In this article, Mikko Myllykoski, Experience Director at Heureka, The Finnish Science Centre, describes the exhibit design and approach of a new exhibition gallery, Heureka Classics, which honors the museum's 20th anniversary. The idea behind the exhibition was to recycle some of the museum's best exhibits within a simplistic Nordic design featuring electronic labels.
This article explores the ways museums can utilize portable devices (i.e cell phones) as a way to engage visitors in their exhibits. Featured are three museums experimenting with this technology in their exhibit spaces. Authors include Wayne Labar, Vice President of Exhibitions and Theaters at the Liberty Science Center, Denise Bressler, an Exhibit Developer and Project Manager at the Liberty Science Center, David Asheim, Founder and CEO of Guide by Cell, Peter Samis, Associate Curator of Education and Program Manager of Interactive Educational Technologies, and Stephanie Pau, Associate
Wayne LaBarDenise BresslerDavid AsheimPeter SamisStephanie Pau
In this article, Daniel Spock, Director of the Minnesota History Center Museum, explores the effects of public participation in museums. Spock acknowledges the challenges associated with increased public participation, but argues that museums should consider themselves as trusted "mediators" in this complex new age of media and information.
This article outlines a case study using social media as a front-end evaluation tool to revise or redevelop content and themes from an exhibition at the Australian Museum, Sydney, on the topic of evil. The study also explored the time investment and the outcomes achieved through the use of social media compared with undertaking a front-end study in a more traditional way.
In this article, Diane Willow, Assistant Professor of New and Combined Media in the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota, discusses how technology can be used to better engage children and families in the content of exhibitions. Willow highlights several exhibitions as they relate to how children interact with technologies in general and digital technologies in particular.
In this article, Eileen Campbell, head of Farallon Media, discusses how video can be used as an integral part of exhibits, especially small exhibits, interspersed with objects, panels, interactives, and other exhibit elements. Campbell describes the various ways video can be used effectively in exhibits including presenting narratives, recreating environments, introducing people, showing the unseen or unseeable, showing beauty and motion, making connections to the wider world, and adding humor. Campbell also provides advice about producing videos for exhibits.
In this article, Jim Spadaccini, director of Ideum (Corrales, NM), highlights nine free or nearly free internet-based opportunities for museums. Spadaccini provides a brief description, benefits, participants, tips, and costs associated with each web software or service. Examples include blogging, RSS feeds, and photo sharing.
Nanoscale Education Outreach (NEO) workshop participants were interviewed 6+ months after their attendance to determine the effect of the workshop on the participants' professional capacity and to determine the effect of the participants' involvement in the broader NISE Network. 33 of the 87 total participants were interviewed over several months.
Although today's children have become the benefactors of an evolving technological society, few studies have addressed the assessment of their attitudes toward technology. This study describes the development of the Children's Attitude Toward Technology Scale (CATS) with 574 children in a rural school district. Principal components analysis of the CATS followed by varimax rotation indicated that item intercorrelations could be explained by two factors entitled "interest/aptitude" and "alternative preferences." Sub-scales at two test administrations demonstrated good internal consistency and
Launched in 2010, the NMC Horizon Report: Museum Edition expanded the NMC Horizon Report series to provide insight on the entrance of new tools and applications in the museum sector. The Museum Edition examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in education and interpretation within the museum environment. This edition is made possible by the generous support of the Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation and the Marcus Institure for Digital Education in the Arts.
The New Media ConsortiumJohnson, L.Witchey, H.Smith, R.Levine, A.Haywood, K.
This report presents the findings from a front-end evaluation for Stormy Weather, a major traveling exhibition on severe storms. This exhibition is being developed through a collaboration among the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, National Museum of Natural History, St. Louis Science Center, and National Severe Storms Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The purpose of conducting a front-end evaluation is to better understand visitors' perceptions and their baseline knowledge regarding a particular subject--in this case, severe storms. The
Randi KornSmithsonian InstitutionSusan Ades
This report presents and analyzes the findings from a front-end evaluation of an exhibition being developed by the Tech Museum of Innovation about the potential of the Internet. Front-end evaluation helps planners understand how visitors comprehend and think about themes, ideas, concepts, and activities that will be displayed in an exhibition. It seeks common ground between visitors and the exhibit. Findings demonstrate people's understanding of various concepts integral to the exhibition and will inform the Tech during the exhibition development process.
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Tech Museum of Innovation