The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to simultaneously conduct a remedial evaluation of the exhibition Tissues of Life and its associated elements: the Web site with the same name, presentations at the Demonstration Station, and the What is Life?, play. The National Institutes of Health funded all elements. Data collection took place between July and October 2003. Three data collection strategies were employed: timing and tracking observations, uncued exit interviews, and telephone interviews. Additionally, to understand presenters' experiences
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Science Museum of Minnesota
Explore Evolution is a three-year project that uses a combination of traveling exhibits and activity kits to introduce the concept of evolution to museum audiences and 4-H groups. Six museum partners will collaborate on the development of eleven interactive exhibit modules on the following topics: disease in humans, eye development in animals, fruit fly diversity, sexual selection, hominoid development and extinction. The museum consortium includes the Kansas Museum and Biodiversity Center, Museum of the Rockies (MT), Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Science Museum of Minnesota, University of Nebraska State Museum and the Exhibits Museum of the University of Michigan. The inquiry-based activity kits will be modeled after the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's "Wonderwise" kits, funded in part by NSF, and designed for middle school audiences. An "Explore Evolution" website will be launched to support the exhibits and activity kits. Dissemination will occur through museum education programs as well as a consortium of 4-H programs in Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Michigan, Nebraska and Wyoming. It is anticipated that more than 1.8 million museum visitors and 800,000 4-H members will participate in this project.
The Exploratorium will conduct a four-year project to explore the physical nature of sound, the physiology of hearing and the perception of sound, and the process of attentive listening. "Listening" creates 30 exhibits, three listening spaces, and related visitor experiences to complement the Exploratorium's existing "Sound and Hearing" collection. Listening encourages visitors to explore the scientific, physiological, and cultural content of sound, from the physics of sound waves, to the mechanics of the inner ear, to the information, mood, and emotions sound can convey. Listening will inform the public of the scientific, physiological, and cultural content of sound, as well as the negative impact of ambient sound on their health and environment. Listening integrates public programming, exhibit development and visitor studies, representing a new model of collaboration and communication among educators, scientists, artists and the public. At the conclusion of the Exploratorium venue for "Listening," a traveling exhibition of 30 exhibits will circulate to science museums nationwide, supported by materials and training for education programs. A workshop at the annual meeting of the Association of Science-Technology Centers and additional conference presentations and publications will present science center professionals with Listening strategies.
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) requests a grant from the National Center for Research Resources through the SEPA program to develop and evaluate a model biomedical science education partnership program in collaboration with the University of Minnesota's Cancer Center, Medical School, School of Public Health, and College of Veterinary Medicine. The museum will work with 19 researchers at the University to develop a multifaceted exhibition and presentation program focusing on the importance of human tissues in biological development, function, and disease. The 1500-square-foot exhibition, to be located in SMM's new Human Body Gallery, will consist of an introduction to tissues and four topical exhibit clusters. Each topic was chosen because it tells a fascinating story of how the human body works and because it represents an important current NIH research focus in health and medicine. The exhibits will emphasize the importance of understanding how tissue function and viability leads to advances in detection, treatment, and curing different diseases. The exhibits closely support the National Science Education Standards Content Standards for Life Science for grades 5-9 (representing the majority of school field trip visitors to the museum.) A complimentary presentation/outreach program will involve NIH-supported researchers in three programs designed to increase public understanding of basic biomedical science, the causes and cures for disease, and the goals and achievements of biomedical research. A Visiting Scientists Program will feature scientists in the museum presenting programs and demonstrations related to their research interests. A Scientist Mentor Program will involve scientists closely with a diverse team of high-school aged youth to develop ongoing demonstrations and community outreach programs. A Dramatic Presentation will bring home to museum visitors the wider ethical and philosophical dimensions of tissue research.
