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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Public Programs
While much of the current concern over the literacy development of low- and moderate income children focuses on schools (and, to a lesser degree, on parents), many observers are arguing for a role for other institutions. In particular, funders are turning to afterschool programs to address this critical developmental task. This paper explores the roles afterschool programs can and do play in the literacy development of low-income children, drawing on surveys and observations of afterschool programs in Chicago, New York, and Seattle.
TEAM MEMBERS: Robert Halpern
resource research Public Programs
The ability to set and work toward goals is not inborn. This study examines how an afterschool program worked to help elementary-age children learn goal-setting strategies.
TEAM MEMBERS: Amy Hallenback David Fleming
resource research Public Programs
A personal essay by a former public school teacher in the Teach for America program highlights the differences between school and afterschool education.
TEAM MEMBERS: Lily Rabinoff-Goldman
resource research Public Programs
Studies of the effects of afterschool programs on student learning have yielded equivocal findings. This paper argues that such findings stem from weak conceptualizations of the relationship between afterschool programming and learning. The authors use socio-cultural learning theory to reveal specific dimensions of afterschool programs that have positive impact on learning, drawing on almost 200 documents from the afterschool literature to substantiate and elaborate these dimensions. Findings illuminate why afterschool programs that provide “more school after school” significantly limit
TEAM MEMBERS: Meredith Honig Morva McDonald
resource research Public Programs
An afterschool program struggles to foster kindness and civility among youngsters whose environment too often fails to promote such values.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kirsten Cole
resource research Public Programs
Awareness of the value of community youth arts could help support more formal partnerships between arts learning and afterschool organizations.
resource research Media and Technology
Interactive technologies are employed in museums to enhance the visitors' experience and help them learn in more authentic ways. Great amounts of time and money and many man-hours of hard work have been spent. But do such systems indeed achieve their goals? Do they contribute to a greater user experience (UX) and learning effectiveness? In this paper we describe the use of the "Walls of Nicosia" a 3D multi-touch table installed at the Leventis Municipal Museum in Nicosia, Cyprus. Two groups of students actively participated in this empirical study (they attended the 5th year class at
TEAM MEMBERS: Panagiotis Zaharias Despina Michael Yiorgos Chrysanthou
resource research Public Programs
The article focuses on the creation and development of an interactive science museum by middle level students as part of informal science education in the U.S. The said project which primarily targets fifth-grade students aimed at maximizing the active engagement of a learner during his or her experience. It also promotes the minimization of lecture-laden instruction while maximizing an experience-based learning system. The project which is adopted in the late part of 2006 help students to review and synthesize information, collaborate with peers, and specialize science topics.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jeff Marshall
resource research Media and Technology
This study aims to clarify primary school teacher students' experiences about the use of blogs in the context of a science course which includes collaborative inquiry-based approaches and a field trip. Teacher students were asked to design and conduct a small inquiry and report the phases of the process in a blog and then write their ideas about inquiry-based teaching and learning in it. The inquiry process was loosely scaffolded by linking the blogs together. The students were also asked to fill in a questionnaire of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), in order to acquire
TEAM MEMBERS: Jari Kukkonen Sirpa Karkkainen Teemu Valtonen Tuula Keinonen
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
The article discusses an effective physical science center, which can be incorporated on the reading instructions of teachers, the inclined plane center, that helps enhance science teaching. It mentions that to create an inclined plane center, one must collect various objects that roll, slide and wobble and wooden cove molding for the tracks. The author thinks that it is not necessary to understand everything about force and motion, what is important is offering students with opportunities for concrete experiences.
TEAM MEMBERS: Beth Van Meeteren Lawrence Escalada
resource research Media and Technology
While the knowledge economy has reshaped the world, schools lag behind in producing appropriate learning for this social change. Science education needs to prepare students for a future world in which multiple representations are the norm and adults are required to “think like scientists.” Location-based augmented reality games offer an opportunity to create a “post-progressive” pedagogy in which students are not only immersed in authentic scientific inquiry, but also required to perform in adult scientific discourses. This cross-case comparison as a component of a design-based research study
TEAM MEMBERS: Kurt Squire Mingfong Jan
resource evaluation Public Programs
The summative evaluation of the Farming for Fuels classroom program and family event was conducted over two years. Two interim reports were delivered with preliminary results about specific areas of focus. This final report described the overall evaluation study methods and results, and made recommendations for potential revisions and improvements to the program. The evaluator worked with the program team at the Creative Discovery Museum to generate a list of questions to guide the evaluation study. The questions covered each of the major audiences for the program: museum educators, teachers
TEAM MEMBERS: Creative Discovery Museum Lorrie Beaumont