The First Synthesis Meeting was held in January 2008, at the front end of the Portal to the Public grant period. For this meeting, forty-three experts, stakeholders and members of the project team came together at Pacific Science Center for two days of dialog and reflection. Participants brought diverse knowledge and experience, and represented public, research scientist and informal science education perspectives. The First Synthesis Meeting's goal was to facilitate in-depth conversation to identify current initiatives, best practices, and future directions regarding activities in the field
The analysis contained in this report was prepared for the CAISE Convening on Broader Impacts & ISE. The report summarizes interviews with researchers in STEM subjects who were asked about: 1) their perceptions about broader impacts, 2) the planning and process that researchers undertake for broader impacts activities, 3) the resources and supports that currently exist and that researchers would like to exist for broader impacts activities, and 4) how the informal science education field might "market" itself as a potential place to find partners or venues for doing broader impacts activities
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) will develop and test a new model of informal science education professional development to help small museums increase the public's knowledge and interest in astronomy. The lead collaborators in addition to ASP are the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) and the Association of Science Technology Centers (ASTC). The project deliverables include 1) workshops for approximately 240 informal science education (ISE) practitioners in 180 small ISE institutions delivered both on-site and through distance learning 2) hands-on astronomy activity toolkits and 3) an on-going "community of practice" network. The project development team includes representatives from small ISE institutions (Randall Museum, CA; Lakeview Museum of Arts and Science, IL; Stamford Museum & Nature Center, CT) as well as others. This project has the potential for making a strategic impact on the ISE field with its research on the use of distance learning compared to on-site professional development workshops
The Global Soundscapes! Big Data, Big Screens, Open Ears Project uses the new science of soundscape ecology to design a variety of informal science learning experiences that engage participants through acoustic discovery Soundscape ecology is an interdisciplinary science that studies how humans relate to place through sound and how humans influence the environment through the alteration of natural sound composition. The project includes: (1) an interface to the NSF-funded Global Sustainable Soundscapes Network, which includes 12 universities around the world; (2) sound-based learning experiences targeting middle-school students (grades 5-8), visually impaired and urban students, and the general public; and (3) professional development for informal science educators. Project educational components include: the first interactive, sound-based digital theater experience; hands-on Your Ecosystem Listening Labs (YELLS), a 1-2 day program for school classes and out-of school groups; a soundscape database that will assist researchers in developing a soundscape Big Database; and iListen, a virtual online portal for learning and discovery about soundscape. The project team includes Purdue-based researchers involved in soundscape and other ecological research; Foxfire Interactive, an award-winning educational media company; science museum partners with digital theaters; the National Audubon Society and its national network of field stations; the Perkins School for the Blind; and Multimedia Research (as the external evaluator).
In this article, VSA President Deborah Perry presents an overview of the work of the Visitor Studies Association over the previous few months. Topics include the Executive Committee, Conference Committee, resource development, Board development, professional development, and publications.
In this article, VSA President Mary Ellen Munley reflects on the "homecoming" she experienced at the past VSA annual conference in Columbus as well as the value of VSA activities.
Mary Ellen Munley
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this article, Ross J. Loomis of Colorado State University discusses the significance of the Visitor Studies Conference in Ottawa as well as the regular presentations on visitor research at the American Association of Museums national meetings. Loomis also outlines agenda items for the newly created Visitor Studies Association and future Visitor Studies Conferences.
Ross J. Loomis
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this paper, Lois H. Silverman of Indiana University examines visitor studies teaching and training needs. Silverman summarizes discussions and recommendations formed during a forum on this topic at a recent VSA conference.
Lois H. Silverman
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this paper, Harris H. Shettel, evaluation consultant, examines the "Professional Standards for the Practice of Visitor Research and Evaluation in Museums" approved by the AAM Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation or CARE. Shettel specifically comments on Section II that deals with the competencies required by visitor studies professionals. Shettel argues that it is time to move away from generalities described in this document and move toward articulating practices proven useful over time.
Harris H. ShettelVisitor Studies Association
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this message from the President of VSA, Ross J. Loomis introduces this issue of "Visitor Studies Today!" and discusses a few relevant topics including student involvement in visitor studies and VSA housekeeping items (conference, committee nominations).
Ross Loomis
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this article, Ellen Giusti, exhibition evaluator at AMNH and the AAM Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation (CARE) Chair, discusses proceedings from the 1999 Annual AAM National Program Committee Meeting in Cleveland as well as plans for next meeting and updates on AAM organizational issues.
In this note from the editor of "Visitor Studies Today!", Kris Morrissey introduces the issue with an update on the annual VSA conference. Morrissey also discusses two new columns in the issue: one on thoughts and experiences with the processes or products of evaluation and one on technology.