The Tech Museum of Innovation and Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics have established longterm partnership to enable the public to draw connections between modern genetics research and choices they face about their health. Together we will develop, produce, evaluate, and disseminate Life's New Frontier, a dynamic exhibition which will inform the public about the goals and methods of modern genetics. Interactive permanent exhibits and guided learning centers, staffed jointly by museum educators and by working scientists (predominantly Stanford graduate students and postdoctoral fellows), will take the public into the minds and laboratories of scientists who are revolutionizing biomedical science. The exhibition and associated public and school programs will emphasize the emerging discipline of bioinformatics, which is fundamental to the Human Genome Project, gene-based diagnosis, rational drug design, and treatment of disease. Life's New Frontier will open in the summer of 2003 to reach an estimated 1.5 million diverse people annually through museum and online visitation. It will set a new standard for the treatment of cutting-edge science in exhibitions by establishing an infrastructure that permits rapid changes to exhibit content, and creating opportunities for visitors to receive personalized science and health updates after their visit. The exhibition also will serve as a platform to foster continuing personal interaction among middle and high school students, Stanford faculty and students, and the general public. The Tech/Stanford partnership will be maintained through staff liaison positions at each partner institution and will be evaluated to assess its effectiveness. We hope to extend this model to other departments at the Stanford University School of Medicine, and to disseminate it as a model for other science center/university partnerships in biomedical sciences. We anticipate significant outcomes of this partnership: the pblic will be better able to apply the ideas of modern genetics to decisions about their health; and a broad range of students from diverse backgrounds will be inspired to pursue biomedical education and research.
KY-H.E.R.O.S. (Health Education Rural Outreach Scientists) is a health science education program that partners the largest science center in Kentucky with Science Heroes-- important regional biomedical research scientists. The Science Heroes, their stories and their studies serve as inspiration to our rural audience. The project objectives are to: (1) Convey the relevance of health science research to people's daily lives and promote awareness of healthy lifestyle choices and wellness; (2) Promote understanding of the fundamental principles of the scientifc process and inspire K-12 teachers to incorporate current research into their teaching of health science; and (3) Encourage students to pursue advanced science education and increase awareness of the wide range of health science related careers. The Science Center, working with the distinguished Science Heroes, their research teams and a group of 15 knowledgeable professional advisors will develop the new KY-H.E.R.O.S. science education program. The program will include new hands-on labs and demonstrations, teacher training workshops, career exploration activities, interactive videoconferencing distance learning links, and innovative public programs. Using museum-based exhibits and a wet lab, traveling exhibit components, telelinking (distance learning), an interactive website and printed and electronic materials, we will present information about the work of the Science Heroes and its relevance to the lives of participants. The focus of the program will change every two years to feature three different scientists and their work. A total of nine scientists will be included during the 5 year period covered by the SEPA grant. As the focus changes every two years to a different three scientists, all the programs and exhibits will be changed accordingly. KY-H.E.R.O.S. will be designed to serve audiences composed of school groups on field trips; teachers in workshops; classes in remote areas of the state participatng through videoconferencing; underserved groups including economically disadvantaged, minorities and young women; and the family audience that makes up about 60% of the Science Center's annual attendance. Formative and summative evaluation will be conducted by an outside firm to ensure effectiveness.
This project will partner The Museum with researchers from local health science organizations, including the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and Duke University Medical Center, to create an interactive exhibition and a series of monthly public programs. Investigate Health! will further understanding of children's health issues as visitors: 1) experiment with the science behind these issues, 2) discover that individual choice impacts well being, and 3) explore associated health science careers. The Investigate Health! project will produce a 2,100-square-foot resident exhibit containing hands-on manipulatives, interactive computer programs, a staffed laboratory area, and a resource center. The exhibition will be accessible to children and adults of diverse backgrounds and physical abilities. The 500-square-foot staffed laboratory area within the exhibit, called Health Lab, will give visitors opportunities to interact with Museum staff, health researchers, and teenage volunteers as they use scientific instruments for more in-depth explorations. A resource center within the resident exhibit will provide a comfortable place for visitors to research emerging health-related issues and gather information about accessing health care. The Health Investigator Series, monthly public programs cosponsored by the region's world-renowned medical schools and health research organizations, will bring scientists and health care professionals to speak directly to the public about the frontiers of research influencing children's health and the career opportunities available in their fields of expertise. Investigate Health! will reach more than two and a half million Museum visitors, local teachers, and teenage volunteers who will visit the resident exhibit during its life span (ideally, seven years) and take part in the enriching public presentations connected with it.
