In this article, Jacksonville State University researchers define and analyze the "immersion" visitor experience. The researchers present preliminary findings from a study that attempted to explore some of the dimensions of this visitor experience of immersion. Subjects in this study were 241 visitors to the Anniston Museum of Natural History in Anniston, Alabama.
Stephen BitgoodElizabeth EllingsenDonald Patterson
In this article, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee researchers Dawn D' Amico and Wendy Pokorny discuss findings from their study that investigated the impact of a museum visit on preconceived notions of scientific explanation. D' Amico and Pokorny found that visitors' preconceptions were unlikely to change as a result of viewing exhibits.
In this article, Albert Ndayitwayeko, AFGRAD Fellow at the University of Florida, and John J. Koran, Jr., Professor and Curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History, analyze the informal education field in the Republic of Burundi, a small country located in Central Africa. This discussion focuses on natural history museums and zoos, their exhibits and visitor behavior, which may serve as a valuable and less expensive adjunct to formal learning.
Albert NdayitwayekoJohn J. Koran, Jr.
In this article, researchers from Jacksonville State University and the Center for Social Design discuss a study that attempted to use questions as label-reading prompts in a new way. Questions were written on a sheet of paper and made available as a handout to visitors at the Birmingham Zoo and Anniston Museum of Natural History. The answers to the questions could be found in the exhibit labels.
Stephen BitgoodDonald PattersonArlene Benefield
In this article, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Don Thompson summarizes a portion of a dissertation research project that focuses on the relationship between people's educational background and their perceptions of exhibits. In particular, visitors were asked to rate photographs, under varying conditions, of exhibit objects (mounted animals) from the Anniston Museum of Natural History.
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Valerie Cox summarizes a 1991 paper in "Visitor Studies: Theory, Research & Practice," written by C. Vance and D. Schroeder. Cox summates findings from the researchers' investigation of linking visitor learning styles (based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) with exhibit types. The subjects of this study were visitors to the "Rain Forest: Exploring Life on Earth" exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
In this article, the Center for Social Design's Don Thompson summarizes a 1985 article written by E. Feher and K. Rice featured in "Curator." Feher and Rice suggest that the museum can be a valuable environment in which to study learning processes. Thompson describes key findings from the researchers' investigation of the role of naive, or preconcieved notions, on learning which takes place at museum exhibits. The researchers interviewed school children at two exhibits centered around the principles of light and vision.
This article highlights findings from a study conducted by researchers at Jacksonville State University that assessed group visitor behavior at four exhibits at the Anniston Museum of Natural History. Researchers studied if male and female adults behave differently at exhibits when they are with a child than when they are with another adult as well as whether or not adult behavior was consistent across different types of exhibits.
Stephen BitgoodChifumi KitazawaAndrea CavenderKaren Nettles
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Amy Cota and Stephen Bitgood address the following evaluation questions: (1) Would label reading decrease when the number of labels is increased? (2) Do groups who visit in families behave differently than groups composed of adults only? and (3) Do label readers view exhibit objects longer than nonreaders? The researchers share findings from a study that evaluated these questions in the Egyptian Mummy gallery at the Anniston Museum of Natural History.
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Amy Cota summarizes a 1984 "British Journal of Psychology" article written by M.B. Alt and K.M. Shaw, in which the authors attempt to classify museum exhibits in terms of "the way they are perceived by museum visitors." Cota discusses how this research suggests that there are a number of exhibit factors of greater importance than interaction or participation.
In this article, Stephen Bitgood and Arlene Benefield, both of the Center for Social Design at Jacksonville State University, present a critical appraisal of "The Heart Exhibition" which was set to undergo changes at the Franklin Institute of Science. This critical appraisal differs from an objective evaluation in that it is based on the opinions of the visitor experts (Bitgood and Benefield). The authors provide analysis and recommendations for each element of the exhibition.
In this article, Patricia Munro discusses the "Baffling Beauty" project developed by the Anstiftung, a nonprofit research organization in Munich. Munro summarizes the development of this "health forum," traveling exhibition as well as how evaluation techniques were integrated into the exhibit planning and implementation process.
Patricia MunroVisitor Studies Association