This paper presents the methodology and findings of the formative and summative evaluation of the "Kongo Ranger Station" interactive interpretive displayed located in the new "Africa Rain Forest" exhibit at the Metro Washington Park Zoo. This display focuses on conservation, natural history and cultural issues in West and Central Africa.
In this paper, Margaret Marino of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History discusses methodology and findings of an extensive summative evaluation of the "Horse Tales--An Evolutionary Odyssey" exhibit. This permanent exhibition on the history, biomechanics and importance of the horse in the southwest premiered at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History before it was moved to the new Anne C. Stradling Museum of the Horse in Ruidoso, New Mexico. The appendix of this paper includes the observation forms and visitor survey used in the study.
This paper presents research methodology and findings from a formative evaluation of the "Habitat Africa! Thirsty Animal Trail" exhibit at the Brookfield Zoo. This exhibit intended to encourage visitors to imagine themselves as thirsty animals trying to gain access to a waterhole safely. The appendix of this paper includes copies of the interview protocol and the exit interview protocol.
This paper discusses the whole evaluation process and draws from a new communications evaluation program which covers live communication programs as well as exhibitions at Parks Canada, Quebec Region. This paper address the client's role and the evaluator's conduct: addressing a request, choosing a consultant, giving support, and applying results.
This paper presents an overview of methodology and findings from research that aimed to demonstrate, describe, and discuss actual cases of audience research conducted by museums with living collections (i.e. botanical gardens, arboreta, zoological parks, and aquaria). This research analyzes these museums' rationales for conducting evaluation studies, their chosen methods of implementation, the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen methods, and the consequences of the resulting data. The cumulative results of this research serve as a guide for professionals responsible for the operation of
This paper outlines findings from a 1990 survey conducted by the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (AAZPA), specifically related to the prevalence and value of teacher training programs at accredited AAZPA institutions.
This paper outlines the methodology and findings of a study that analyzed the effects of zoo-based educational approaches on the knowledge of, and attitude toward, wildlife conservation among Colombian fourth-grade students (9 to 11 years of age). The rationale behind the study was that direct experience, coupled with adequate preparation and reinforcement, should improve children's knowledge of, and attitudes toward wildlife.
Teresa Gutierrez de WhiteSusan K. Jacobson
This paper outlines the methodology and findings of a front-end evaluation conducted by staff at the Science Museum at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in preparation of opening a new Biodiversity Hall. Researchers surveyed junior high teachers and students to better understand this audience's attitudes about the environment, evolution, taxonomy, biodiversity, etc. as well as their general knowledge of these topics.
Silvia E. ZamoraSusana Lopez de LaraAdriana Bravo
In this paper, researchers from Colorado State University (CSU) discuss rising concern of public land managers, ranchers, and the general public about public lands grazing and the conflicts that arise between industry and recreation-seeking citizens. The authors present findings from a research project conducted under a cooperative agreement between the College of Natural Resources at CSU, the Grand Mesa/Uncompaghre National Forest, and the Rocky Mountain Forest Experiment Station. The first phase of this research was a visitor perception study conducted on the Big Cimarron Allotment in
This paper examines long term measures of self reported behavior changes after a visit to a botanic garden. These efforts analyze the effectiveness of botanic garden exhibits on focusing public attention on the issues of conservation. Key findings from a study at the "Endangered Island Plants" exhibit at the Chelsea Physic Garden are outlined.
In this paper, researchers at Colorado State University discuss the advantages of using Virtual Reality (VR) to promote science learning in museum environments. The authors define the four leading features of VR and human factors guidelines and show, from evaluation of Mead Diorama Hall at the Denver Museum of Natural History, how renovated exhibits fit the effective learning criteria which were developed through VR research. This paper will also present results, derived from methods used to study the immersion experience in museums, to demonstrate that the renovated museum Hall elicits an
Mark HarveyAndrej BirjulinRoss Loomis
This paper discusses a research study that examined the effect of providing, or not providing, museum visitors with specific tasks for learning, in relationship to the visitor's task preference. This study was carried out at the Florida Museum of Natural History and made us of 11 static case exhibits, all of which addressed an aspect of Florida vertebrate or invertebrate biology. Findings from the study are reviewed as they pertain to the effects of visitor perceptions of museums and task preference.