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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Public Programs
This paper was presented at the 10th International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST-10). The authors conducted a survey to lay the groundwork for a national survey to determine the relative importance of science communication to university scientists and engineers, to reveal what factors facilitate or impede communication of science to the non-specialist public on communicating their research, and to provide evidence to substantiate where resources should be targeted and to help develop programming for innovative and effective public engagement.
TEAM MEMBERS: Susi Sturzenegger-Varvayanis Gina Eosco Sara Ball Kelvin Lee Megan Halpern Bruce Lewenstein
resource research Public Programs
If the science research and education community is to increase the number and degree of commitment of scientists who participate in public engagement activities, we must understand their perceptions of values, obstacles, and incentives in the science academic environment. This document contains a preliminary distillation of the results of two surveys (2012, 2014) that begins the process of understanding attitudes of science academics and science administrators.
TEAM MEMBERS: Nalini Nadkarni
resource research Public Programs
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. It describes a project that uses youth and community programs to promote freshwater literacy and water conservation.
TEAM MEMBERS: Pacifc Resources for Education and Learning Ethan Allen
resource research Public Programs
Today, most scientific institutions acknowledge the importance of opening the so-called "ivory tower" of academic research through popularization, industrial innovation or teaching. However, little is known about the actual openness of scientific institutions and how their proclaimed priorities translate into concrete measures. This paper helps getting an idea on the actual practices by studying three key points: the proportion of researchers who are active in dissemination, the academic productivity of these active scientists, and the institutional recognition of their activity in terms of
TEAM MEMBERS: Pablo Jensen Jean-Baptiste Rouquier Pablo Kreimer Yves Croissant
resource research Public Programs
This poster about attitudes toward science communication was presented at the American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco. (Abstract #ED51C-0768)
TEAM MEMBERS: Bruce Lewenstein Ayelet Baram-Tsabari
resource research Public Programs
This is a poster that was presented at the 2014 AISL PI meeting in Washington, DC. It describes a project that takes advantage of the charismatic nature of arachnids to engage the public in scientific inquiry, dialogue, and exploration.
TEAM MEMBERS: University of Nebraska Lincoln Eileen Hebets
resource research Media and Technology
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting held in Washington, DC. It describes a project that uses museum-based exhibits, girls' activity groups, and social media to enhance participants' engineering-related interests and identities.
resource research Public Programs
This paper discusses three case studies – an exhibition on biodiversity, a hotel water conservation program, and a partnership between a nature center and urban public schools – to establish parameters for designing learning experiences that accommodate the varied worldviews and attitudes of learners. Positive outcomes occurred in all three cases, but could best be interpreted if sub-samples of participants were distinguished based on their readiness to embrace conservation messages. The studies demonstrated the limitations of narrowly defined learning outcomes as benchmarks for success or
resource research Media and Technology
This poster presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting describes a project that uses out-of-home (OHM) media to improve the public understanding of science. It features multimedia installations located in public spaces such as Boston's T.
TEAM MEMBERS: David Lustick
resource project Media and Technology
Following on the outcomes of an NSF-funded conference to this project's principal investigator, a team of educators, scientists, and communication experts from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, University of Massachusetts Boston, Hofstra University, the Boston Museum of Science and other professionals is implementing a full-scale development project to investigate the impact of an Out-of-Home Multi-Media (OHMM) exhibit on adults riding Boston's subway system (the "T"). The project's goal is to design, implement, and study the efficacy of an OHMM model for free-choice science learning about our changing climate. A rotating exhibit of twelve specially designed placards, posters, as well as virtual, web-based learning resources linked to the exhibit content will potentially engage over 420,000 adult riders per day along two of the T's four lines. Wireless access throughout light rail systems and the rise of smart phones represent a confluence of factors making an innovative form of engagement possible. The work is positioned to test this new model for informal science education and potentially could be expanded in Boston and into other cities around the country.
TEAM MEMBERS: David Lustick David Rabkin Jill Lohmeier Rick Wilson
resource research Public Programs
This poster from the 2014 AISL PI Meeting describes the Indianapolis/City as a Living Laboratory project, a city-wide civic collaboration engaging in cross-sector research that builds on prior research in informal science learning in public settings. It focuses on creating place-based science learning experiences in public settings.
resource research Public Programs
This poster from the 2014 AISL PI Meeting describes a project in Maine to derive and develop an educational model for informal science learning in rural areas where ISE venues are nonexistent.
TEAM MEMBERS: Laurie Larsen