This is one of three focus point presentations delivered on day one of the Citizen Science Toolkit Conference (at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York on June 20-23, 2007) as part of the opening session titled “Citizen Science Challenges and Opportunities.” Prysby discusses biodiversity inventories and the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Prysby uses this case study to illustrate one form of citizen science collaboration as well as how environmental education centers and nature centers can be key partners for citizen science efforts.
These 16 articles offer a gentle introduction to nano science and technology, and can be used as marketing pieces for discussing nano with the press during NanoDays or other nano event promotion.
A Museum-based After-School Program Examining Amphibian Ecology is a partnership between Dr. David Skelly's research lab and the Peabody Museum at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The program will engage 20 middle and 20 high school students from under-represented groups in the New Haven Public Schools in an experiential program focused on science literacy, STEM career awareness and college preparation. The program is based on Dr. Skelly's work on the meta-community dynamics of amphibians and their predators and the scale up from local dynamics to larger spatial scales. This program combines an environment-based research program with an established youth program called "Evolutions." Participants conduct hands-on research activities at Dr. Skelly's Connecticut research site, develop a traveling museum exhibition, host an ecology seminar series, present their work at local schools and produce their own science pod casts. The work of the young people will reach a wider local audience numbering in the thousands with the museum exhibits pod casts and elementary school outreach programs. The project will result in a program tool kit including strategies for setting up these types of partnerships, how to engage families and how to administer the program.
David Skelly
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This research agenda is a living document, constructed in response to on-going field-wide conversations following the 21st Century Natural History Settings Conference at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. At the conference, natural history professionals explored new directions for museums and other natural history institutions, including zoos, aquaria, botanical gardens, and nature centers. The research agenda is intended to be edited, discussed, and fleshed out by the field as we work together and make progress. New research questions will emerge spurred by surprising findings
The Seeing Scientifically project will research a new way of supporting museum visitor experiences so they can have authentic scientific observation of live microscopic specimens. By adapting existing computational imaging techniques from current biological research, the project aims to encourage and support visitors in observing scientifically, that is, in asking productive questions, interpreting image-rich information, and making inferences from visual evidence that increasingly characterizes current biological research. The scaffolding (e.g., visual cues or information supporting learning) will consist of a system of virtual guides and prompts that are responsive to what visitors see. The scaffolding prompts will be overlaid on a real time, high-density image of a live sample that the visitor is investigating with a research grade microscope. Project research will contribute early knowledge on ways to scaffold informal learners in the practice of authentic scientific observation with the complex, dynamic visual evidence that scientists themselves see using the equipment and techniques they use. Project research and resources will be widely disseminated to learning science researchers, informal science practitioners, and other interested audiences through publications, conference presentations and sharing of resources via the NSF-supported website and other relevant websites. As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative resources for use in a variety of settings. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. The project will prototype an innovative microscope exhibit that scaffolds visitors in scientific observation of live specimens and their biological processes. The overarching hypothesis is that scientific observation of real-time visual phenomena can deeply engage learners with the content, tools and practices of modern science, which increasingly rely on image-based data. Through three rounds of iterative prototype development and evaluation, the project will generate early findings for the following related questions: (1) what are promising ways of scaffolding observation of live specimens at an unmediated exhibit; (2) How can computational imaging techniques be integrated into a microscope exhibit to engage and scaffold learners to ask productive questions, interpret what they see, and make evidence-based inferences from complex, dynamic images. Data will be collected and analyzed by coding think-aloud interviews with visitors concerning their interest in and description of the biological phenomenon observed; coding of think aloud transcripts of visitor questions types and answers, relevant features noted, inferences and scaffold use; and statistical comparison of holding time, questions asked, answers, inferences, and scaffold use. Project findings will seed more rigorous research on the combination of scaffolding and computational imaging techniques effective for supporting scientific observation in image-rich areas of science.
The Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative projects in a variety of informal settings. The iSWOOP project aims to equip National Park Service interpretive rangers with visualizations and interactive approaches for communicating science in natural learning spaces. An advantage to locating STEM learning in national parks is that they serve as America’s outdoor laboratories, hosting thousands of research studies annually. Dynamic changes in the landscape, wildlife, and interspecies interactions offer countless avenues for inquiry. The project will build collaborations between park-based scientists, whose work frequently happens out of the public eye, and interpreters, who interact with millions of visitors annually. Based on pilot studies done at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, the researchers have extended this work to four more national park units, each with its own natural resources and research. Partners in this endeavor include Winston-Salem State University, Institute for Learning Innovation, and TERC. This project's goal is to establish a model for how national parks can be resources for science education and learning.
iSWOOP works by providing interpretive rangers with professional development. iSWOOP coordinates 1) opportunities for interpreters and scientists to work together in a classroom setting and in the field; 2) creates compelling visualizations, which can function as a jumping off point for conversations about the methods and relevance of park-based research; 3) ongoing opportunities for interpretive rangers to reflect on interactions with visitors and to experiment with questions that spark visitors’ curiosity in the moment and interest long-term.
The main goal of this proposed effort is to translate park-based research endeavors and results from the scientists to the park visitors in ways that make the process enjoyable, informative, and thought-provoking. Evaluation elements will be included every step in this process in order to not only determine if learning has occurred but also how effectively the science has been translated.
