This pathways project will study how audiences in public spaces, in this case those in a museum setting, relate to and make sense of large data displays. The project is preliminary to development of a traveling, hands-on exhibition enabling users to create and utilize representations of big data displays such as maps and charts. As the test case, the project will use science maps that provide an overview of science generally and specific areas of STEM, charting and exploring the history and future of science and technology. The data collection portion of the project will take place at the New York Hall of Science, the Marian Koshland Science Museum, COSI in Columbus, Ohio, and WonderLab Museum in Bloomington, Indiana. The project will create a foundation for the design of museum exhibits and educational programs that teach museum visitors how to explore, engage and make better sense of big data. The project is potentially transformative because big data is becoming ubiquitous and making sense out of large data displays is necessary in order to understand big data sets.
This multiplatform media and science center project is designed to engage audiences in humanity's deepest questions like the nature of love, reality, time and death in both scientific and humanistic terms. Project deliverables include 5 hour-long radio programs for broadcast on NPR stations, public events/museum exhibits at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, kiosks in venues throughout the city, and a social media engagement campaign. The audience of the project is large and diverse using mass media and the internet. But the project will specifically target young, online, and minority audiences using various strategies. The project is designed to help a diverse audience understand the impact of new scientific developments as well as the basic science, technology, engineering and math needed to be responsible, informed citizens. Innovative elements of the project include the unique format of the radio programs that explore complex topics in an engaging and compelling way, the visitor engagement strategy at the Exploratorium, and the social media strategy that reaches niche audiences who might never listen to the radio broadcasts, but find the podcasts and blogs engaging. The Exploratorium will be opening a new building in 2013 and will include exhibits and programs that are testing grounds for this project. This is a new model that aligns the radio content with exhibitions, social media, and in person events at the Exploratorium, providing a unique holistic approach. The project is designed to inspire people to think and talk about science and want to find out more. The evaluation will measure the impacts on the targeted audiences reached by each of the key delivery methods. Data will be collected using focus groups; intercept interviews with people in public places, and longitudinal panels. The focus will be on 5 targeted audiences (young adults, families with children, non-NPR listeners, underrepresented minorities, and adults without college experience). This comprehensive evaluation will likely contribute important knowledge to the field based on this multiple-platform collaborative model.
The project "Microetching of the Human Brain" endeavors to create the most comprehensive illustration of the human brain that has ever existed. Investigators will utilize reflective microetching, a process combining mathematics and optics to create an art piece that evolves based on the position of the viewer. Microetching allows the depiction of very complex brain activity at incredibly fine detail. The final piece will be a wall-sized piece of fine art experienced by a diverse population of thousands daily at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Additionally, this project is an educational opportunity for undergraduate students through direct involvement in the creation of the piece. As this project spans many scientific and artistic disciplines, students will be given an opportunity to learn about fields apart from their own, to broaden their skill set, and to learn how to communicate scientific concepts effectively. This project is a collaboration between neuroscientists, engineers, physicists, and artists to address the question of whether art can be used in the dissemination of scientific understanding to new audiences in a way that gives a visceral sense of the underlying concepts. The human brain is massively complex and challenging to portray clearly. Conveying a sense of its complexity through art may inspire an interest in the brain's scientific content and inspire a new generation of neuroscientists. To produce a piece of fine art capable of sufficient detail to depict the brain at near full complexity, the piece will be executed by a technique called reflective microetching. Microetching is a high-resolution lithographic process that patterns a microtopography of periodic ridges into the surface. These ridges are engineered to reflect a point-source illumination toward a viewer when standing at a specific angle relative to the painting. Similar to darkfield microscopy, this can yield incredibly fine detail. Additionally, the angular dependence of the light adds an extra dimension that can be used to convey time, depth, or motion as the viewer walks past. The piece will feature neurons, glia, vasculature, white and gray matter, and reflectively animated circuit dynamics between areas of the brain corresponding to neural processes involved in visual self-recognition. This will infuse the piece with additional meaning, as the circuits activated within viewers' brains will be the same that are depicted in the artwork.
The Exhibit Designs for Girls' Engagement (EDGE) PI poster provides the background for the research, the research questions, the steps we are taking to answer those questions, our audience and deliverables, and the challenges we've faced in the first year.
ExploratoriumToni DancstepVeronica Garcia-Luis
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. Using STEM America (USA) is a two-year Pathways project designed to examine the feasibility of using informal STEM learning opportunities to improve science literacy among English Language Learner (ELL) students in Imperial County, California.
This is a poster presented at 2014 AISL PI Meeting on the project, Researching the Value of Educator Actions on Learning (REVEAL), DRL# 1321666. REVEAL Goals Develop a theoretical understanding of staff-mediated mathematical discourse at exhibits Better understand how museum educators and exhibits can foster families’ engagement in mathematical discourse related to algebraic thinking. REVEAL uses a two-phase research design to study and measure the impact of staff facilitation on museum mathematical discourse at exhibits and identify factors that influence the outcomes of these interactions
This poster was presented at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. It describes a project designed to increase informal learning opportunities for blind youth in STEM.
