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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Public Programs
The Meadowlands Environmental Center, reaching 60,000 members of the public annually, will develop test and implement the "Marsh Access" program." This project will identify and test appropriate assistive technologies and programmatic approaches engaging 5,000 adults from specific disability groups in outdoor field-based experiences in order to better support their engagement, to foster their interest in science and to improve their scientific literacy. One hundred professionals will participate in conferences and professional development around the implementation of these programmatic approaches and will create plans to implement similar programming in outdoor settings across the nation. Utilizing an accessible outdoor garden and trail in the marshes of the New Jersey Meadowlands, Ramapo College in partnership with the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, Spectrum for Living and the Adler Aphasia Center will identify and prototype kiosks and educational programming. Evaluation and program development will focus on identifying specific tools and approaches for engaging people with visual, hearing, mobility, mental/cognitive and age related disabilities. Data will be collected through observations, surveys and focus groups during a field testing process with groups of individuals from partner agencies over the three years of the program. Deliverables include two programmatic modules focusing on the science, natural history and ecology of the meadowlands, two multi media kiosks at points along the outdoor trail, a set of assistive technologies for use by public audiences in both facilitated and non facilitated experiences, and a set of program materials available to the public outlining the process and findings of the program.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jean Balutanski Angela Cristini Victoria Madden
resource project Public Programs
What's the BIG Idea? will infuse STEM content and concepts into librarians' practice in order to establish the public library as the site of ongoing, developmentally appropriate, standards-based STEM programming for young children and their families. This project will facilitate the infusion of STEM content and concepts into all aspects of library service -- programming, collections development, displays, newsletters, and bibliographies. Science educators and advisors will review and critique the project's STEM content. Building on prior NSF-funded projects, an experienced team of STEM developers and trainers will provide librarians with the content, skills and processes needed to stimulate innovative STEM thinking. Vermont Center for the Book (VCB) will train and equip librarians from three different library systems -- Houston, Texas, the Clinton-Essex-Franklin Library System in New York and statewide in Delaware. The strategic impact of this project is ongoing STEM programming for children and families in large, small, urban and rural libraries. VCB will investigate these questions, among others: How can the public library become a STEM learning center? What information, knowledge, training and materials do librarians need to infuse appropriate science and mathematics language and process skills into their practice and programming? Who are the community partners who can augment that effort? How can the answers to these questions be disseminated nationally? Innovation stems from: 1) STEM content to incorporate into their current practice and 2) skills and processes to create their own STEM programming. In addition, the results will be transferable to a wide range of libraries throughout the nation. The Intellectual Merit lies in augmenting librarians' current expertise so that they can incorporate STEM content and materials into all aspects of the library, a universal community resource. The Broader Impact lies in creating a body of content and approaches to programming that librarians all over the country can use to infuse mathematics and science language and content into their interactions with peers, children, families and the community. This will allow inquiry into what and how new informal STEM knowledge and practice can be effectively introduced into a variety of library settings.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sally Anderson Gregory DeFrancis
resource project Public Programs
The Wildlife Conservation Society will develop "Congo Gorilla Forest." This will be a 6.5 acre outdoor exhibit that will provide visitors with a realistic trip through a living Congo Ecosystem, ending in an arms-length observation of a colony of 30 Lowland Gorillas living in a natural setting. The science presented in this exhibit is based on much of the seminal research that has been carried out on the Congo Forest environment by scientists at the Zoo. During their trip visitors will be able to explore and develop their own insights into this dynamic ecosystem and at the end will be drawn into difficult conservation issues. The exhibit will include the Rain Forest Trail, Living Treasures of the Congo Gallery, Conservation Showcase and Theater, Great Apes Gallery, and the Conservation Choices Pavilion. In addition there will be a menu of complementary formal education materials to include parent workshops, teacher training activities, and instructional materials. Linkages have been made with the New York Urban Systemic Initiative and the formal education programs will complement the goals of this systemic initiative. Given the Zoo's location in the Bronx, given the Zoo's reputation as a leader in wildlife conservation, and given the Zoo's renewed commitment to quality visitor experience and learning activities, this exhibit will break new ground in the exhibition of animals and informal learning activities of visitors. It will have an impact on zoos throughout the world. They anticipate 750,000 visitors annually for the Congo Gorilla Forest.
