The Curiosity Summer Camp was held in the Redwoods of Huddart Park, Woodside, CA. The camp provided an opportunity for students (ages 4-10) to experience learning in ways that are not always supported by the formal school science curriculum. By focusing on the engineering design process, the children learned to iterate and come back to the same model with a different approach, resulting in development of critical thinking skills and persistence.
We engaged 12 PreK-5 students in a 100-hour hands-on engineering camp. The age cohorts we assessed were: 4-5, 6-7 and 8-10. The sample size was
The LiFE Project, an NSF INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilot, will investigate and design a collaborative effort to counter the stereotypical expectation that boys are "naturally" better at science and math which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, silently shaping the girls'own perceptions of their ability. LiFE collaborators will address this problem at its source: the early learning experiences of elementary school girls. The elementary-middle school period is critical because by 8th grade, many girls have left the STEM pathway forever. The key to reversing the trend is finding effective ways to showcase STEM as a collaborative, people-rich space in which girls can participate together, be themselves, and engage in exploration. Research indicates that girls prefer collaborative activities that can make a difference in the world. Partnering with a coalition of economically and racially diverse New Jersey elementary schools, LiFE will employ "iSTEAM" learning strategies that encourage girls to apply the tools of various disciplines to investigate and solve real-world problems in an open environment of innovation, collaboration, and communication. This approach promises to be especially effective in engaging girls.
LiFE will build on a successful Girls Science Club (GSC) model that introduces girls in grades 3-4 to hands-on iSTEAM exploration activities using Problem/Project-Based Learning strategies. Additional activities will leverage the expertise of the project's corporate/government partners (including Apple and USARMY) to build communication and leadership skills. LiFE will sustain the GSC's benefits by developing clubs for grades 5-6 involving enriched content and long-term independent projects. Eventually, a tiered peer network will link girls from elementary school through women college students and female STEM professionals--each tier mentoring the tiers below. This network will sustain a crucial "sense of community" to retain women in STEM. Within LiFE's social innovation framework approach, participating districts will tailor the GSC to their community while also working together toward shared common goals. LiFE will study the impact of GSCs on persistence of girls' interest in STEM into grade 7. Based on this research, LiFE will develop a cost-effective template that can be replicated across the US. LiFE will bring problem-based iSTEAM concepts to girls of all academic levels in their elementary schools years while, having a community focus with participant-developed projects in a non-competitive environment and leveraging the resources of academic, corporate and government partners to foster broader participation by women in STEM careers.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Bruce BukietJames LipumaNancy Steffen-Fluhr
resourceprojectGames, Simulations, and Interactives
EMERGE in STEM (Education for Minorities to Effectively Raise Graduation and Employment in STEM) is a NSF INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilot. This project addresses the broadening participation challenge of increasing participation of women, the at-risk minority population, and the deaf in the STEM workforce. The project incorporates in and out-of-school career awareness activities for grades 4-12 in a high poverty community in Guilford County, North Carolina. EMERGE in STEM brings together a constellation of existing community partners from all three sectors (public, private, government) to leverage and expand mutually reinforcing STEM career awareness and workforce development activities in new ways by using a collective impact approach.
This project builds on a local network to infuse career exposure elements into the existing mutually reinforcing STEM activities and interventions in the community. A STEM education and career exposure software, Learning Blade, will be used to reach approximately 15,000 students. A shared measurement system and assessment process will contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the collective impact strategies, the implementation of mutually reinforcing activities across the partnership and the extent to which project efforts attract students to consider STEM careers.
Gregory MontyMargaret KanipesMalcolm SchugSteven Jiang
The Sustainability Teams Empower and Amplify Membership in STEM (S-TEAMS), an NSF INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilot project, will tackle the problem of persistent underrepresentation by low-income, minority, and women students in STEM disciplines and careers through transdisciplinary teamwork. As science is increasingly done in teams, collaborations bring diversity to research. Diverse interactions can support critical thinking, problem-solving, and is a priority among STEM disciplines. By exploring a set of individual contributors that can be effect change through collective impact, this project will explore alternative approaches to broadly enhance diversity in STEM, such as sense of community and perceived program benefit. The S-TEAMS project relies on the use of sustainability as the organizing frame for the deployment of learning communities (teams) that engage deeply with active learning. Studies on the issue of underrepresentation often cite a feeling of isolation and lack of academically supportive networks with other students like themselves as major reasons for a disinclination to pursue education and careers in STEM, even as the numbers of underrepresented groups are increasing in colleges and universities across the country. The growth of sustainability science provides an excellent opportunity to include students from underrepresented groups in supportive teams working together on problems that require expertise in multiple disciplines. Participating students will develop professional skills and strengthen STEM- and sustainability-specific skills through real-world experience in problem solving and team science. Ultimately this project is expected to help increase the number of qualified professionals in the field of sustainability and the number of minorities in the STEM professions.
