In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood discusses two misconceptions associated with signs that attempt to control visitor behavior. Bitgood cites findings from a study of three types of Do-Not-Feed signs at the Birmingham Zoo.
In this article, Ohio State University's Gary W. Mullins, Ph.D. discusses the importance of interpretation, a process of non-formal environmental education and visitor communication services in leisure settings, in understanding visitor behavior. Mullins cites several recent studies in this area and key findings related to better understanding the interpretive clientele.
This article discusses a 1988-1990 study that analyzed the effectiveness of a collaborative effort between a museum and a school system to build an integrated curriculum package. The partners included the York County School System (VA) and the Yorktown Victory Center (operated by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation). The theme of the curriculum was 18th Century Medicine and the unit was designed to enhance the science, math, and social studies instruction of fourth graders.
Ronald GieseJudy Davis-DorseyJoseph Gutierrez
In this article, researchers from Jacksonville State University and the Center for Social Design discuss a study that attempted to use questions as label-reading prompts in a new way. Questions were written on a sheet of paper and made available as a handout to visitors at the Birmingham Zoo and Anniston Museum of Natural History. The answers to the questions could be found in the exhibit labels.
Stephen BitgoodDonald PattersonArlene Benefield
In this article, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Don Thompson summarizes a portion of a dissertation research project that focuses on the relationship between people's educational background and their perceptions of exhibits. In particular, visitors were asked to rate photographs, under varying conditions, of exhibit objects (mounted animals) from the Anniston Museum of Natural History.
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Valerie Cox summarizes a 1991 paper in "Visitor Studies: Theory, Research & Practice," written by C. Vance and D. Schroeder. Cox summates findings from the researchers' investigation of linking visitor learning styles (based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) with exhibit types. The subjects of this study were visitors to the "Rain Forest: Exploring Life on Earth" exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood discusses visitor variables --how these variables influence other visitors and the visitation experience. This report focuses on findings from a study of attitudes toward animals conducted at the Birmingham Zoo. This study focused on the impact of particular variables, including education, gender, leisure reading and knowledge about the subject matter.
In this article, the Center for Social Design's Don Thompson summarizes a 1985 article written by E. Feher and K. Rice featured in "Curator." Feher and Rice suggest that the museum can be a valuable environment in which to study learning processes. Thompson describes key findings from the researchers' investigation of the role of naive, or preconcieved notions, on learning which takes place at museum exhibits. The researchers interviewed school children at two exhibits centered around the principles of light and vision.
In this article, Lynne M. Westphal of the USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, outlines discussions exploring the interactions between plant communities and people communities at a November 1992 symposium. The symposium aimed to assess current knowledge about the active involvement of people with plants and to clarify research needs that will lead to improved program management and information delivery.
In this article, Herbter W. Schroeder, of the USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, discusses a research study conducted at the Morton Arboretum (MA), which examined landscape preferences and meanings for a group of MA users. Schroeder interprets the findings of this study and makes recommendations for MA management and exhibit developers based on this research.
In this article, Marilyn G. Hood, Ph.D., of Hood Associates, discusses two year-long studies at major outdoor settings, which offer insights into the reasons why people choose to visit botanical gardens and arboretums and what they enjoy about these visits. Hood summarizes methods and key findings from theses four-season studies, which were conducted in 1987 at the Holden Arboretum (Mentor, Ohio) and in 1989 at the Chicago Botanic Garden (Glencoe, IL).
In this article, Jeff Hayward discusses the work of his evaluation group, People, Places & Design Research, in conducting visitor research at the New York Botanical Garden in the fall 1991 and spring 1992. Hayward shares key findings from this evaluation work and the institution's response to these findings. Hayward also includes technical details of the research studies.