Frozen Planet is a seven-episode prime time television series, with a complementary interactive website, co-produced by the BBC and the Discovery Channel. Through high-definition "blue chip" visuals, the series aimed to increase awareness and understanding about the natural world. The goal of GRG's summative evaluation was to assess the overall influence of the series and website on TV viewers and web visitors. In accord with the Discovery Channel team's hope that Frozen Planet would change hearts and minds of its audience, GRG designed an evaluation to examine the effects of exposure to Frozen Planet on participants' affect, cognition, and behavior. GRG conducted a national viewer study of 82 participants who completed online surveys before and after viewing at least three and up to all seven Frozen Planet episodes. GRG also developed and launched a survey of the Frozen Planet website. In all, 1,912 visitors to the Frozen Planet website over the broadcast period completed the online survey. All evaluation participants commented on their exposure to the various Frozen Planet resources (i.e., series, website features, social media sites), and described outcomes of use of the program overall. Frozen Planet appealed to a wide audience including those with a range of knowledge and interests in science research and environmental issues. The audience was inspired to seek out more information, learn about ways to get involved, and to encourage others to do the same.
Associated Projects
Discovery Channel
Markeisha Grant
Goodman Research Group, Inc.
Funding Program:
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