This project's goals are to:
Enable participants to contribute to any or all stages of the scientific process and enhance their learning using an online citizen science platform and live bird cams.
Generate new scientific knowledge about wildlife.
Advance the understanding of effective project design for co-created online citizen-science projects at a national scale.
This poster was presented at the 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting.
This poster was presented at the 2021 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting.
Project Harvest is a co-created citizen science project that investigates the quality of household environments in Arizona communities neighboring active or legacy mining and/or toxic release. Project Harvest is a response to the community-driven questions, “Are there pollutants in harvested rainwater? Can I use the harvested rainwater for my garden?"
Our goal in creating this guide is to provide practitioners, organizations, researchers, and others with a “one-stop shop” for measuring nature connections. The guide is for those interested in assessing and enhancing the connections their audiences have to nature; we use the term “audience” to refer broadly to your participants or to any group you are trying to assess. The guide can help you choose an appropriate tool (for example, a survey or activity) for your needs, whether you work with young children, teenagers, or adults (see the Decision Tree on p. 14). The guide also includes 11 tools
Gabby SalazarKristen KunkleMartha Monroe
Citizen science, also known as participatory research, combines the efforts among professional researchers and community volunteers to collect data. We have established a collaborative project in eastern North Carolina, near the 79,000-acre Hofmann Forest, comprising of 55,000 acres of planted forests and 24,00 acres of deep pocosin natural forests. The White Oak River, New River, and Trent River all flow out of the Hofmann. The Hofmann acts plays a keystone ecological role as it acts as a natural filtration system for harmful runoff that occurs in the coastal plain of North Carolina.
Meredith HovisFrederick CubbageMadhusudan KattiKathleen McGinley
Amazon Adventure is a giant screen film that tells the science adventure story of Henry Bates who travels to the Amazon in the 1850s to find evidence of species change. His quest turns into an 11-year journey in which he discovers 8,000 species new to science and what would be called “Batesian Mimicry”.
What if researchers and interpreters had a better way of eliciting, supporting and extending the interests that visitors bring with them to the park? This poster describing the iSWOOP project was presented at the 2019 NSF AISL Principal Investigators Meeting.
Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter (WZAM3) conference presentaiton slides for the 2018 ASTC Annual Conference (Hartford, CT) and the NAAEE 2018 Annual Conference and Research Symposium (Spokane, WA).
The project asks, “What are the real outcomes of the zoo or aquarium enterprise, both as a visitor destination and as a public voice in public media?” and has the following three aims:
To understand how visitor goals and behavior impact learning.
To understand how the conservation education agenda of most Z/As interlaces with those goals.
To understand how the public situates the voice of Z/As in society.
Project poster presented at the 2019 AISL PI Meeting in Alexandria, VA.
How does focusing on “community science literacy” change the role of an informal science learning center?
This poster was presented at the 2019 NSF AISL Principal Investigators meeting.
This report looks across multiple phases of work to discuss the PLUM Rx project’s contribution to broader knowledge about supporting children’s active, outdoor science exploration in informal, urban settings. The PLUM LANDING Explore Outdoors Toolkit that resulted from this work is designed for use by outdoor prescription programs and a broad range of informal education programs serving urban children and families. This report describes (1) the rationale for the design principles that guided Toolkit development, (2) the Toolkit components developed in accordance with the design principles; and