Ecologically oriented citizen-science experiences engage the public in learning while facilitating the achievement of robust scientific program goals. Evaluation of learning outcomes has become increasingly prioritized, requiring citizen-science program managers to understand key issues in evaluation. We argue that citizen science can have other, more far-reaching community-level outcomes, which have received less attention but warrant consideration for continued programmatic improvement.
As we turn more and more to high-end computing to understand the Universe at cosmological scales, dynamic visualizations of simulations will take on a vital role as perceptual and cognitive tools. In collaboration with the Adler Planetarium and University of California High-Performance AstroComputing Center (UC-HiPACC), I am interested in better understanding the use of visualizations to mediate astronomy learning across formal and informal settings. In this research, I use quantitative methods to investigate how 122 post-secondary learners are relying on color to interpret dark matter in a
The article discusses the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Information, Technology and Scientific Literacy (STEM-ALL) for ALl Learners project of Emporia State University, Kansas. The project is an interdisciplinary program for teaching information, technology and scientific-literacy that brings STEM content into Master of Library Science curriculum. It aims to create an Information, Technology and Scientific Literacy Certificate for educators to earn across degree programs.
The article focuses on the establishment of the YOUMedia Network at Saint Public Library in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The digital learning laboratory operates within the guidelines of Hanging Out, Messing Around and Geeking Out (HOMAGO) which provides teenagers access to technology and art such as sewing machines, makerspace, and recording studios. The library partnered with Parks and Recreation Department, Saint Paul Neighborhood Network and the Science Museum of Minnesota's Youth Science Center.
The article presents the makerspaces in libraries where informal, collaborative learning can occur through hands-on creation using any combination of technology, industrial arts and fine arts not readily available for home use. It cites the underlying goal of a makerspace to encourage innovation and creativity via the use of technology and offer a place where everything can be nurtured. It notes a growing interest in design thinking afforded by makerspaces.
The article offers the authors' insights on a two-event in the Faculty of Information's symposium series at the iSchool @ Toronto on Creative Making in Libraries and Museums. Topics discussed include museums and cultural libraries, the development of makerspaces in a library and use of three-dimensional (3D) printing, and the open source, portable digital file distribution tool LibraryBox. The symposium featured librarian Jason Griffey, professor Matt Ratto, and MakerKids founder Andy Forest.
Despite the potential of augmented reality (AR) in enabling students to construct new understanding, little is known about how the processes and interactions with the multimedia lead to increased learning. This study seeks to explore the affordances of an AR tool on learning that is focused on the science concept of magnets and magnetic fields. Seventy students in grades 5 through 7 participated in the study in a non- AR or AR condition. Findings showed that students in the AR condition interacted with the magnets significantly longer and demonstrated higher amounts of teamwork. In interviews
Studying metacognition brings with it many challenges. The challenge of researching metacognition is exacerbated when research, (a) moves from clinical or highly structured settings, those associated with much research in this field, to more naturalistic contexts with less structure, and (b) begins in previously unexplored settings and social contexts with little, if any, existing literature related its study within such settings. We use the metaphor of 'prospecting' to characterise a qualitative methodology that employed a hermeneutic dialectic process to explore the metacognition of parents
This study explores the characteristics of after-school program activities at a charter school in the Southeast US highlighting students' experiences with and gains from these after-school program activities. A qualitative case study design was employed to understand students' views and opinions regarding the activities and their learning trajectories. Study data were collected through formal and informal observations, one-on-one semistructured interviews, and field notes. The study's findings indicated that such activities emphasize open-ended and collaborative scientific investigations in
Alpaslan SahinMehmet AyarTufan Adiguzel
Parents and children are rapidly adopting mobile technologies, yet designs for mobile devices that serve a communication function to connect parents to children's out-of-school time activities are limited. As a result, our team designed the Digital Postcard Maker so that children attending summer camps can create digital photographs to send home to their parents. These digital postcards help to connect children's home life with out-of-school learning experiences and also support 21st Century Skills' media literacy practices. The research design included two iterations of a design-based
Heather ZimmermanChristopher GamratSimon Hooper
The article provides information for the development of a partnership between traditional science classrooms and Informal Science Institutions (ISIs). Topics include popular forms of ISIs, such as zoos, libraries, and government agencies, guidance for choosing an ISI to partner with, and implementing ISI resources in the classroom. Suggestions for steps to take before, during, and after arranging a school field trip to an ISI are also provided.