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Community Repository Search Results

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resource project Public Programs
The Louisiana Children’s Museum is developing a comprehensive set of resources entitled “Water Dialogues–Living with Water,” designed around its new exhibits and landscape resources, to strengthen the community’s understanding of the challenges associated with water management. They are creating a new field trip series and water-based science curriculum, “Water Pathways” as well as an outreach program, “Steward’s Ship,” to bring the program’s environmental messages to schools and camps. The museum will also conduct a professional development training series on science education for local educators implementing the state’s new science standards, in addition to a series of literacy workshops where children ages four to eight will write “how-to” books and “water journals.” To further spread the associated environmental and sustainability messages, they will organize an annual “Water Fest” program for the community.
TEAM MEMBERS: Shannon Blady
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Arizona State University, in partnership with the National Informal STEM Education Network, will build fieldwide capacity for sustainability by empowering professionals, engaging public audiences, and leveraging museum and community assets to help build a sustainable future for people and the planet. The project will engage 90 museum professionals in a six-month professional development program, who along with other staff at their organizations will receive support in planning, developing, and/or implementing a sustainability-related project that aligns with their museum’s mission and their community’s priorities. A community of practice will promote ongoing learning and sharing of experiences among program participants. Additional professionals across the museum field will benefit from an online workshop series and other resources produced by the project.
resource project Public Programs
The University of Montana spectrUM Discovery Area will implement “Making Across Montana” —a project to engage K–12 students and teachers in rural and tribal communities with making and tinkering. In collaboration with K–12 education partners in the rural Bitterroot Valley and on the Flathead Indian Reservation, the museum will develop a mobile making and tinkering exhibition and education program. The exhibition will be able to travel to K–12 schools statewide. The project team will develop a K–12 teacher professional development workshop, along with accompanying curriculum resources and supplies. The traveling program and related materials will build schools’ capacity to incorporate making and tinkering—and informal STEM experiences more broadly—into their teaching.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jessie Herbert-Meny
resource project Exhibitions
The Rochester Museum and Science Center and partners will plan, design, fabricate, and evaluate its new Water Worlds exhibition using a hybrid exhibition model that integrates hands-on science and interactive technology with authentic collections objects in immersive environments. Reimagining the gallery in this way will allow the museum’s professional staff to work with outside experts in the sciences—including environmental science, sustainability, water resources, and climate—to create a unified watershed-themed narrative for the gallery. Hands-on, inquiry-focused exhibits will inspire visitors to explore the Lake Ontario watershed and analyze critical local issues including water pollution, flooding, invasive species, and the impact of a changing climate on local waterways, as well as innovative solutions to these challenges.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kathryn Murano Santos
resource project Public Programs
Imagination Station, Toledo’s Science Center, will implement Toledo Tinkers: Through a Child’s Eyes — a new initiative to address barriers to STEM education and promote a lifelong love of those subjects. An outreach curriculum and a mobile tinkering lab will help children ages 11–13 and their families establish personal connections with making and tinkering. Pilot programs will include the Maker Club — a 12-session out-of-school program for students from Boys and Girls Clubs of Toledo and other community-based organizations — as well as Tinkering Takeovers, which is a drop-in tinkering program for families at branch libraries. A community exhibition will showcase the diversity of the Toledo community and its rich history of making and tinkering, using the work of participating children.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sloan Eberly Mann
resource project Public Programs
The Joseph Moore Museum at Earlham College will revise its interpreter training and educational programs to reflect current best practices in participatory STEM education. This project will include strengthening their programs to better prepare undergraduate educators, as well as updating the delivery of their top three requested programs to ensure learner-centered experiences. The project will include the development of a training program modeled on a combination of principles set out by the National Association of Interpretation and the Reflections on Practice program. Undergraduate educators will undergo systematic training in the fundamentals of educational theory and practice and benefit from a program of sustained evaluation and mentorship.
