This observational framework can be used with different group types (e.g. family, school group, adult couple, individual, etc.) and across diverse settings such as with public program audiences, camps, or guests at animal exhibits. The framework includes expressions of empathy and related emotions, such as curiosity or appreciation.
With funding from a Smithsonian Institution Youth Access Grant the National Museum of Natural History offered a program pipeline that would engage underserved Washington D.C. students in programming designed to encourage academic and career STEM interest. Beginning with collaboration with community educators, the pipeline funneled students into a Teen Night Out Science Night to interest them in science workshop series offered after school and on weekend and ultimately into volunteer and internship opportunities. This report provides detailed view of methods, analyses, results, and conclusions
Given the current level of Galeophobia, or fear of sharks, that’s an excellent question. Most people will leave the water immediately if they think a shark is in the area. Oddly, the greatest number of those who fear sharks seem to come from those who rarely, if ever, go into the ocean—so, clearly, this is a primal fear, much like snakes or spiders.
Enter the average scuba diver. Our experience at Ocean Sanctuaries suggests that many (but not all)divers have great respect for these apex predators and—ready for this?—Can’t wait to dive with them. They engender such awe and fear, that merely
The HOWL science team set out to analyze the quality of the Hofmann Forest’s watershed in order to understand the Hofmann’s place in the coastal ecosystem as a whole and how its quality would affect the surrounding human and ecological community. However, we realized quickly that we would need help collecting hundreds of stream water samples and observations, and so we partnered with the Izaak Walton League to help us contact and get local community members involved in such an overwhelming task. Local volunteers will not only help collect samples for this large-scale citizen science project, but will also help us try out some new equipment for water sampling and testing. And so, along with your help, the HOWL Project will:
Gain knowledge of water quality, and quantity, of the White Oak, New, and Trent Rivers in the Hofmann Forest in Eastern NC.
Demonstrate the feasibility of using low-cost analytical equipment for water quality testing.
Increase understanding of North Carolina’s rapidly changing coast due to the threats of sea-level rise, deforestation, agricultural expansion, and new substantial developments.
Meredith HovisFrederick CubbageMadhusudan KattiKathleen McGinley
Citizen science, also known as participatory research, combines the efforts among professional researchers and community volunteers to collect data. We have established a collaborative project in eastern North Carolina, near the 79,000-acre Hofmann Forest, comprising of 55,000 acres of planted forests and 24,00 acres of deep pocosin natural forests. The White Oak River, New River, and Trent River all flow out of the Hofmann. The Hofmann acts plays a keystone ecological role as it acts as a natural filtration system for harmful runoff that occurs in the coastal plain of North Carolina.
Meredith HovisFrederick CubbageMadhusudan KattiKathleen McGinley
This is a summary description of the 2018 Summer Science Camp offered by the Morgridge Institute for Research at the Discovery Building on the UW-Madison campus. The camp has been offered annualy since 2007, and the 2018 evaluation produced some specific ideas for improving the camp. Since 2007, more than 300 students from rural Wisconsin high schools have attended the camp. This population has less access to the many educational advantages that regular internet access affords their urban counterparts. The science camp team is exploring how to carry out a study of camp alumni.
What if researchers and interpreters had a better way of eliciting, supporting and extending the interests that visitors bring with them to the park? This poster describing the iSWOOP project was presented at the 2019 NSF AISL Principal Investigators Meeting.
Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter (WZAM3) conference presentaiton slides for the 2018 ASTC Annual Conference (Hartford, CT) and the NAAEE 2018 Annual Conference and Research Symposium (Spokane, WA).