This paper explains how and why many American museums of science and nature moved away from the traditional content and methods of natural history in the period from 1930 to 1980. It explores diverse motivations for the shift from dead, stuffed displays to live, interactive exhibits, and the consequences of that shift for museums as both educational institutions and as institutions of research. Ultimately, it argues that debates over museums' content and display strategies drew strength from and reinforced a profound transformation in the institutional history of twentieth-century American
The 2012 National Science Foundation (NSF) Informal Science Education (ISE) Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting convened 241 PIs, March 14-16, 2012. This Program Guide includes the agenda, location map, and a list of CAISE Partners and Advisors. The agenda includes descriptions of Nascent to Burgeoning Communities of Interest discussions along themes related to STEM Media, Organizational Networks, Professional Development in ISE, Sustainability Science and Education in ISE, Art and Science Education, Public Engagement with Science, Future of Natural History Learning, Designing, Making, Playing
This document, released in September 2013, grew out of a Joint Committee of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) that was convened to establish cross-agency guidelines for improving the quality, coherence, and pace of knowledge development in STEM education. In this report, the Joint Committee 1) defines the types of ED- and NSF-funded research that relates to the development and testing of interventions and strategies designed to increase learning, and 2) specifies how the types of research relate to one another, and describe the theoretical and
National Science FoundationU.S. Department of Education
The Principal Investigator's Guide: Managing Evaluation in Informal STEM Education Projects (PI Guide) is designed to help principal investigators and other leaders of informal STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education projects integrate evaluation into all phases of project design, development, and implementation. Such projects include exhibits, media projects, websites, community science projects, afterschool programs, festivals, family activities, online games, citizen science projects, and other efforts to help people learn about science in the course of their everyday
Once resources for the scholar and serious student, science museums are now dedicated to public education. But just how institutions define and meet their educational goals is a continuing story. This article describes the evolution of science museums from private collections to public institutions over three generations.
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) provides a decision chart as a guide for institutional review boards (IRBs), investigators, and others who decide if an activity is research involving human subjects that must be reviewed by an IRB under the requirements of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations at 45 CFR part 46. OHRP welcomes comment on these decision charts. The charts address decisions on the following: whether an activity is research that must be reviewed by an IRB, whether the review may be performed by expedited procedures, and whether informed
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
In this paper, we present the DeepTree exhibit, a multi-user, multi-touch interactive visualization of the Tree of Life. We developed DeepTree to facilitate collaborative learning of evolutionary concepts. We will describe an iterative process in which a team of computer scientists, learning scientists, biologists, and museum curators worked together throughout design, development, and evaluation. We present the importance of designing the interactions and the visualization hand-in-hand in order to facilitate active learning. The outcome of this process is a fractal-based tree layout that
The authors provide an analysis of pairs of children interacting with a multi-touch tabletop exhibit designed to help museum visitors learn about evolution and the tree of life. The exhibit’s aim is to inspire visitors with a sense of wonder at life’s diversity while providing insight into key evolutionary concepts such as common descent. The authors find that children negotiate their interaction with the exhibit in a variety of ways including reactive, articulated, and contemplated exploration. These strategies in turn influence the ways in which children make meaning through their
The Internet is a growing source of open educational resources (OERs) focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). These STEM OERs are not only shared openly and free for all to use, but often provide licenses that permit modification and reuse. Educators must have access to tools that pinpoint valuable resources while avoiding substandard ones. The authors discuss how multiple information sources, user communities, and online platforms might be coordinated to craft effective experiences in digital-rich learning environments.
According to this report, libraries and museums are effective but often overlooked resources in the United States' effort to turn around a crisis in early learning, exposing children to powerful learning experiences in the critical early years and keeping them learning through the summer months. This document provides dozens of examples and 10 key ways libraries and museums are supporting young children. It provides a clear call to policymakers, schools, funders, and parents to make full use of these vital, existing community resources.
Intitute of Museum and Library ServicesMarsha SemmelMamie BittnerAllison BoalsMary Lynn HowardAndrea Camp
resourceevaluationProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The overall goal of the project was to convene a large-scale, open conference on public participation in scientific research, bringing together science researchers, project leaders, educators, technology specialists, evaluators, and others from across many disciplines to discuss advancing the field of PPSR. The conference included three sessions for posters and conversations, and five plenary sessions of presentations. The meeting culminated in an open meeting to explore strategies for large-scale collaborations to support and advance work across this field of practice, through the development
The Schoodic Education and Research Center InstituteJoe E Heimlich
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This guide provides effective practices for anyone — university faculty member, K–12 teacher, or administrator — who wants to create a project that partners science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students (Fellows) with K–12 teachers on a sustained basis. These recommendations come from the community of faculty members, graduate students, K–12 teachers, program managers, and evaluators who participated in the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate STEM Fellows in K–12 Education (GK–12) Program from its start in 1999 through 2012. The guide was written to