Currently, there are policy debates regarding the efficacy and legality of single sex formal and informal education programs. This issue is particularly poignant in science education due to the historical marginalization of women in these fields. This marginalization has resulted in women being positioned as a stigmatized group within many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related fields. Research points to adolescence as the age where this sense of marginalization begins to develop. As a result, policy responses have utilized various frameworks such as: increased access
This presentation from the January 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education examines identity formation in middle school science, presenting informal education programs as a way to change perceptions by exposing students to real scientists. The study focuses on middle school students' science identity formations before and after their participation in summer science camps.
This presentation from the August 2011 Colloquium on P-12 STEM Education Research focuses on two summer camps for middle school students. The study examines how the two programs affect student views and perceptions of scientists and engineers, how a single gender program compares to a co-educational program, and whether there are lessons to be learned for other informal agencies regarding the activities most likely to increase minority students' persistence in science and engineering.
In the fall of 2012, the California Department of Education's After School Division contracted with the California Afterschool Network (CAN) Quality Committee to recommend a set of clearly defined standards of program quality in California. This document outlines the twelve approved quality standards as guidance for California's expanded learning programs.
California Department of EducationCalifornia Afterschool Network
California's Expanded Learning programs are an integral part of young people's education, engaging them in year-round learning opportunities that prepare them for college, career, and life. This strategic plan was developed by the California Department of Education After School Division (ASD)in collaboration with K-12 educators, program practitioners, and support providers.
This article examines the literature on Native science in order to address the presumed binaries between formal and informal science learning and between Western and Native science. We situate this discussion within a larger discussion of culturally responsive schooling for Indigenous youth and the importance of Indigenous epistemologies and contextualized knowledges within Indigenous communities.
Bryan Mckinely Jones BrayboyAngelina Castagno
This study explores how activities developed by science experts in partnership with middle school teachers were employed and interpreted. The goals of this partnership were to (a) help the science teacher meet earth science content standards in new ways, (b) expose students to 'real world' experiences outside their school setting, and (c) positively impact teacher practice by providing a program to be used as a catalyst for future learning. Over 300 sixth graders mostly underrepresented science students attended activities at an aquarium serving an urban West Coast urban context. Science
The main objective of the CONNECT project is to develop an innovative pedagogical framework that attempts to blend formal and informal learning, proposing an educational reform to science teaching. The project will create a network of museums, science centres and schools across Europe, to develop, apply and evaluate learning schemes by pointing to a future hybrid classroom that builds on the strengths of formal and informal strategies. The proposed approach will impact upon the fields of instructional technology, educational systems design and museum education. It will explore the integration
Sofoklis SotiriouEleni ChatzichristouStavros SavasNikolaos OuzounoglouLynn DierkingSalmi Hannu SakariAvi HoffsteinSherman Rosenfeld
In the past decade, we have seen an increased focus on measuring the impact of zoos, aquariums, and other free-choice learning environments on the conservation-related knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the visiting public. However, no such studies have been conducted on the impact of such environments on the staff working in these facilities – the very staff that in turn interact with the public on a daily basis. Clearly these interactions are recognized as being important; for example, the thousands of staff employed by Disney’s Animal Kingdom are regularly provided with conservation
Amy GroffDonna LockhartJacqueline OgdenLynn Dierking
Zoos and aquariums have shifted their focus over recent years, taking a much more active role in wildlife conservation and in promoting conservation learning among their visitors. Research in these settings provides a valuable foundation for the emerging field of non-captive wildlife tourism. In particular, valuable lessons regarding the potential impact of wildlife encounters on visitors' conservation attitudes and behaviour can be drawn from research in zoos and aquariums. This paper explores those aspects of wildlife encounters that appear to contribute most to conservation learning. These
R. BallantyneJ. PackerK. HughesLynn Dierking
Although educators widely use school gardens for experiential education, researchers have not systematically examined the evaluative literature on school-gardening outcomes. The author reviewed the U.S. literature on children’s gardening, taking into account potential effects, school-gardening outcomes, teacher evaluations of gardens as learning tools, and methodological issues. Quantitative studies showed positive outcomes of school-gardening initiatives in the areas of science achievement and food behavior, but they did not demonstrate that children’s environmental attitude or social
This article explores the roots of the citizen science movement. It uses several ongoing projects as examples, including the Audubon's Christmas Bird Count, research into bee colony collapse, and nanotechnology programs. The article concludes by providing guidance for the development of future citizen science projects, focusing on an increased dialogue between traditional and informal science education.
Michael MuellerDeborah TippinsLynn Bryan