PROFILE Toni Dancstep Program Director National Science Foundation About informal science Projects Cultivating Confidence: Young Women's Self-Efficacy in Science Museums Research: Exhibit Designs for Girls' Engagement (EDGE) Research Straight From the Girls: The Importance of Incorporating the EDGE Design Attributes at Exhibits Designing Exhibits to Engage Girls How Do Children Engage with STEM Museum Exhibits? Results from a Large Observational Study Exhibit Designs for Girls’ Engagement (EDGE) Creating a Female‐Responsive Design Framework for STEM exhibits Grant application - Cultivating Confidence: Young Women's Self-Efficacy in Science Museums Exhibit Designs for Girls’ Engagement: A Guide to the EDGE Design Attributes Poster - EDGE: Exhibit Design for Girls' Engagement Comparing the Visitor Experience at Immersive and Tabletop Exhibits Designing Exhibits for Gender Equity Girls with scientific aspirations: Negotiating femininity Poster - Exhibit Designs for Girls' Engagement Culturally sustaining pedagogy: Expanding culturally responsive theory and practice Using Iterative Design and Evaluation to Develop Playful Learning Experiences Evaluation Summative Evaluation of Geometry Playground for The Exploratorium Engaging Public Audiences in Current Health Science at the Current Science & Technology Center (Museum of Science, Boston)