TEAM MEMBERS: John Gwynne Annette Berkovits
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Informal learning in math, science, and technology is an increasingly important vehicle for educating the public. Throughout their lifetime, the average citizen will spend a much greater amount of time in informal learning environments than in school. For these efforts to continue without benefit of understanding, the dynamics of what makes informal learning experiences work, is a waste of valuable funding resources. Research Communications Ltd. (RCL) proposes an effort to investigate what has been learned about informal learning in math, science, and technology and to develop some directions for future research in this important area. The first step in the process would be to review the existing literature in the three primary areas of informal education for math, science, and technology: television/radio, community projects, and science museums and technology centers with a focus on evaluation studies that have shown what strategies have worked and those that have not. The outcome of this effort would be a comprehensive publication of what is currently known about informal learning research in math, science and technology.
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Crane Tom Birk
resource project Public Programs
The University Museum at the University of Arkansas is conducting preliminary planning for expansion of their 1994 pilot project entitled "Women in Science." During this planning phase, the staff will meet regularly with experts and teachers to design an exhibit about non-academic female scientists in Arkansas that will travel throughout Arkansas, outline a workshop for teachers that would help them encourage their female students to participate in math and science, and develop a program that enables female scientists to work with groups of students. At the end of the three and a half month planning stage, a final report will present a plan for the exhibition, gender workshop, and scientist program which identifies personnel, gives models/prototypes, and a budget for each facet of the proposed project.
TEAM MEMBERS: Nancy McCartney Gloria Young
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Exploratorium will develop an exhibit "Memory: A Biological Cognitive and Cultural Exploration" along with various complementary components. The primary objective of this project is to increase the public's awareness of the extent, importance, and nature of their everyday rememberings. Exploratorium staff will use an approach to memory, and cognition in general, that considers culture and cultural differences as essential to people's thinking and behavior. The exhibit area will be about 2000 sq ft in size and will consist of ten to twelve new activities and six revised interactive, interdisciplinary exhibits. Here visitors will have the opportunity to interact with the exhibits, researchers, scientists, artists, and other visitors, to explore the nature of memory and its effect on their lives. The exhibits will give visitors direct, experiential insight into the workings of their memories. Other major components of the project include multimedia presentations, printed materials, demonstrations, film programs and a symposium. A publication Memory and Perception will be a supplemental guide that can be used by teachers and students at the secondary level. It will address appropriate themes in the Science Framework for California Public Schools. Museum professionals, researchers, teachers, and evaluators will be invited to participate in a one- week symposium on Cognition in Science Centers. The purpose of the symposium is to develop a conceptual and practical model of what presenting cognition in an informal education setting means. A report will be published and broadly disseminated by professional museum organizations. It is estimated that the project will reach approximately 629,000 visitors annually which includes 69,000 students and 550 teachers.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sally Duensing Michael Pearce
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Museum of Life and Science will use this planning grant to bring together zoo, botanical garden, and science center professionals to a) assess the feasibility of an "interactive zoo," b) identify animals species that exhibit behaviors in a zoo environment that provide natural opportunities for related interactive exhibits, and c) generate a White Paper reviewing relevant exhibits in zoos and science centers and proposing design criteria for the interactive exhibits. The planning activities include: the development of a "White Paper" that will include a review of key research findings in developmental psychology and visitor behavior as they apply to playgrounds, zoos, and interactive exhibit environments, an overview of relevant exhibit techniques and technologies, and case studies of existing exhibits; a 2-day meeting to discuss the issues; and travel to exemplary museums, zoos, aquaria, and botanical gardens. These results will be used in the development of interactive exhibits in an outdoor setting included in the museum's Master Plan 2000. They have proposed the analogy of a field research station in their approach to learning in an outdoor setting. They envision three thematic "field stations": "Down to Earth," "Watery Worlds," and "Catch the Wind." The specific exhibit plans will be finalized after the completion of the planning grant. Although the Museum of Life and Science will be the primary beneficiary of this planning activity, the background information gathered, the issues discussed, and the critical appraisals will be relevant to other museums with and interested in developing exhibits in an out-of-door setting. The results will be broadly disseminated by means of publications and presentations at professional meetings.
TEAM MEMBERS: Thomas Krakauer
resource project Public Programs
The Pacific Science Center is requesting $800,000 over three and one-half years to develop a national model which would enable community agencies to incorporate science education into their programs. Through thirteen-week training programs, and developing Community Center Workshops, individuals from community organizations will acquire the skills necessary to become advocates and providers for science enrichment. A number of community-based organizations which serve primarily minority clients have agreed to collaborate with the Museum.
