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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Public Programs
This article describes the research effort of ASTC and Reach Advisors to explore the motivations and engagement levels of visitors to science museums. The team discovered surprising and telling information about mothers who visit with their children. This article explores the survey methodology, key findings including helpful terms to describe four types of visitors, and conclusions with recommendations.
TEAM MEMBERS: Susie Wilkening
resource research Public Programs
This article describes how some museums are expanding their partnerships with schools and encouraging teachers to view museums as more than field trip destinations. This article describes the benefits of museum schools, citing the advantages of the symbiotic relationship between the museums and schools, the value of inquiry-based learning, and the professional development opportunities for teachers.
TEAM MEMBERS: Joelle Seligson
resource evaluation Informal/Formal Connections
Assesses children's conceptual images of scientists.
resource evaluation Media and Technology
During the spring of 2006, American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted an evaluation study on behalf of WGBH. The purpose of the study was to gather data related to the effectiveness of the FETCH! Activity Guide, which was designed to extend the teachings of a new children's show, "FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman. The four main study objectives were to: Assess the activities' appeal for children (for example, do children enjoy the activities, do they realize they are learning about science, etc.?) Assess whether the facilitators liked the Activity Guide and deemed it appropriate for their after
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen Deborah Goff WGBH
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report presents findings from a summative evaluation of Go Figure! conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) for the Minnesota Children's Museum (MCM). Go Figure! is a traveling exhibition that is visiting both libraries and children's museums across the country. The exhibition was developed by the Minnesota Children's Museum in collaboration with the American Library Association through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and is intended to engage children two through seven years and their parents in exploring math through hands-on, book-based math
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Minnesota Children's Museum
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report presents the findings of a summative evaluation of Invention at Play, conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A), for the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History. Invention at Play is a traveling exhibition developed by the Lemelson Center in partnership with the Science Museum of Minnesota and is funded by The Lemelson Foundation and the National Science Foundation. Data collection took place at two venues: in December 2002 at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.,
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Smithsonian Institution
resource evaluation Public Programs
In early 2004 Explorit Science Center (Explorit) contracted with Visitor Studies Services (VSS) to design and conduct an evaluation of Explorit's Health In Your World Project (HIYW). HIYW is a traveling, science-based health education program for children and adults in low-income communities. HIYW features interactive experiments designed to make learning about the human body, health, and healthy choices fun and accessible. The program serves students in grades K-6, and is designed to engage parents and involve them as an integral part of the learning process. The HIYW Project was developed in
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Meluch Explorit Science Center
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This study was commissioned to provide systematic feedback regarding visitor experience of the Low-Carb Craze exhibits (about nutrition and dieting) in Current Science Central. The principal issues to be investigated were about the interpretive experience: are visitors getting the idea that this is about current science information?; do visitors perceive the information to be recent?; are they learning any new information or not? To address these issues, an evaluation strategy was developed that focused on people's perceptions of the content and reactions to the activities; specifically
TEAM MEMBERS: Jeff Hayward Science Museum of Minnesota Jolene Hart
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Nanoscale science and engineering study and create materials and devices on the molecular scale. The Nanobiotechnology Center, a National Science Foundation supported Science and Technology Center, collaborated with Ithaca, New York's Sciencenter, a hands-on museum, and Painted Universe, Inc. an exhibition design-and-fabrication team, to create It's a NanoWorld, a 3,000 square-foot, hands-on traveling exhibition. Edu, Inc., an external evaluation group, led front-end research and formative evaluation to guide and refine development of the exhibition. Summative evaluation investigated visitors'
TEAM MEMBERS: Douglas Spencer Cornell University Victoria Angelotti Sciencenter
resource evaluation Public Programs
Evidence from the data collected on the Midwest Wild Weather Project indicates that the teachers are very excited about its potential for increasing their students' science literacy and understanding of the scientific process, as well as increasing their knowledge of the weather and exciting them about science in general. Students are very focused, enthusiastic and excited when interacting with the exhibits and universally pleased with their exploration and explainer experiences. MWW is also effectively reaching the intended underserved and underrepresented students across the nine sites are
TEAM MEMBERS: Gregory Aloia SciTech Hands On Museum
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In 2005, WGBH began production of a new television series for children called FETCH. FETCH is a competition-based game/reality show for 6-10 year-old children that includes both animation and live action footage. The show is hosted by a cartoon dog named Ruff Ruffman. FETCH is scheduled to begin airing on PBS in May of 2006. In December 2005, WGBH contracted Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG), a research firm specializing in the evaluation of educational programs, materials, and services, to conduct an early summative evaluation of the series. Because Season One was still in production, a
resource evaluation Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Fresno Metropolitan Museum (FFM) contracted with Wendy Meluch of Visitor Studies Services to design and conduct an evaluation of its Inquiry Workshop (workshop) which took place in April of 2005. All workshop participants completed Pre- and Post-workshop Surveys (13 and 12 respectively). Nine teachers also participated in a follow-up focus group in June of 2005. By all measures, the Fresno Metropolitan Museum's Inquiry Workshop is resounding success for participating teachers. They become energized about teaching and credit the workshop with making them better teachers across the board
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Meluch Fresno Metropolitan Museum