In this article, Harris H. Shettel provides a critique of the 51% Solution, describing some of his concerns in detail. Shettel presents counterarguments to Beverly Serrell's support of the approach.
Harris H. ShettelVisitor Studies Association
This article is a summary of a 1994 paper entitled, "Looking Back at Summative Evaluation" by Jeff Hayward and Ross Loomis, and refers to the discussion they led at the 1994 Visitor Studies Conference in Raleigh, NC. The discussion served to provide a meta-analysis of summative evaluation.
Jeff HaywordRoss LoomisVisitor Studies Association
In this article, Beverly Serrell of Serrell & Associates proposes a type of standardized summative evaluation that sets criteria for determining the success of an exhibition. Serrell outlines her support of the "51% Solution."
In this article, Stephen Bitgood and Arlene Benefield, both of the Center for Social Design at Jacksonville State University, present a critical appraisal of "The Heart Exhibition" which was set to undergo changes at the Franklin Institute of Science. This critical appraisal differs from an objective evaluation in that it is based on the opinions of the visitor experts (Bitgood and Benefield). The authors provide analysis and recommendations for each element of the exhibition.
In this article, Stephen Bitgood, of Jacksonville State University, discusses summative evaluation and explains what comprises an effective summative evaluation. Specifically, Bitgood presents criteria for summative evaluation measurement stystems.
In 1984, to begin addressing the issue of long-term learning in museums, [the authors] initiated a series of museum recollection studies. At the time, it seemed critical to understand memories of museums more broadly, to investigate their components, saliency, and persistence, both soon after the experience and long after. [They] began with a series of open-ended, ethnographic-style interviews, conducting the first 11 over a period fo two years. These early interviews proved so interesting and useful that [they] have continued to build on this line of research, as have many others. What does
This study investigated variables that influence the utilization of museums by African Americans. A sample of 333 African Americans from six Eastern U.S. communities were interviewed at home about their leisure activities; particularly, their use of museum-like settings. Key variables that influenced museum visits were income, education, the community in which individuals lived, childhood experiences and participation in church-related activities. Although SES, cultural differences and latent racism impacted present-day African American use/non-use of museums, historic patterns of museum use
Institute for Learning InnovationJohn H Falk
This landmark publication identifies strategies for determining the extent and content of museum learning and the visitor experience. Takes into account prior knowledge and experience; subsequent, reinforcing experiences; motivation and attitudes; culture and background; social mediation; design and representation; and the physical setting. Includes possible measurement techniques for the museum context, and recommendations for future research in museum training.
The Exploratorium is developing a model program that demonstrates the vital role science museum exhibits can play in supporting formal science education reform. The development of exhibitions and enhancement activities is based on the Science Framework for California Public Schools and the emerging National Science Education Standards. The project includes: A series of four museum exhibitions (with a total of 60 exhibits) based on the Science Framework themes of Patterns of Change, Stability, Scale and Structure, and Systems and Interactions Publications (Exhibit Guides and Pathways) for each collection A series of workshops and evening events for teachers, families and students A symposium, video and Internet resource for museum and education professionals An important feature is an information desk and resource kiosk to inform teachers, parents and the general public about science education reform efforts. The project aims at 5,000 teachers, 32,000 parents and caregivers, 140,000 students and 1,320,000 members of the general public.
New and developing science centers make up a significant percentage of ASTC membership. They often have limited funds, facilities, exhibits, education programs and experience developing and operating a science center. These institutions desire ready-to-use exhibits, demonstrations and education materials, as well as management workshops concerning the basic operation of a science center. This project proposes the formation of a Science Carnival Consortia, a partnership of the Pacific Science Center and five to eight new and developing science centers. Building on the success of the Pacific Science Center's Science Carnival, Consortia members: (1) Obtain twenty to forty Science Carnival exhibits (2) Obtain six ready-to-use demonstrations (3) Obtain supplementary education materials (4) Obtain appropriate training regarding the implementation and maintenance of the above items (5) Participate in a week long management workshop at the Pacific Science Center (6) Receive ongoing consultation with Pacific Science Center Staff (7) Participate in three annual meetings of Consortia members The project also produces a Science Carnival "cookbook" which provides instructional for fabricating and maintaining all exhibits in Science Carnival, plus scripts and material lists for each demonstration, and enrichment class. The project also evaluates the success of this model for serving other new and developing science centers.
The National Zoological Park, a component of the Smithsonian Institution, proposes transforming three traditional zoo exhibit buildings into centers for informal science learning. Based on current knowledge about learning, the proposed project will feature interactive elements as well as the greater use of human interpreters to help visitors examine animals, handle objects and play games. The project is to be a collaborative effort by the National Zoological Park, the Dallas Zoo and Zoo Atlanta, with the National Zoo developing the materials and making and shipping copies to Dallas and Atlanta as centers for tryout and evaluation, with the results of the studies going to other zoos in way of encouraging them of the importance of interactive science education.
Judith WhiteJames MurphyDale MarcelliniJeffrey Swanagan
The Exploratorium seeks support for a program designed to help approximately twelve new or expanding U.S. museums acquire quality, educationally provern interactive exhibits. Over a thirty-six month period, two groups of museums will work with the Exploratorium to select and produce an individualized set of exhibits. The museums will dedicate staff to participate in the exhibit production process, as well as in the development of exhibit-based educational programs. The production cost of the exhibits will be shared on a fifty/fifty basis, with NSF's portion being matched by funds raised independently by the participating museums. Participant museums will be able to acquire stimulating and proven exhibits at half cost, and make use of the Exploratorium's exhibit construction shops, staff and other resources in developing educational programs and materials that complement their chosen exhibit set. It is expected that each participants will receive between fourteen and twenty-four exhibits. The program will repeat, to include another six institutions, in the second eighteen months. Participants will select exhibits in an initial one week visit to the Exploratorium and then return for a minimum four-week period to assist in producing their exhibits. Participation staff, through their involvement with construction, will become conversant with their exhibits' technical and operational aspects. The program will give participants true hands-on training. In addition to individualized assistance, each participant museum will receive publications about exhibit construction and use, as well as a booklet that includes technical, maintenance, and educational information about their own exhibits.
Joe AnselRobert SemperThomas HumphreyRon HipschmanMartha Brown