TEAM MEMBERS: Dennis Schatz
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Under the Small Grants for Exploratory Research Guidelines, the Association of Science-Technology Centers under the direction of Wendy Pollock and in cooperation with Lynn Dierking of Science Learning, Inc. will examine the literature, current methodology, and value of front-end studies in planning informal learning projects. The project "Front-End Studies: A Guidebook for Science Museums" will result in a publication available to a broad audience of practitioners developing informal learning programs. The objective of this work is to provide a resource that will encourage more extensive and fruitful use of front-end studies. Dissemination of results and abstracts of front-end study reports will also be posted on the ASTC Home Page. Research in science learning makes it clear that it is important for those who provide learning opportunities to begin with an understanding of what learners know, what they don't know, what misconceptions they may have, and what they are interested in learning. The more that the program design team understands about the learner, the stronger the learning activity. Unfortunately, not all informal educators realize the value of front-end studies and incorporate them in their program development protocols. The value of this research is to provide methodological guidance and research resources, along with clearly developed arguments, for practitioners interest in improving the conceptualization of the science learning activities.
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Pollock
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Louisville Science Center will develop "The World We Create", a 13,000 sq. ft. exhibit which will transform their second floor to an active learning environment where visitors can explore the simplest element of the creative process to the most sophisticated networks available to our society. The activities will be organized into five core exhibit areas: New Way Tunnel, Think Tank, Inventor's Garage, Chemistry Kitchen, and Tech World and will reinforce educational reform activities in math, science, problem- solving, team cooperation, and decision making. In addition to the large number of interactives, there is a substantial technology/telecommunications component known as the Tech Forum. This will serve at the home site for the Kentucky TeleLinking Network (KTLN). The educational objectives of the exhibit were developed under the guidance of prominent formal educators in the state and they address both the education reform goals of the state and national science and math standards. The exhibit has also been developed with direct participation of a number of private sector partners. It is an impressive community effort. The exhibit is scheduled to open in March, 1997.
TEAM MEMBERS: Theresa Mattei Gail Becker Amy Lowen
resource project Media and Technology
The project conducts action research to learn more about how different groups use technology in meaningful ways, develops approaches that significantly increase access for underrepresented groups, and proposes ways in which technology might be modified or redesigned to engage, address, and represent diverse populations. The project targets children and young people from groups underrepresented with technology, informal and formal educators, community groups and organizations, researchers, policymakers and funders, industry, and the public. Products include: a report on the state of access of underrepresented groups to technology; case studies; guides to increasing community access to technology; guidelines about how to be critical viewers, users, and makers of technology; report on the issues involved in producing diverse and equitable technology design; exemplars and ideas for diversifying technology design; suggestions for software publishers and industry; commissioned papers on issues of access and design for particular underrepresented groups; an agenda for action; and interactive World Wide Web site; and a popular press book that synthesizes the knowledge gained through this project.
TEAM MEMBERS: ellen wahl Yolanda George Eric Jolly Laura Jeffers Andres Henriquez
resource project Public Programs
The Massachusetts SSI (Project PALMS) will conduct this project in partnership with MITS (the Museum Institute for Teaching Science, Inc.) and will develop, demonstrate the effectiveness of, and disseminate a locally-driven model for parental involvement in mathematics, science, and technology education. The model builds on the SSI structure by starting with parents who are active in PALMS District Leadership Teams for Systemic Change (approximately 2900 parents). These parents will have opportunities for additional training with materials such as Project PRISM, EQUALS, AAAS, etc. These support the new State frameworks and assessments developed through he SSI, and are also in support of the high quality curriculum materials recommended for implementation in schools. Parents will then develop local plans for engaging other parents in their communities. Materials will be developed, including a manual on How to Build Coalitions to Engage Community Members in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Reform. In addition, materials will be developed and outreach activities will be conducted to include activities for parents and children (estimated to reach an additional 21,000 parents) held in nontraditional environments such as subways, laundromats, health clinics, and malls. Products will include a manual on building coalitions to engage communities in supporting mathematics and science reform, and a collection of field-tested prototype outreach activities. Findings will be disseminated through the Eisenhower Consortia, National PTA, Urban League, and National Council of La Raza.
TEAM MEMBERS: Thomas Noonan Mary Jane Schmitt Pendred Noyce