As part of the Summative Evaluation of the DragonflyTV GPS: Going Places in Science series, between July 2005 and November 2006, RMC Research conducted a study of the collaboration between the DragonflyTV (DFTV) production staff and its science center and museum partners. Central to the innovative DFTV series, the collaboration involved museum professionals in the production process and presented science museums and centers as sites of learning and of fun on national television. It also offered professionals in the two industries a ground-breaking opportunity to learn about another format for
Alice ApleyTwin Cities Public Television
As teachers respond to the demands of educational reform and strive to meet increasing pressures of educational benchmarks and standards, there is less and less time to utilize innovative teaching techniques. Education reform expectations, coupled with increasing class size and shrinking budgets has significantly impacted the way that science education is delivered in schools. 4-H Wildlife Stewards, a Master Science Educator's Program was developed in response to these emerging concerns in science education. The program is based on the premise that trained volunteer Master Science Educators
Mary ArnoldMichael DaltonMaggie LivesayRobin Galloway
Earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, lightning, tornadoes, and other natural phenomena occur regularly as an on-going part of the natural environment of our planet. There is a clear need to increase public awareness and knowledge of these natural forces and their impact on human existence. Educating the public about effective, and often simple, strategies for protection, mitigation, and recovery based on the latest scientific knowledge, and encouraging them to personally take action, is critical to reducing human suffering, loss of life, and destruction of property from these deadly
Bruce W. HallMuseum of Science and Industry
In April 2001, the Museum of Science in Boston launched the Current Science & Technology Center, an effort to engage public and school audiences in leading edge research and to provide depth and context for science and technology stories in the news within a museum context and through various outreach methods. Health science programming in the CS&T Center is researched, produced and delivered to primarily public audiences in partnership with selected New England area medical and public health schools, teaching hospitals, and biomedical research institutes. This Health Science Education
Starting in January 2006 ROCKMAN ET AL conducted a twelve-week study of the use of the PBS science series, DragonflyTV, in twenty middle grade science classrooms. DragonflyTV is a PBS science series that models science inquiry by presenting real children conducting inquiry investigations into their own science questions. The goal of the TV series is to illuminate the inquiry process and inspire viewers to conduct their own investigations. The participating teachers were provided with DVDs of 36 DragonflyTV programs, an index with the National Science Education Standards correlations, and
In this article, George E. Hein, Professor Emeritus at Lesley University, discusses "meaning making" and what the concept implies for exhibit developers. Hein discusses theory and research to investigate the role of meaning making within museums.
In this article, David James Whitemyer, Director of Production at Christopher Chadbourne and Associates, examines the question of whether or not exhibit designers should "professionalize" (i.e. require degrees, licenses). Whitemyer looks to other professions as models, and ultimately, calls on individuals to take more responsibility for maintaining high "standards" and continuing to push their skill set and knowledge base.
This article features perspectives from four museum professionals on strategies borrowed from children's museums to best engage families in exhibits and programs. Authors include Marcia MacRae, Arts Specialist at the DuPage Children's Museum, Liza Reich Rawson, Senior Exhibition Developer/Project Manager at the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Gail Ringel, Vice President for Exhibits & Production at the Boston Children's Museum, and John Russick, Curator at the Chicago History Museum.
Marcia Z. MacRaeLiza Reich RawsonGail RingelJohn Russick
Collaboration is a prerequisite for the sustainability of interagency programs, particularly those programs initially created with the support of time-limited grant-funding sources. From the perspective of evaluators, however, assessing collaboration among grant partners is often difficult. It is also challenging to present collaboration data to stakeholders in a way that is meaningful. In this article, the authors introduce the Levels of Collaboration Scale, which was developed from existing models and instruments. The authors extend prior work on measuring collaboration by exploring the
Bruce FreyJill LohmeierStephen LeeNona Tollefson
This article explains the concepts of disruptive innovation and catalytic innovation, a subset of disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovations challenge industry incumbents by offering simpler, good-enough alternatives to an underserved group of customers, whereas catalytic innovations can surpass the status quo by providing good-enough solutions to inadequately addressed social problems.
Clayton ChristensenHeather BaumannRandy RugglesThomas Sadtler