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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Public Programs
In summary, this Planning Grant has demonstrated that the Fusion Science Theater mode successfully uses the dramatic structure of a play to create an investigative, participatory theater event that conveys science information, concepts, and methodology in a way that is engaging to children and attractive to parents and educators. The model can be transferred to others both by teaching others to develop their own shows and by training undergraduates to perform FST shows that have already been created. Finally, significant achievements have occurred in publicizing the model and in recruiting
TEAM MEMBERS: Joanne Cantor Madison Area Technical College
resource evaluation Public Programs
In late spring 2010, Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) was contracted by the Museum of Science, Boston, to conduct an outcomes evaluation of their educational live performance, The Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show (ANB). The show presents scientific concepts about atoms and nano science in a highly entertaining and engaging performance. The evaluation focused on the learning outcomes of children, adults, and middle school students. The goal of this evaluation was to examine the effectiveness of the show in increasing audiences' knowledge of and interest in nano science and nanotechnology
TEAM MEMBERS: Rachel Schechter Museum of Science Molly Priedeman Irene Goodman Carol Lynn Alpert
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Listening to the River (LTTR) is a watershed science education project funded by the National Science Foundation. Its aims are to deliver education experiences in the local area, Traverse City, Michigan, and also to develop a model that could be replicated in other locations. Inverness Research was contracted by the Listening to the River project to conduct both formative and summative evaluations. Our work began in 2005 when the project received a planning grant, and continued through the life of the project. Primarily through interviews and product reviews, along with some direct program
TEAM MEMBERS: Mark St. John Heather Mitchell Dawn Robles Elizabeth Horsch Laura Stokes Land Information Access Assocation
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate its new exhibition, Madagascar!, located at the Bronx Zoo. Madagascar! showcases the wildlife and landscapes of the world's fourth largest island. Built in the historic Lion House, the exhibit transformed the interior, while preserving the historic building's Beaux-Arts beauty. The exhibit offers opportunities to see the island through the eyes of a conservationist at various interactive stations. RK&A worked with WCS to clarify its goals and objectives for Madagascar!. and to identify criteria
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Wildlife Conservation Society
resource evaluation Public Programs
SUMMARY The Peabody Museum at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate the Dinosaurs and More school tour. In the spring of 2004, RK&A surveyed second grade teacher and student samples, including: 27 pre-tour teacher questionnaires, 519 pre-tour student questionnaires, 24 post-tour teacher questionnaires, 412 post-tour student questionnaires. RK&A also conducted 21 teacher and 35 student interviews, and 3 classroom observations to document the impact and effectiveness of the Dinosaurs and More school tour.
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Yale University
resource evaluation Museum and Science Center Exhibits
Summative report of permanent health science exhibition, Expedition Health, at Denver Museum of Nature & Science. The appendix of this report includes tracking-and-timing guideliens and codes and copies of cued questionnaires.
TEAM MEMBERS: Patricia McNamara Denver Museum of Nature & Science
resource evaluation Media and Technology
"Evolution in Action: Isolation and Speciation in the Lower Congo" is a 9-minute documentary about a team of researchers working to understand what is driving the rapid evolution and speciation of fishes in the Lower Congo River. The evaluation was designed to probe the following: 1) Connection and Interest in the science content 2) Connections between the scientific story and other topics of personal interest 3) Implications of the multilingual versions for disseminating science to the public and to science educators The participants included international education students who work in
TEAM MEMBERS: Maritza Macdonald American Museum Natural History
resource evaluation Public Programs
The Learning Places evaluation went beyond the traditional approach of determining how well the project met its goals. In addition to that approach, we identified grounded theory. Five areas of theory and related hypotheses emerged: STEM learning, agents of change, teens as designers, community partner engagement and national collaboration. Each is described in detail in the full report, along with findings related to each of the project goals.
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine (Kit) Klein St. Louis Science Center
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Veridian inSight performed an evaluation study in fall of 2009 to evaluate the effectiveness of an online training developed as an outreach component of the FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman series ( The FETCH! Hands-On Science Training was designed for anyone who wants to lead science activities with elementary-age kids (including after-school providers, teachers, camp counselors, librarians, museum staff, parents, and others). The goals of the evaluation study were to assess the extent to which the FETCH! training was successful at:· Preparing afterschool educators
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen WGBH
resource evaluation Community Outreach Programs
The CASE program served communities that are underrepresented in current museum audiences. CASE served both females and males from underrepresented minority groups, primarily African American, Latino, and Asian. The most frequent participants were younger than 20 years-old and African American. CASE succeeded in making informal science learning accessible in participating communities. CASE served a total of 10,971 individuals between September 2004 and December 2008. Across the five years, families in the eight participating sites had a grand total of 358 opportunities to attend science
TEAM MEMBERS: Colleen Manning The Franklin Institute Miriam Kochman Irene F Goodman
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History (FWMSH) contracted with Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate CSI: The Experience National Science Foundation- and Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative-funded project focused on forensic science. The project included a museum exhibition and an online gaming experience (Web Adventure) targeting children ages 9 to 17 and adults. A summative evaluation explored visitors' overall experiences, understanding of forensic sciences, and the research question: Does the Web Adventure extend exhibition visitors' learning of forensic science? A process
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
resource evaluation Public Programs
August, 2009 Communities of Effective Practice, 2008-2009 Evaluation Abstract: The Communities of Effective Practice (CEP) project is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project to develop a professional development model for supporting math and science instructional practices that are culturally responsive within American Indian communities. This report summarizes findings from the Year 3 evaluation (conducted during the 2008-2009 academic year) and discusses these findings within the context of the Years 1 and 2 evaluations. It presents key considerations for developing a Community
TEAM MEMBERS: Gina Magharious Kasey McCracken Utah State University