The Expanding Children’s Interest through Experiential Learning (EXCITE) Project will target K-8th students in expanded learning programs to increase ongoing NASA STEM informal education opportunities for organizations that serve primarily underrepresented and underserved student populations. The AERO Institute will leverage existing collaborations to build capacity of participating organizations in NASA inspired STEM activities. Major partners include Navajo Nation in Arizona, the Beyond the Bell branch of the Los Angeles Unified School District, and the Region 8 of the California After School Program housed in the Ventura County of Education. In addition, the EXCITE Learning Project plans to work with libraries to broaden the scope and impact of NASA’s Education materials and opportunities within underrepresented and underserved local communities. AERO Education specialists will train educators and librarians using the Train-the-Trainer approach. The training sessions will be filmed and made available online via the AERO website and its network on YouTube so that educators and librarians can refresh their understanding as needed.
Exoplanets Exploration is an interactive exhibition to explore exoplanets for the primary audience of students grades 5th through 12th with a secondary audience of younger children and adults. The exhibition is located in the astronomy wing of the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery (Dayton, Ohio). The project goals are to provide a STEM base for visitors from which to explore exoplanet discoveries; for them to have a basic understanding of exoplanet missions, instruments used in the discoveries, and the science knowledge necessary to understand the discoveries; to learn about the exoplanet discoveries through hands-on tactile, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic interactive exhibition components; and to challenge visitors to contemplate the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. Aspects of the exhibition are integrated into space-related programming by linking to school visits, Distance Learning programs, summer Discovery Camps, FIRST LEGO league, and homeschool programming. Components of the exhibition addresse relevant Ohio Academic Content Standards for Earth and Space Science and will evolve to incorporate new Next Generation Science Standards. With the STEM career information presented along with scientific learning, students will be able to visualize the possibilities that NASA and space science represents.
Engineering MISSION: Engineering for Middle School Science, Inspiration and Opportunity is a project that introduces the engineering design process and the field of engineering to upper elementary and middle school students. Led by the Museum of Science, Boston in partnership with the Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium and the Goddard Space Flight Center (MD), and in conjunction with the California Afterschool Network and Audience Viewpoints (VA), this collaboration introduces engineering through the lens of our quest for knowledge about the Earth, solar system, and universe as embodied in NASA missions of exploration and discovery.
The project’s goals are to increase awareness of the field of engineering, the engineering design process, and the work of engineers; to inspire the next generation of engineers through the exciting challenges of exploring the universe; and to offer professional development opportunities for informal and formal educators in support of this effort. Our evaluation informed decisions regarding the design, development, and effectiveness of this project’s efforts. Through this undertaking, the Museum of Science, in collaboration with its partners, significantly enhanced and promoted public awareness of professional opportunities in the STEM fields.
There were four resources created through this partnership: From Dream to Discovery: Inside NASA, an engineering-themed planetarium show featuring NASA’s missions to explore Earth and space; a collection of short-duration, space-engineering-themed visual assets for use in museums and schools; aeronautical and aerospace-themed out-of-school time activities from the Museum’s Engineering Adventures program; and two workshops for informal and formal educators. The planetarium show, visual assets, and out-of-school-time activities are all currently available for distribution.
Empowering the Next Generation of Explorers is a program that uses space science and technology to provide informal STEM education and STEM career inspiration for students in regional Head Start programs, as well as underrepresented/underserved student groups in schools with a high Native American student population. The program is run by the staff of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, the Official Visitor Center for NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The goal of Empowering the Next Generation of Explorers is to educate students about NASA’s overall mission, raise student interest and engagement in STEM subjects, and make students aware of STEM career opportunities. In 2012, 252 third through fifth grade students and 344 Head Start children participated in this program. Empowering the Next Generation of Explorers consists of an annual Native American Heritage Day and an annual Head Start Field Trip Day. On Native American Heritage Day, students participate in a guided field trip of the USSRC’s collection of space hardware and artifacts and take part in a hands-on STEM workshop, which includes elements from Native American Culture. Students also hear about the past, present and future of Native Americans in NASA programs, talk with Native American employees of MSFC, and watch a presentation on Native American culture. Head Start Day consists of a guided tour of the USSRC, including hands-on STEM-based activities for pre-K students about NASA’s current missions, like the Mars Curiosity Rover.
