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resource research Public Programs
This article discusses a 1988-1990 study that analyzed the effectiveness of a collaborative effort between a museum and a school system to build an integrated curriculum package. The partners included the York County School System (VA) and the Yorktown Victory Center (operated by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation). The theme of the curriculum was 18th Century Medicine and the unit was designed to enhance the science, math, and social studies instruction of fourth graders.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ronald Giese Judy Davis-Dorsey Joseph Gutierrez
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, the Center for Social Design's Don Thompson summarizes a 1988 paper written by K.D. Hirschi and C.G. Screven featured in the "ILVS Review." Thompson summates findings from the researchers' investigations of the use labels which ask questions. The study was conducted with family groups of visitors to five different exhibits at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
TEAM MEMBERS: Don Thompson
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood describes a study that investigated the impact of a museum visit on university students. Bitgood's report focuses on the racial similarities and differences in the students' responses.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Bitgood
resource research Public Programs
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood and Don Thompson address the issue of how museums can appeal to multicultural audiences and assess the impact of their attempts to attract new audiences. Bitgood and Thompson outline a four-step process for addressing problems of multicultural audiences.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Bitgood Don Thompson
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Don Thompson summarizes a 1993 article featured in the "Visitor Studies: Theory, Research, and Practice" journal, written by G. Donald Adams. Adams describes a project at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, in which newly discovered historical research guided the development and marketing of the Mattox House and African-American exhibit. Adam presents seven different types of research that were conducted during the project.
TEAM MEMBERS: Don Thompson Visitor Studies Association
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Ann Cleghorn summarizes a 1993 "Museum Management and Curatorship" article written by Paulette M. McManus. The article cites findings from a study of visitor's memories as indicators of the impact of museum visits. The study analyzed visitors ages 8-50 years, who visited "Gallery 33, A Meeting Ground of Cultures in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery," an exhibition about human society and includes materials on beliefs, values, customs, and art from around the world.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ann Cleghorn
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Amy Cota and Stephen Bitgood address the following evaluation questions: (1) Would label reading decrease when the number of labels is increased? (2) Do groups who visit in families behave differently than groups composed of adults only? and (3) Do label readers view exhibit objects longer than nonreaders? The researchers share findings from a study that evaluated these questions in the Egyptian Mummy gallery at the Anniston Museum of Natural History.
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Cota Stephen Bitgood
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Susan Fisher of the Harn Museum of Art and John J. Koran, Jr. of the Florida Museum of Natural History discuss their study designed to demonstrate the feasibility of conducting evaluations at archeological sites. Specifically, the researchers conducted a summative evaluation of epistemic curiosity and knowledge of Spanish speaking and non-Spanish speaking visitors to the Maya site of Uxmal in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.
TEAM MEMBERS: Susan Fisher John J. Koran, Jr.
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Eileen Walker of the Royal Ontario Museum discusses the usefulness of front-end evaluation as the museum renovates all of its galleries. In particular, Walker outlines the front-end evaluation process of the museum's new European Galleries, which aimed at determining visitors' interests, prior knowledge, activities, and preferences in areas related to European Decorative Arts and to the display of such objects. The data informed and facilitated decision-making in the early stages of the gallery development project.
TEAM MEMBERS: Eileen Walker
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Petra Seidensticker and Heiner Treinen, both of Universitat Bochum, discuss their evaluation work of the 1995 exhibition "Im Takt der Maschine," of the Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung (German Exhibition for Safety on the Job, abbr. DASA) run by the Bundesanstalt fur Arbeitsschutz and Unfallforschung (Federal Institution for Worker Safety and Accident Research, BAU) in Dortmund. The purpose of the exhibition is to graphically familiarize visitors with important problems of worker safety in industrial production.
TEAM MEMBERS: Petra Seidensticker Heiner Treinen
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, Hermann Schafer of the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Museum for Contemporary History in Germany), discusses the institution's visitor studies work since its inception. Schafer outlines key moments in the museum's evaluation history, including its work after the unification of Germany.
TEAM MEMBERS: Hermann Schafer
resource research Exhibitions
In this article, M. Hagedorn-Saupe discusses visitor-related research efforts at the Institute fur Museumskunde in Berlin. Hagedorn-Saupe provides an overview of data collection studies on museum visits and related projects, visitor research projects and collaboration with other institutions, and long-term projects at the Institute.
TEAM MEMBERS: M. Hagedorn-Saupe