As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program funds innovative resources for use in a variety of settings. This project will develop and study a cyber-enhanced informal learning environment to improve observational practices and classification skills among citizen scientists. The project will focus on the taxonomic identification skills needed by volunteers to provide high-quality data for water quality monitoring of local streams, lakes, estuaries, wetlands, and ground water resources. To make the task of identifying freshwater insects easier and more engaging, the project will develop an innovative educational resource, the Macroinvertebrate Identification Training Environment, that will use zoomable high-resolution images, interactive media, and annotations of diagnostic features to improve perceptual skills. The goal is to increase the confidence and accuracy of volunteers engaged in identification tasks, while also increasing the reliability and quality of the data they are generating for purposes of scientific research and conservation efforts. This interdisciplinary design research and development project will use networked gigapixel image technology to create a visual environment where users can move seamlessly from full panoramic views of macroinvertebrates to extreme close-ups, with embedded text, images, graphics, audio, and video at various locations and zoom levels. This system will be developed in concert with a cognitive apprenticeship training model designed through a series of design studies. The design studies will be conducted over a two-year period and will include examination of the distinguishing features of various biomonitoring programs, reviews of existing training materials and strategies, expert performance analysis of professional entomologists, and development of user interface features. Project developers will collaborate with five regional volunteer biomonitoring organizations to engage a diverse set of volunteers in the design process, including rural populations, older adults, urban youth, and the trainers who support them. The project work will consist of four integrated strands of activity: design-based learning research, creation of an entomological teaching collection, cyberplatform development, and the external evaluation of the training system. The resulting Macroinvertebrate Identification Training Environment will be evaluated in terms of its impacts on volunteer accuracy, confidence, and engagement in taxonomic classification activities related to macroinvertebrates. The impacts of the learning system on trainers and volunteer biomonitoring organizations will also be examined.
Advances in genomics are rapidly increasing our understanding of not only the human body, disease and health-related issues but how humans and other species interact and respond to changing environments. Genomics represents a scientific frontier that connects with individuals and families at the most personal level, with the potential to shape the future of human healthcare. However, advances in genomics and their implications for personalized medicine are far out-pacing public awareness and knowledge. The Connecticut Science Center and the University of Connecticut partnered under a National Science Foundation funded collaboration between Dr. Rachel O'Neill, UCONN, and Dr. Hank Gruner, Connecticut Science Center, and the National Center for Science & Civic Engagement to engage the public in developing a conceptual understanding of genomics.
Connecticut Science CenterRachel O'NeillHank Gruner
Goals: 1) Increase the number of Alaskans from educationally and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly Alaska Natives, who pursue careers in health sciences and health professions and 2) Inform the Alaskan public about health science research and the clinical trial process so that they are better equipped to make healthier lifestyle choices and better understand the aims and benefits of clinical research. Objectives: 1) Pre-med Summer Enrichment program (U-DOC) at UAA (pipeline into college), 2) Statewide Alaska Student Scientist Corps for U-DOC, 3) students (pipeline into college), 4) Facility-based Student Science Guide program at Imaginarium Science Discovery Center, 5) Job Shadowing/Mentorship Program for U-DOC students and biomedical researchers, 6) Research-based and student-led exhibit, demonstration, and multi-media presentations, 7) Professional Development for educators, 8) North Star Website.
The Great Lakes Science Center, in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University (CASE), proposes to develop a permanent exhibition and related programs on biomedical engineering. The successful implementation of this project would allow CASE and GLSC to inform a broad constituency about select biomedical research advancements, applied technologies, and their relevance to society. When the project is completed, we will be able to expose many thousands of visitors each year to the updated exhibition - increasing their interest in and understanding of important science concepts underlying advancements in biomedical technology. The exhibition would encompass approximately 2000 square feet and feature approximately 20 exhibits, most of which would be interactive. The major audiences for the exhibition include families, school groups, and general museum visitors. The BioMedTech exhibition is located on the Science Center's main floor, which places an emphasis on the science and technology of particular importance to Northeast Ohio. The exhibition will be accompanied by educational programming, public programs, and wide dissemination around the region and within the Science Center world. When fully implemented, the project could reach many hundreds of thousands of visitors and garner national attention through dissemination efforts. Visitors to the exhibition and participants in related programs will come to a better understanding of the connections between biology and technology while learning of science and engineering's role in improving the quality of life in our society.
The overall objective of this planning project was to examine the potential effectiveness of the Signing Science Pictionary (SSP) in increasing the ability of parents and their deaf and hard of hearing children to engage in informal science learning. To achieve this objective, research and development included four goals. 1) Design several SSP-based activities to help family members engage in informal science learning. 2) Examine the potential effectiveness of the SSP in increasing family member’s signed science vocabulary. 3) Find out about the potential effectiveness of the SSP in
This cooperative effort among Purdue University, public schools in Indiana, and The Children's Museum of Indianapolis aims to develop, evaluate and disseminate educational programs for K-12 students, parents, teachers and the public about the science involved in keeping people healthy. Obesity prevention, cancer prevention and asthma will be emphasized. Fitness programs, research programs using animal models, K-12 outreach programs, professional development workshops and recruiting efforts will be networked to fill gaps in health science education, interest schoolchildren in health science research and improve public health. This project will develop and rigorously assess curricular modules for grades three, six and nine. The science behind health advances, the clinical trials process and the role of animals in developing drugs and medical devices will be addressed. In addition, the project will engage schoolchildren in becoming health science researchers by providing them with role models. Researchers will interact with K-12 students during classroom visits, camps and after-school programs. Finally, the project will involve and engage children, parents and the public in educational fitness activities and programs. Dogs will be incorporated into fitness programs as exercise companions. The program includes an interactive traveling exhibit, highlighting the science involved in keeping people healthy.