This final evaluation report shares findings from the summative evaluation study of the Connected Science Learning: Linking In-School and Out-of-School STEM Learning (CSL) journal as well as themes that emerged across the broader three-year evaluation study. The ongoing study was conducted by researchers at the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning at Oregon State University in collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC).
The CSL journal was the result of an Early-concept Grant for Exploratory Research
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association for Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), has launched an initiative to develop and distribute two pilot issues of a new resource for STEM education practitioners in both formal and informal (out-of-school) settings. An aim of the new resource is to better connect practitioners across education settings and the research and knowledge base about STEM learning. David Heil & Associates, Inc. (DHA) is serving in a co-PI role on the grant to provide NSTA and ASTC with
This report details the formative evaluation study conducted through collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) to inform the iterative development and piloting of the Connected Science Learning: Connecting In-School and Out-of-School STEM Learning journal. The journal was the result of an Early Concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop, disseminate and evaluate a new resource for connecting STEM education practitioners across settings and to
The CADRE Early Career Guide offers advice from experienced DR K-12 awardees on becoming a successful researcher in the field of STEM education. The guide also profiles a support program, the CADRE Fellows, for doctoral students in STEM education research.
Jennifer StilesCatherine McCullochCommunity for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE)
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
If your project, large or small, needs an external review panel or evaluation advisory committee to help oversee the extent to which project impacts were achieved, one option is to create an Evaluation Committee of Visitors (COV). A COV is commonly used when a project team wants to ensure a consistent outsider lens and broader perspective. As an external group, the COV reviews work and provides recommendations to improve project performance. In this example from the NISE Network, a COV was designated for evaluation efforts. Depending on how the evaluation activities are situated in your
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
The project team is developing a prototype of Thinking Time, a tablet-based app and game for early learners (ages 3- to 6-years-old) that provides cognitive training games based on neuropsychological research. Game play will be self-guided and adaptive, and will support the development of working memory, attention and impulse control, and flexibility. The goal is to promote academic readiness by scaffolding cognitive skills during the early years of heightened brain plasticity. In the Phase I pilot research, the project team will examine whether the software prototype functions as planned, if teachers are able to integrate it within the classroom environment, and whether children are engaged with the prototype.
The project team is developing a prototype of a mobile platform, Zaption, to support teachers in using video clips to enrich learning. The product’s user-interface will allow teachers to easily add annotations to videos, make short video clips that align to topics, and enhance videos with time-linked elements and assessments that appear at the top of each video. In Phase I pilot research, the team will examine whether the prototype functions as planned, if teachers are able to use the prototype for different purposes, and whether students are engaged by the prototype.
The project team is developing and testing a prototype of Thinkzone, a blended learning portal intended for Kindergarten through Grade 8 teachers to host existing education learning games across core subject areas. The prototype will host games, and include a learning system to train educators to integrate games to replace or supplement instructional practice. In the Phase I pilot study will include 10 teachers and 200 students. The researchers will examine if the prototype functions as planned, if teachers are able to implement it with small groups of students, and whether students are engaged across the various games.
In prior projects, including a 2015 ED/IES SBIR award, the team developed two immersive multiplayer virtual game environments. In Eco and Colony, middle school students collaboratively apply scientific practices within the virtual worlds to address challenges, such as the availability of resources and energy and maintaining clean water. With this Phase I funding, the team is developing a prototype of a teacher dashboard designed to improve classroom implementation of the virtual environments. The prototype will automatically generate reports on individual student contributions to the progress of the classroom-wide game, and track progress in mastering curricular learning goals. In the Phase I pilot research for three middle school social studies classrooms, the project team will examine whether the dashboard functions as planned, if teachers are able to use the dashboard to feasibly integrate the game within the classroom environment, and if teachers are able to use reports to track student progress.
Science educators in the United States are adapting to a new vision of how students learn science. Children are natural explorers and their observations and intuitions about the world around them are the foundation for science learning. Unfortunately, the way science has been taught in the United States has not always taken advantage of those attributes. Some students who successfully complete their K–12 science classes have not really had the chance to “do” science for themselves in ways that harness their natural curiosity and understanding of the world around them.
The introduction of
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
This White Paper is based on proceedings from the National Living Laboratory Workshop: High School Research Experiences in Living Laboratory - a convening of professionals who wished to share resources and explore opportunities to involve high school students in the Living Laboratory model.