TEAM MEMBERS: Heather Lerner
resource project Exhibitions
Established in partnership between Bartram’s Garden and Mural Arts Philadelphia, FloatLab, a new public space and floating art object designed by artist J. Meejin Yoon, will allow visitors to engage directly with the Schuylkill River. It will offer an eye-level perspective to explore the intersections of science, nature, and art. Community planning meetings held this year at Bartram’s Garden identified safe riverfront access and youth-enrichment opportunities—especially in STEAM and related fields—as overwhelming neighborhood priorities. Program development and implementation will coincide with major capital investment along the riverfront, aligning new facilities with this new curriculum for greater exploration, access, and understanding.
TEAM MEMBERS: Maitreyi Roy
resource project Public Programs
Community Partnerships in STEM — a project of the Sciencenter and partners Downtown Ithaca Children’s Center and My Brother’s Keeper Ithaca — will expand opportunities for local youth from low-income households to engage with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through hands-on programming. Sciencenter and its partners will co-develop relevant, accessible, and inclusive programs for youth and deliver the programs at the museum and at partner locations. As a result of this project, local youth from low-income households will come to see science as a process for learning about the world through experimentation and exploration that is relevant to their everyday lives.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michelle Kortenaar
resource project Exhibitions
Creative Discovery Museum (CDM) will fabricate the Little Farm House Exhibit (LFHE) for children ages 0–5 in order to offer their youngest visitors age-appropriate, hands-on, STEM-focused learning opportunities. Since access to high-quality early learning activities is important for brain development and long-term academic success, Chattanooga 2.0—the community’s initiative to transform public education—places a high priority on improving both access to and the quality of early learning environments. The museum will use various methodologies for evaluation, including time and tracking, behavior mapping, observations using an outcomes checklist, and interviews. To gain continuous feedback and input on the LFHE project, CDM leverages partnerships with multiple local organizations and an LFHE Advisory group.
TEAM MEMBERS: Shannon R. Johnson
resource research Media and Technology
Educational programming on digital video platforms such as YouTube wrestle with gender disparities in viewership. When men engage with science and technology content on digital platforms more than women, gender gaps in the understanding of, engagement with, and interest in STEM may intensify. Therefore, there is a critical need for more research aiming to aid in our understanding of these gender differences. This study provides evidence that the gender gaps may exist not in the use of YouTube itself, but with the engagement with science and technology content on the platform. Furthermore
TEAM MEMBERS: Asheley Landrum
resource project Public Programs
The Green Bank Observatory organized a community workshop on research experiences for high school students in disciplines supported by NSF’s Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS). The workshop was intended as a forum for sharing, gathering community input, and illuminating best practices in providing research experiences to high school students and organizing such research activities across universities, labs, and observatories. The input gathered from the workshop may be useful to others wanting to support K-12 research activities.

It is often stated that solving the global challenges presented by the 21st century requires a United States workforce with training in STEM fields, and that the STEM workforce may be insufficient to fill that need. Education research literature in STEM suggests that engaging students early and often in authentic research experiences enhances STEM identity, STEM self-efficacy, and STEM career interest: three personal attributes that are linked to entry into and persistence on a STEM career pathway. Much of this literature is focused on college students, however. This workshop convened people and organizations who have designed and implemented research experiences for high school students, and who will examine the role such experiences can play in the development of a student’s interest and STEM identity.

Resources are curated on the workshop website.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sue Ann Heatherly Karen ONeil James Jackson Tim Spuck
resource project Public Programs
The Springfield Science Museum will increase participation in informal science learning by making its educational programs and learning spaces more accessible and inclusive. Museum staff will undergo Disability Inclusion and Universal Design training to redesign and enhance a core multi-use learning space and principle STEM program that can remove physical, cognitive, and social barriers to learning. External evaluators will measure access needs and learning outcomes before and after project upgrades in order to track progress and develop a scalable model of inclusive practice for all the museum’s science programming. The result will be an improved educational experience for visitors of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.
TEAM MEMBERS: Katie Merrill