While there is certainly a clear need to improve engagement and retention of underrepresented groups across the entire spectrum of STEM education - from K-12 through graduate education, and on through career choices - the explicit focus here is on the undergraduate piece of this critical issue. This approach to teamwork makes STEM socialization integral to the active learning process. Five-member transdisciplinary teams, from disciplines such as biology, chemistry, computer and information sciences, geography, geology, mathematics, physics, and sustainability science, will work together for ten weeks in summer 2018 on real-world projects with corporations, government organizations, and nongovernment organizations. Sustainability teams with low participation by underrepresented groups will be compared to those with high representation to gather insights regarding individual and collective engagement, productivity, and ongoing interest in STEM. Such insights will be used to scale up the effort through partnership with New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability (NJHEPS).
Amy TuiningaAshwani VasishthPankaj Lai
This article discusses Purdue University's Center for Global Soundscapes' five-day camp program for students with visual impairments. The program follows an inquiry-based learning approach to explore concepts fundamental to soundscape ecology.
This article discusses the Youth in Science Action Club (SAC), which uses citizen science to investigate nature, document their discoveries, share data with the scientific community, and design strategies to protect the planet. Through collaborations with regional and national partners, SAC expands access to environmental science curriculum and training resources.
Laura HerszenhornKatie LevedahlSuzi Taylor
There is a growing need for citizens to be able to work with data and consider how data is represented. This work employs a design, make, play framework to create data modeling learning experiences for young children and their caregivers in an informal setting. The project develops and tests a curriculum for a workshop series for 5-8 year old children to engage them in playful exploration of data modeling. Children engage in data collection, data representation, and data analysis by drawing on their own experiences of museum exhibitions. The curriculum supports developing children's interest and engagement with data science and data literacy, which are foundational knowledge for a range of STEM careers and disciplines. This project advances efforts of the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program to better understand and promote practices that increase students' motivations and capacities to pursue careers in fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).
The project is grounded in a theoretical framework for young children's learning that focus on playful exploration, design, and building on children's own experiences and questions. The research examines how the curriculum needs to be designed to support families in data modeling, foster engagement in data modeling by both younger (ages 5-6) and older (ages 7-8) children, and provide evidence of active approaches to learning about STEM. The design and development project tests and investigates the materials using a design-based research framework. Children who participate in the workshop series should increase their confidence in solving problems, taking initiative, and drawing on available resources to pursue their own questions and respond to novel challenges. Data collected includes interviews with participants, artifacts of children's work throughout the series, and an observational instrument to document families' problem solving, persistence, and engagement with data science concepts.
To address the need for STEM reform in K-12 schools, this article describes the design and implementation of a rigorous, interdisciplinary science and research program (ISR) in two local high schools (HS-S and HS-H). The ISR, adapted from the successful School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt program, provides seven courses over four years that focus on the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to construct and perform hypothesis-driven research projects. The courses are co-taught by a science teacher (masters or doctoral level) and a Ph.D. scientist. Overall, students in
Jennifer A. UfnarVirginia L. Shepherd
Dr. Ann Chester, Director of the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) in West Virginia was looking for professional researchers interested in working with HSTA's high school-aged participants through community-based participatory research (CBPR) projects. Dr. Alicia Zbehlik, with the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice in New Hampshire, needed to further her research in knee osteoarthritis to support a pilot intervention in her target population. The two met, saw potential benefits to both organizations in forming a partnership, and agreed to undertake a one-year
Paul Luis SicilianoBethany L. HornbeckSara HanksSummer L. KuhnAlicia J. ZbehlikAnn L. Chester
Educational approaches that provide meaningful, relevant opportunities for place-based learning have been shown to be effective models for engaging indigenous students in science. The Laulima A ‘Ike Pono (LAIP) collaboration was developed to create a place-based inclusive learning environment for engaging local community members, especially Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, in scientific research at a historically significant ancient Hawaiian fishpond. The LAIP internship focused on problem-solving activities that were culturally relevant to provide a holistic STEM research experience
Increased emphasis on K-12 engineering education, including the advent and incorporation of NGSS in many curricula, has spurred the need for increased engineering learning opportunities for younger students. This is particularly true for students from underrepresented minority populations or economically disadvantaged schools, who traditionally lag their peers in the pursuit of STEM majors or careers. To address this deficit, we have created the Hk Maker Lab, a summer program for New York City high school students that introduces them to biomedical engineering design. The students learn the
Aaron Matthew KyleMichael CarapezzaChristine Kovich
Designing Our World (DOW) was a four-year NSF-funded initiative in which the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) sought to promote girls’ pursuit of engineering careers through community-based programming, exhibition development, and identity research. The overarching aim of DOW was to engage girls ages 9–14 with experiences that illuminate the social, personally relevant, and altruistic nature of engineering. In addition to programming for girls, the project also included workshops for parents/caregivers, professional development for staff from community partners; and an exhibition