS) is a framework for integrating modern, mobile technology into outdoor, experiential science education. DOTS addresses longstanding tensions between modern technology and classical outdoor education by carefully selecting appropriate digital technology for educational purposes and by situating these tools in classical experiential pedagogy.
R. Justin HoughamMarc NutterCaitlin Graham