PROFILE Suzanne Perin About informal science Research Learning from the real versus the replicated: a comparative study Architecting Learning Continuities for Families Across Informal Science Experiences Poster - It's Cold and its Cool! Using Permafrost to Teach Climate Change What students notice can determine how effectively they transfer knowledge Seeking out information on climate change – or avoiding it Prior experiences shape families’ conversations and science learning Making sense of competing beliefs through mental switching Exclusion of underprivileged visitors from informal science education institutions Everyday moments doing science shape interest and identity Designing games so the lesson is part of the fun Communicating science also communicates cultural orientations Supporting native science and ways of knowing in science education Explaining a concept in scientific and non-scientific language Students must learn to make assumptions to solve "real-world" physics problems Engaging young children with the tentative nature of science Student perspectives on learning from a zoo field trip Elementary students use drama to make sense of science ideas Student discussion develops shared scientific explanations Effects of sight impairment on comprehension of scale Situational interests triggered by field trips Constraints and social resources for prioritizing science instruction in school Science learning is linked to motivations for adult museum visitors Comparison of guided and open inquiry methods Productive learning frames in the science classroom Combining literacy lessons and science inquiry Planetarium program improves young students’ understanding of celestial motion Challenges to forming a science identity for women of color Memories, movements, and emotions connect learning over time Parent-child interactions influenced by types of activity Meanings of gestures in learning and teaching mathematics Outcomes of collaborative group work What matters to African-American mothers in an informal science program Maintaining social relationships is more important than scientific discourse during group work What is the difference between argument and explanation? Learning to communicate science as a persuasive endeavor Transformative experience in science education Interactive visualizations and inquiry improve student knowledge integration across courses Trade-offs between instruction and exploration with interactive objects How to help parents support pre-schoolers’ exploratory behavior The ways educators address students' wonderment questions How museum visitors reason about evolution The role of laughter in teaching and learning science Field trips encourage more open-ended questions from teachers