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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Public Programs
This poster was presented at the 2016 Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) PI Meeting held in Bethesda, MD on February 29-March 2. The SCIENCES project aims to create a STEM ecosystem in Fuller Park, a chronically, severely under-resourced urban community in Chicago.
resource research Public Programs
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ways in which environmental education (EE) programs are contributing to environmental quality (EQ) improvement. The research applied the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) environmental indicator framework to the reported outcomes of 103 EE programs in order to 1) determine the extent to which existing EE programs are reporting EQ improvement outcomes; and 2) examine the extent to which these programs are impacting indicators in the three areas of the PSR framework. The study consisted of three research phases: evaluation synthesis, semi-structured
TEAM MEMBERS: Brian Johnson
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In 2011 the Bishop Museum and two collaborating organizations, University of Hawai’i at Manoa (UH) and the Pacific Voyaging Society (PVS), were awarded a multi-year grant from the Native Hawaiian Education Program (NHEP) to develop classroom and dockside curricula, an online resource center for educators, teacher workshops, a planetarium show, and a field-trip program for middle school students. The overall goal of these educational products and programs is to make STEM content accessible to Native Hawaiian students by presenting it through the lens of ancient Hawaiian navigational systems.
resource research Public Programs
Many youth consider participation in environmental science “unthinkable.” This study challenges the view that scientific practices must be “thinkable” before engagement is possible. Over the course of a four-week summer enrichment ecology program, students addressed their fears, operated outside of their comfort zones, and productively engaged with science.
TEAM MEMBERS: Heather King
resource research Media and Technology
What do images communicate about humans’ place in nature? Medin and Bang posit that the artifacts used to communicate science—including words, photographs, and illustrations—commonly reflect the cultural orientations of their creators. The authors argue that Native Americans traditionally see themselves as part of nature and focus on ecological relationships, while European Americans perceive themselves as outside of nature and think in terms of taxonomic relationships.
TEAM MEMBERS: Suzanne Perin
resource evaluation Public Programs
Since the summer of 2006, the Nature Museum at Grafton (TNM) has been offering three day intensive courses in Nature Writing and Nature Journaling. In 2006-07, TNM worked with PEER Associates to develop and analyze a survey which teachers complete on the last day of their course. TNM has continued to use that evaluation method, and, in December 2008 and February 2010, asked past participants to answer follow up questions about their future interest in programming options, experiences with the institutes, and their implementation of course content in their own classrooms. In late 2010, TNM
resource evaluation Public Programs
In Spring 2006, the Missouri Botanical Garden received a National Science Foundation grant to fund the LIONS program. LIONS trained educators from the St. Louis region, through professional development about place-based education, to deliver after school and summer programming to students grades 5 through 8. Since its inception, the LIONS program has included evaluation of program implementation and outcomes. There were dramatic changes in the scope of the program, which expanded beyond the originally targeted University City school district by adding additional schools recruited by LIONS
TEAM MEMBERS: Rachel Becker-Klein David Chase
resource evaluation Media and Technology
WCS launched its electronic field trip program, Distance Learning Expeditions, in 2001 when there was tremendous interest in the educational community in the potential of videoconferencing technology for program delivery, as well as money available for the purchase of related broadcast equipment. The program grew rapidly and was successful through 2009 -- serving 9,600 students in 2006-07, its largest year. From 2010 to 2014, with school budget cuts, high equipment maintenance costs, and shifts in staffing, participation in the program declined. In 2010, WCS secured a grant from IMLS for
TEAM MEMBERS: Chris Hardee Michael Duffin
resource evaluation Public Programs
The EcoTeens Program is a hands-on, science based enrichment program offered by the Franklin Park Zoo. The program is open to youth in Boston Public Schools grades 9 - 11, and is designed to teach students about natural history and conservation issues, and to provide them with opportunities to develop leadership skills. Youth participate in the out-of-school time program during weekly after-school sessions, as well as every other Saturday sessions. In the 2008 program, they could choose to participate in one session (January through March, or April through early June) or in both sessions
TEAM MEMBERS: Sharon Plumb Amy Powers
resource research Exhibitions
While the opportunity to engage in scientific reasoning has been identified as an important aspect of informal science learning (National Research Council, 2009), most studies have examined this strand of science learning within the context of physics‒based science exhibits. Few have examined the presence of such activity in conjunction with live animal exhibits at zoos and aquariums. A video study of 41 families at four touch‒tank exhibits, where visitors can observe and interact with live marine species, revealed that families engaged in making claims, challenging claims, and confirming
TEAM MEMBERS: James Kisiel Shawn Rowe Melanie Vartabedian Charles Kopczak
resource research Public Programs
Positive youth development and youth organizing are strengths-based approaches to the lives, needs, and contributions of young people (Damon & Gregory, 2003). These approaches privilege the voices of youth as they engage with issues in their communities and challenge institutions to respond. Few studies, however, have explored the role of positive youth development and youth organizing initiatives among immigrant youth of color. The challenging terrain of modern urban life requires these youth to navigate the political, economic, and legal demands confronted by their families; to understand
TEAM MEMBERS: Anthony de Jesus Sofia Oviedo Scarlett Feliz
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Southern Environmental Center (SEC) at Birmingham-Southern College will develop a business plan for expansion and improvement of its current programs. The Business Plan will help guide management of the SEC and support financial strategies to continue future development and create financial strategies to create financial sustainability. In order to complete this project SEC will convene a working group of community and academic partners who will provide input in the creation of a structure for implementing self-supporting operations through effective design, programming, and services. The plan will help SEC more effectively serve the community and help individuals understand the impact our environmental circumstances have on their health and wellbeing.
TEAM MEMBERS: Roald Hazelhoff