Roy GriffithsTraci ConnorSarah Prather
Alaska is a vast state with a widely dispersed population, lack of road access to most communities, natural barriers such as large expanses of wilderness, mountain ranges, rivers, some of the harshest weather anywhere, and high costs of travel. Providing adequate health programs, services and information to Alaska's remote and largely underserved population has proven to be a daunting task for health care administrators, providers, and educators. The Imaginarium plans to design and create a five-year Health Outreach Caravan program in order to educate and inform the Alaskan public about health science research, so they are better equipped to make healthier lifestyle choices. The program will also be designed to stimulate Alaskan students' interest in science, particularly those students in remote rural areas of Alaska who are traditionally underrepresented in the science professions. The specific objectives of The Imaginarium's Health Outreach Caravan are to form partnerships with the scientific, public health, educational and cultural communities to improve student and public understanding of health sciences; to develop mobile, hands-on, interactive and culturally appropriate health- related programs, exhibits, curricula and kits; to develop a Health Science Teen Volunteer Corps across remote, culturally unique regions of Alaska to facilitate linkages between biomedical scientists, village elders, and local community and school programs; to train teacher aids and teachers to present handson interactive and culturally appropriate classroom health science demonstrations; and to develop culturally appropriate community health science festivals to spark interest in science and health, and to improve student, family and public understanding of health science issues.
Haywood SavinaRamon WallaceGregory DannerErin Graves
The Miami Museum of Science, in collaboration with University of Miami's (UM) School of Medicine, is requesting a Phase II grant to support national replication of the Biomedical Training, Research and College Prep (BioTrac) Project. The goal of Phase I, now in its final year of funding, was to develop a replicable model aimed at increasing the numbers of underserved students entering the biomedical research pipeline. Phase I focused on priority areas under Healthy People 2000 reflecting health issues of interest to the community as well as resources available through UM's Jackson Memorial Medical Center. Comprising hands-on project-based programming, career awareness activities, college prep, research internships and college residential experiences, the project has served 98 students to date, of whom 88% are low-income and 96% reside in homes where English is the second language. Of the 43 seniors who have graduated to date, 42 are enrolled in post-secondary studies. Of these, 52% have chosen a science-related major, and of these, 73% have chosen a biomedical course of study. Under the proposed Phase II project, the useum will establish BioTrac as a national demonstration site, extending BioTrac strategies and materials to formal and informal science institutions (ISis) through site-based institutes, distance-learning opportunities and professional conferences and publications. Continued delivery of BioTrac programming at the demonstration site will also further increase the number of underrepresented students entering the biomedical research pipeline, and allow for further programming aimed at increasing public understanding of Healthy People 2010 priorities and biomedical research. The museum will target ISis with youth programs to attend a three-day replication institute, reaching a minimum of 30 ISis during the grant. Through participation in national conferences and professional development sponsored by the Association of Science-Technology Centers, representng 340 ISis, the model has the capacity to impact small, medium, and large science centers nationwide. The model will also be adaptable for use by the other 123 Upward Bound Math & Science Centers engaged in science enrichment programming for underserved youth. Finally, elements of the model will be suitable for extracurricular school-based science clubs and high school magnet programs focused on biomedicine, further extending the potential impact of the model to school districts nationwide.
BioTrac will expand opportunities in biomedicine for low-income, first-generation college-bound high school students, increasing the number interested in, and prepared to enter, the biomedical research pipeline. Specific objectives are to: (1) Raise awareness of careers in biomedicine and provide students with real-world biomedical research experiences; (2) Increase awareness of requirements and opportunities for related post-secondary study; (3) Increase public understanding of the importance and diversity of biomedical research; and (4) Disseminate project outcomes. In collaboration with the University of Miami (UM) and Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS), the Museum will design and implement a replicable model program exposing students to research on selected priority areas outlined in the Public Health Service's Healthy People 2000 agenda. The program will focus on areas with significant local research capacity, ties to local growth industries, and relevance to Miami-Dade's diverse communities. Students will investigate each area through hands-on lab activities, on-line research, site visits to research facilities, and through interactions with research scientists at UM's nationally renowned Jackson Memorial Medical Complex. Students will work in teams to conduct community-focused research on aspects of each priority area, using technology skills acquired as part of the program to document their research through digital video, PowerPoint presentations, and development of a BioTrac website. Students will present their research at annual symposia held at the Museum. They will also serve as science explainers in the Museum's galleries, interpreting biomedical-related exhibits to the general public. During the summer before 12th grade, students will attend residential programs at University of Florida and Florida A&M University, gaining exposure to post-secondary programs leading to careers in biomedical research. Students in 11th and 12th grade will also be encouraged to participate in M-DCPS's Advanced Academic Internship Program, gaining up to three honors credits for work in institutions engaged in biomedical research. Following 12th grade, prior to beginning college, students will be placed in an eight-week summer internships at UM labs engaged in a broad spectrum of biomedical research. The Museum will disseminate students' research experiences and project findings through an BioTrac web page, ASTC and Upward Bound conferences and networks, and Museum and UM publications.