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resource project Media and Technology
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis (Museum) is creating Curious Scientific Investigator (CSI): Beyond Spaceship Earth, a project geared towards immersing children and families in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines, which will be launched in 2016.

As the lead institution, the Museum is partnering with NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), Purdue University, and SpaceX to implement the project in Indianapolis.

CSI: Beyond Spaceship Earth will introduce children and families to the science of human space exploration in the 21st century. Through an array of informal learning experiences aimed at promoting STEM concepts and NASA’s educational outcomes the project will pursue the following objectives:

Immerse visitors in the ISS and laboratory environments;
Provide an environment to allow performing and manipulating experiments to understand the importance of NASA’s research and exploration; and
Engage in real-life and simulated experiences, including interactions with university students studying STEM disciplines, which encourage children and youth to explore STEM skills and careers through NASA’s research and exploration.
The Museum has designed an immersive International Space Station-themed exhibit along with contextual and authentic activities for children and families, with production set to begin in late 2015. Museum teams are currently completing front-end research, prototyping and exhibit design. Leveraging family and informal learning expertise and incorporating the experiences of real astronauts, this project will support understanding of NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) research and operations. This exhibit will also promote interest, engagement, and awareness of NASA’s achievements in space exploration and how these benefit life on Earth.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jennifer Pace-Robinson David Wolf
resource research Public Programs
Grounded in the informal science education experiences of our partners around the country, Every Hour Counts developed this resource guide to profile promising strategies to advance informal STEM learning. The guide features: (1) Core elements of the national Frontiers in Urban Science Exploration (FUSE) strategy. (2) Overview of the The After-School Corporation's FUSE strategy and lessons learned in working to bring ISE to scale. (3) Profiles of city and county-wide initiatives, through the lens of a few key strategies to build after-school systems: advocacy, brokering relationships, building
TEAM MEMBERS: Jessica Donner Nina Agrawal
resource project Media and Technology
This planning grant addresses the issue of students losing interest in STEM during the ages of 8-12 years. The PIs propose that STEM content provided through electronic media will be more readily accepted by youth because it is on their "home turf." will be a new, highly engaging, online destination for tweens and kids at large. It is designed to leverage the Web 2.0 and tweens' fascination with media and popular culture, and to demonstrate the connections between the real world, everyday life, and STEM. The project will test a preliminary design with a focus group of 8-12 year-olds, convene a panel of experts and Advisory Board, and create a beta Web site to conduct formative research.
resource research Public Programs
STEM Integration in K-12 Education examines current efforts to connect the STEM disciplines in K-12 education. This report identifies and characterizes existing approaches to integrated STEM education, both in formal and after- and out-of-school settings. The report reviews the evidence for the impact of integrated approaches on various student outcomes, and it proposes a set of priority research questions to advance the understanding of integrated STEM education. STEM Integration in K-12 Education proposes a framework to provide a common perspective and vocabulary for researchers
TEAM MEMBERS: National Research Council Margaret Honey Greg Pearson Heidi Schweingruber
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
In case studies of two first-year elementary classroom teachers, we explored the influence of informal science education (ISE) they experienced in their teacher education program. Our theoretical lens was identity development, delimited to classroom science teaching. We used complementary data collection methods and analysis, including interviews, electronic communications, and drawing prompts. We found that our two participants referenced as important the ISE experiences in their development of classroom science identities that included resilience, excitement and engagement in science
TEAM MEMBERS: Phyllis Katz J. Randy McGinnis Kelly Riedinger Gili Marbach-Ad Amy Dai
resource research Exhibitions
The aim of this qualitative case study was to explore the use of stories as tools for learning within formal and informal learning environments. The design was based on three areas of interest: (a) the story as a tool for learning; (b) the student as subjects engaging with the story; and (c) the context in which the story learning activity takes place. In this study, students were engaged in a themed exhibit about human and animal senses at a public science centre. A story was created to support students’ engagement and interaction with the themed exhibit. The story was specially designed to
TEAM MEMBERS: Mai Murmann Lucy Avraamidou
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
American educators and policymakers have often claimed that the arts can have powerful effects in education and that these effects may reverberate far beyond the arts. Arts education has been argued to have social, motivational, and academic repercussions. But are such claims rooted in empirical evidence, or are they unsupported advocacy? The studies in this issue review systematically what is known about the power of the arts to promote learning in non-arts domains. Thus, we focus here only on the claims that have been made about the effects of arts education on cognitive, academic outcomes
TEAM MEMBERS: Ellen Winner Lois Hetland
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
In the American educational climate of today, "basic" academic skills are valued while the arts are considered a frill. Many major urban school districts have cut back on arts education in order to strengthen academic subjects. Even though most of our schools have some arts education, and even though most of our citizens say they want their children to be exposed to the arts in school, only one in four students in American schools sings, plays an instrument, or performs plays in class each week. When budgets are tight, the arts are almost always the first programs to be cut. This study
TEAM MEMBERS: Ellen Winner Monica Cooper
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
The author reviews the empirical literature testing that there is an association between instruction in music (usually school-based) and performance in reading (as measured by reading test scores or by general tests of verbal aptitude).
TEAM MEMBERS: Ron Butzlaff University of Illinois
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
This article is a report on three meta-analyses investigating the relationship between musics and mathematics.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kathryn Vaughn University of Illinois
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
ABSTRACT The article discusses the research which has showed that music education enhances spatial reasoning skills. The result has suggested that the various kinds of musical instruction leads to spatial learning and the type of instruction has not been limited to any particular program component, musical style or instructional practice. The study has demonstrated that learning standard notation promotes the facilitation of the performance in the spatial-temporal tasks. The music instruction has contributed to the improvement of at least one type of spatial skill in which it is projected to
TEAM MEMBERS: Lois Hetland University of Illinois
resource research Public Programs
The article discusses the research which showed that the usage of drama in the classroom by the educators can promote a deeper learning in the variety of verbal fields. Drama has been considered as an effective tool to improve the accomplishment in story understanding, reading achievement, reading preparedness and writing. The result has demonstrated that the drama helps the children to master the texts they enact and to practice the new materials that are not yet enacted. The study has showed that drama instruction can serve as a creative and effective instrument for learning that exceeds
TEAM MEMBERS: Ann Podlozny University of Illinois