National Federation of the BlindMark Riccobono
STEMtastic: NASA in Our Community is a two-year project designed to educate and inspire teachers, students and life-long learners to embrace NASA STEM content. The project will increase awareness of NASA activities, while educating and inspiring students to train for careers that are critical to future economic growth of the country in general, and NASA’s future missions in particular. The Virginia Air & Space Center (VASC) will partner with the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc. to accomplish this project. VASC will deliver NASA STEM content through (1) STEMtastic Teacher Institutes and Education Modules: (a) a series of two five-day professional development institutes for educators which will result in the (b) development and dissemination of new education modules for grades 4-9; and (2) STEMtastic Exhibits and Demonstrations: new interactive exhibits to used for live demonstrations at VASC; those demonstrations will also be delivered to traditionally underserved schools in the region. All classroom and teaching materials—educator institutes, education modules, exhibit software and demonstration modules—will be developed using NASA content and shared with other institutions to promote the expansion of knowledge about best practices in providing STEM education in both formal and informal education settings. STEMevals, a robust evaluation plan, will be implemented to assess success in each project area. Adjustments will be made along the pipeline to increase effectiveness in reaching the target audience. The project has the potential to reach countless educators, students and museum visitors throughout the U.S."
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM) programs in out-of-school time (OST) are designed to supplement school work, ignite student interest, and extend STEM learning. From interactive museum exhibits to summer-long science camps, opportunities for informal student engagement in STEM learning abound. What difference do these programs make, and how can we improve them? These questions preoccupy educators and funders alike. OST program developers and providers can benefit from understanding why evaluation is critical to the success of STEM OST programs, what data collection
This three-year research project will study the impact of science center staff facilitation strategies in the area of mathematics learning in a museum exhibit environment. The three main deliverables are: (1) Iteratively developing and refining a theoretical model of how staff facilitation can deepen and extend family mathematical discourse at interactive exhibits; (2) Rigorously testing key components of this model, including the relationship between staff facilitation and the nature of family mathematical discourse; and (3) Providing evidence and research-based tools to support PD efforts for informal STEM educators. The project will leverage the success of the NSF-funded Access Algebra project (DRL-0714634) to advance the field's understanding of socially mediated, informal math learning and identify effective, evidence-based facilitation approaches. The project's research will build from theoretical notion of sociomathematical norms (Yackel & Cobb, 1996), which is currently based on classroom research. A key element of the project will be to determine whether and how, the norms can be applied to informal learning environments. The first phase of the project begins with a qualitative, design-based research (DBR) study to develop a theoretical model of staff-facilitated family math learning, including staff facilitation strategies that support family mathematical discourse and contextual factors that influence that discourse. In the second phase of the project, the team will use an experimental approach to rigorously test the staff facilitation model developed during Phase 1. This mixed-method design will allow the team to both study the complexities of informal math learning and rigorously test causal connections between staff facilitation and the level of family math discourse. Finally, the project staff will provide tools to support PD efforts for informal STEM educators across the country.
This research project led by the Exploratorium will use a combination of tracking and timing, cluster analysis, and focus groups to seek to answer the research question: To what extent and in what ways do female-responsive designs more effectively engage girls at STEM exhibits? This project addresses the need for more research in this area by pioneering the study of potential female-responsive design (FRD) principles for exhibits across a wide variety of STEM topics and exhibit types. This project includes four phases that will build from the work of the PI that developed an initial Female-Responsive Design (FRD) Framework regarding female engagement and learning in STEM -- based on extensive literature review and practitioner interviews. This project will expand on and validate this FRD Framework, with the ultimate goal of having a set of criteria for female-responsive designs (FRD) that effectively engage girls at STEM exhibits. The four phases of the research project are: Phase 1: Track 1000 boys and girls across three institutions using over 300 physics, engineering, and math exhibits to identify which exhibits engage boys and girls equally, and which are less engaging for girls. Phase 2: A panel of experts and girl advisors identify additional female-responsive design principles, expanding on those identified to date in literature and practice. Phase 3: Combining results from the first two phases, the third phase employs statistical analyses to reveal the most effective combinations of design principles for engaging girls across a variety of exhibits. Phase 4: This qualitative phase conducts focus groups with girls to explore how the final FRD Framework works to better engage them, and how their learning differs at exhibits that exemplify the principles in the Framework.
This grant supports a workshop focused on catalyzing STEM education R & D in Sri Lanka and in the U.S. through networking and international collaboration. The workshop is a collaboration of the US Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) and the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. Its focus is for ASTC to share its wealth of expertise with Sri Lanka in the creation of a science center in Colombo that will engage its people in an accessible science-learning environment and provide its youth with grounding in the scientific concepts and practices. The three day workshop to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, will engage these experts in the discussion and co-creation of a plan for a science center to be built in Sri Lanka, and to consider how to develop an ongoing relationship between informal STEM educators in the US and STEM educators in Sri Lanka. The workshop will cover subjects critical to the development of an effective and successful science center, including: (1) Inquiry-based learning and the development of effective exhibits and programs, (2) Evaluation tools and techniques, (3) Local scientific knowledge and expertise that can influence planning and programing, (4) Developing effective outreach programs, (5) Public Engagement with science and society issues, and (6) Managing a science center. While using the development of the science center as a focus for the meeting, the workshop will also initiate discussions between STEM educators in the South Asia region and the United States, with the goal of developing a long-term relationship between STEM educators in the South Asia region and the United States. One or more of the US speakers and the invited US doctoral student will explore and identify new research questions on STEM education and the role of science centers as a new model for improving human resource capacities in STEM in developing countries. The workshop outcome should also advance future international collaborations and inform efforts to serve immigrant populations from South Asia in the US. This award is designated as a Global Venture Fund Award and is being co-funded by NSF's Office of International Science and Engineering.