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resource evaluation Media and Technology
PlanetMania is an iOS and Android mobile app game produced by Maryland Science Center and Eduweb, Inc. in 2012 to accompany the Center's latest permanent exhibit, entitled Life Beyond Earth. Multimedia Research carried out a summative evaluation of the PlanetMania app, focusing on the app's usage in the exhibit, appeal, value and learning outcomes. The evaluation is a pre-post quasi-experimental study in which a sample of 24 9-11 year olds were interviewed prior to and after experiencing the app and exhibit as well as observed during their exposure to the app and exhibit. The app game combines
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Maryland Science Center
resource evaluation Media and Technology
PERG conducted the formative and summative evaluations of Windows on Earth, a project led by the Center for Earth and Space Science Education (CESSE) at TERC. The project included numerous partners and contributors who focused on the development of the Windows on Earth software, exhibit and website, as well as four museums who participated in the development and evaluation process: Boston's Museum of Science, (MOS), the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, (A&S), the St. Louis Science Center (SLSC), and the Montshire Museum of Science (MM) in Vermont. The project also coordinated some programming
TEAM MEMBERS: Judah Leblang Joan Karp TERC Inc Jodi Sandler
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Our Year 3 formative evaluation of Go Botany, a four-year NSF-funded project focused on botanical learning, centered on tracking the continued development and the launch of the Go Botany Simple Key, which contains botanical data on more than 1200 native plants in the New England region. The project is a collaboration between the New England Wild Flower Society and three partnering institutions: The Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, VT; The Chewonki Foundation in Wiscasset, Maine; and the Yale Peabody Museum on Natural History in New Haven, CT. During Year 3, the Go Botany Simple Key was
TEAM MEMBERS: Judah Leblang New England Wild Flower Society
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In October 2009, the Tennessee Aquarium began an ambitious program, Connecting Tennessee to the World Ocean (CTWO), funded by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CTWO consists of several individual projects, all intended to increase the ocean literacy of Aquarium audiences and to promote their adoption of an ocean stewardship ethic. This evaluation report summarizes the extent to which the Aquarium accomplished these goals over the 3-year project period. The five project components and their key associated evaluation findings follow. 1. Classroom-based activities
TEAM MEMBERS: Christopher Horne Tennessee Aquarium
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Great Immensity is a play with music created by the New York-based theater company, The Civilians. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), this production explores humans' relationship to the environment focusing on critical issues of conservation and climate change. It premiered at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre (KC Rep) from February 17 through March 18, 2012. This summative evaluation employs the Framework for Evaluating Impacts of Informal Science Education Projects (Friedman 2008) to assess the play and its ancillary programs' impact on adult and student audiences
TEAM MEMBERS: Ellen Giusti The Civilians
resource evaluation Media and Technology
This is a mid-term analysis of the on-line user survey and the URCHIN usage data.
TEAM MEMBERS: Magdalena Rood University of Texas at Austin
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Overall, film viewers and Web site visitors responded positively to the project. Audiences of the film said they were encouraged by and learned the most about the personal stories of amateur astronomers contributing to scientific discovery and were impressed with the visuals presented in the film. Web site visitors consistently liked the design of the site and particularly enjoyed images and tools for viewing the night sky. Study participants said they would encourage further development of the project. They said that while the current design may exclude those who do not already have an
TEAM MEMBERS: Saul Rockman ClockDrive Productions
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The web site is a resource for researchers working in the field of informal science and provides access to information linking researchers with one another and to member-contributed resources. Through use of the web site resources such as member projects, publications, and evaluation reports, users have opportunities to develop social and human capital. This report analyzes the value of in supporting participants in the community as they navigate and advance the changing field of informal science education (ISE) research. In addition, we identify
TEAM MEMBERS: Julie Remold Judi Fusco Bill Penuel Patricia Shank Mingyu Feng Vera Michalchik University of Pittsburgh
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In 2011, ORG received a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to develop resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning by redesigning and expanding the "Jonathan Bird's Blue World" website; adding components to enable teachers and students to search episodes for specific themes, locations, or scientific concepts; and enhancing the lesson plans to explicitly match the content standards for teaching science. One of the major grant objectives was to make the "Jonathan Bird's Blue World" website content widely accessible as an open source via an Internet
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen Oceanic Research Group
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Frozen Planet is a seven-episode prime time television series, with a complementary interactive website, co-produced by the BBC and the Discovery Channel. Through high-definition "blue chip" visuals, the series aimed to increase awareness and understanding about the natural world. The goal of GRG's summative evaluation was to assess the overall influence of the series and website on TV viewers and web visitors. In accord with the Discovery Channel team's hope that Frozen Planet would change hearts and minds of its audience, GRG designed an evaluation to examine the effects of exposure to
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Bachrach Discovery Channel Markeisha Grant Irene F Goodman
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In an effort to prepare female high school students for a college curriculum and achieve gender parity in the engineering industry, WGBH has developed an initiative entitled, Engineer Your Life (EYL). The initiative is targeted toward female high school students, career counselors/educators, and professional engineers. It is designed to: 1) increase these target audiences' understanding of engineering, 2) inspire young women to explore engineering as a career option and 3) help adults encourage young women to investigate engineering opportunities. One component of this initiative involves
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen WGBH
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In 2008, the WGBH Educational Foundation, along with the Association of Computing Machinery, was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, under the Broadening Participation in Computing Program (NSF 0753686). The purpose of the grant was to develop a major new initiative to reshape the image of computing among college-bound high school students. Based on its market research results, WGBH developed a website and other resources that were intended for use by teachers, parents and students. Concord Evaluation Group
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen WGBH