This paper discusses the programs, specifically field trip programs, for young children at art museums. The author explains how programs can teach the aesthetics of art (looking, distinguishing, loving) to young children and offers suggestions on how to run a successful program.
This paper explores the usefulness of children's drawings as tools for zoo exhibit evaluation. This paper presents preliminary analysis of children's drawings of completed exhibits at Woodland Park Zoological Gardens, which show they have promise as diagnostic tools, but require refinement and development by educational/behavioral experts.
This is a brief summary of Barbara Birney's 1988 article featured in "Environment and Behavior," which discussed key findings from the formative evaluation of Brookfield Zoo's "Flying Walk" exhibit. The exhibit was designed to teach visitors the proper wing movement of birds.
In this brief article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood offers informal professionals six suggestions for preventing student misbehavior during school field trips to museums or zoos. Bitgood, a former child psychologist, suggests that good planning is the key to any successful field trip.
In this brief article, Ruth Freeman summarizes a report of ongoing evaluation efforts of the effectiveness of the Discovery Gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum.
Dr. Lenore Blum and associates at Mills College plan to explore the use of an interactive videodisc environment for elementary education in mathematics using existing materials from SQUARE ONE TV. The project will use a prototype interactive computer learning system that uses icons embedded within an exploratory environment to allow learners to select their own activities. The system allows videodisc materials to be easily combined within an interactive computer environment and includes browsing, lesson selection, open exploration, practice problems, and extended activities keyed to the SQUARE ONE TV material. They will produce a videodisc with source materials provided by Children's Television Workshop, design the interactive environment, and evaluate its effectiveness with trial groups of teachers, students, and others in formal and informal settings. This modest proposal will extend the range of utilization of SQUARE ONE TV and provide valuable information on its potential use in non-broadcast settings.
Hands-On Science Outreach, Inc. has for a number of years developed and operated recreational after school and Saturday Science Classes for children, at first in Montgomery County, MD; and subsequently, with NSF support, at more than 22 sites around the country. During the last 10 years, they have reached more than 20,000 students with their unique collection of hands-on science activities. The project is well on the way to becoming self sufficient, and this final award will document both the philosophy of instruction and specific teaching methods that they have used and provide a third party evaluation of the processes of learning that they encourage in informal science education programs. Hands-On Science Outreach, Inc. will publish two 32 page booklets outlining their history, philosophy, and methods, and will conduct a third party evaluation of classes in four demographically diverse sites around the country, carried out under the direction of Dr. Harris Shettel, a nationally recognized informal education researcher. The resulting reports and publications will be widely disseminated, providing valuable information to others planning to offer hands-on science activities for children.
The investigation of naive conceptions of science has many implications for both teaching and learning. The predominant model for past investigations has been with school children or within very formal settings. Extending investigations of misconceptions to informal settings is the challenge of this research. Museum visitors' misconceptions about two topics, gravity and mechanical advantage, will be recorded through a variety of interview formats. Twenty-five persons from each of the age ranges 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, and college students/adults will be interviewed. Information from the interview will be used to modify the current exhibit or to build new prototypes. The research will determine if a modification can be made that results in individuals moving from their previous misconceptions toward a correct conceptualization of the concepts. This research will document what individuals actually learn from museum exhibits and how "front end evaluation" can be used to redesign exhibits for maximum concept learning. The proposed research is challenging and has the potential of adding significant information to science education research on misconceptions. The principal investigator is highly respected in the field of museum education and the associated staff and consultants are the top scholars in their respective fields.
The proposers will organize and conduct the first of what is hoped will become an Annual Symposium on Children's Science Books that will focus national attention on this important and overlooked channel for science literacy. This first two day symposium will involve 75 editors, authors, librarians and educators in an intensive exploration of science books intended as independent or collateral reading materials for children at home, classroom or library. A national advisory committee will help shape the symposium's content. Professional and popular articles and a book will disseminate the results of the meeting. This project will explore an often-overlooked area of popular science education, and will involve science researchers committed to participating in improving popular education and communication in science. NSF support will be supplemented by university funds and income from the symposium.