The Discover Aeronautics and Aerospace Gallery (Discover) engages students, families and the general public in the STEM research that makes major accomplishments in space and aeronautics possible. Great Lakes Science Center, home of NASA Glenn Visitor Center, developed the gallery in collaboration with NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) to provide interactive learning opportunities, amazing NASA artifacts, and multimedia experiences that encourages them to discover more about STEM. The overarching project goal is to engage visitors in the important research of NASA GRC, and summative evaluation concluded that Discover is an immersive environment of interactive exhibits that increases visitors’ levels of knowledge about aeronautic and aerospace research. The Gallery successfully raises the profile of NASA GRC, and emphasizes the importance of research and experimentation for the challenges of flight – in the air and in space.
Discover is divided into mini-laboratory settings—Aeronautics Lab, Materials Lab, Rocket Lab and Power Lab—and the Discover Stage, an ideal environment for demonstrations, and presentations by astronauts and aerospace experts. When not in use for live productions, the stage hosts a video tour of NASA GRC’s impressive labs and test chambers. Visitors can experiment with a microgravity drop tower, plan a space mission, analyze slow-motion footage from a ballistic impact facility, see how motion and sound are affected by the vacuum of space, and more. Discover engages over 300,000 visitors a year in the STEM research necessary for flight. As part of the NASA Glenn Visitor Center, the Gallery exemplifies the Science Center’s dedication to sharing NASA content to inform, engage, and inspire students, educators, and the public. Discover immerses visitors in the exciting challenges and rewards of space exploration, and is a place of inspiration for tomorrow’s scientific leadership and workforce.
This report summarizes the content and shares ideas coming out of a convening organized in September, 2013 by the Alliance and The Henry Ford. Essays by educators, students, researchers and reformers explore how leaders from the worlds of education and museums can work together to integrate the nation’s assets into a Vibrant Learning Grid. Produced with the support of the Robert and Toni Bader Foundation.
Center for the Future of MuseumsElizabeth Merritt
Grounded in the informal science education experiences of our partners around the country, Every Hour Counts developed this resource guide to profile promising strategies to advance informal STEM learning. The guide features: (1) Core elements of the national Frontiers in Urban Science Exploration (FUSE) strategy. (2) Overview of the The After-School Corporation's FUSE strategy and lessons learned in working to bring ISE to scale. (3) Profiles of city and county-wide initiatives, through the lens of a few key strategies to build after-school systems: advocacy, brokering relationships, building
Science Club is an after school program created in partnership between Northwestern University and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago. Every week throughout the academic year, middle school youth (grades 5-8) work in small groups with their graduate student mentors on challenging, hands-on experiments. The six Science Club curricular modules cover topics ranging from biomedical engineering to food science, all with the goals of helping youth to 1) improve their understanding of the scientific method, 2) develop scientific habits of mind, and 3) increase their interest in STEM fields, particularly health-related careers. Science Club serves 60 youth every quarter with the help of 30 trained scientist mentors. Science Club meets three days a week at the Pedersen-McCormick Boys & Girls Club in Chicago, IL.
Hundreds of millions of youth and adults visit science centers across the world. Although science centers have long asserted that these visits play a critical role in supporting the science learning of the public, robust and unequivocal evidence is limited. The International Science Centre Impact Study (ISCIS), a consortium of 17 science centers in 13 countries under the direction of John H. Falk Research, was designed to empirically determine whether experiences at science centres correlated with a range of critical public science and technology literacy outcomes. Because of the complex and
Increasing evidence suggests that individuals develop their understanding of science concepts in and out of school, using varied community resources and networks. Thus in contrast to historic research approaches that focus exclusively on single organizations and/or educational events, the current paper presents exploratory research in which we utilized specific community ecology analytical tools and approaches to describe and analyze the UK science education community as a whole. Data suggest that overall the UK science education community is highly interconnected and collaborative within
STEM Integration in K-12 Education examines current efforts to connect the STEM disciplines in K-12 education. This report identifies and characterizes existing approaches to integrated STEM education, both in formal and after- and out-of-school settings. The report reviews the evidence for the impact of integrated approaches on various student outcomes, and it proposes a set of priority research questions to advance the understanding of integrated STEM education. STEM Integration in K-12 Education proposes a framework to provide a common perspective and vocabulary for researchers
National Research CouncilMargaret HoneyGreg PearsonHeidi Schweingruber
The 4-H youth development organization is a complex public–private partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the nation’s Cooperative Extension system and National 4-H Council, a private, nonprofit partner. The current article is focused on a partnership approach to the evaluation of a national 4-H Science initiative that engaged both internal and external evaluators as well as key stakeholders. While external evaluators are valued for their relative lack of bias and independence, internal evaluation has been the predominant strategy
Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the National 4-H CouncilSuzanne Le MenestrelJill WalahoskiMonica Mielke