This study was a longitudinal summative evaluation of repeat visitors’ experiences in four Math Moves! exhibitions that were developed as part of a large collaborative exhibition development project called Math Core for Museums, and mounted at four museums around the country: Museum of Science (Boston); Museum of Life & Science (Durham, NC); Explora (Albuquerque); and Science Museum of Minnesota (St. Paul). The summative evaluation purposively selected four family groups at each institution and collected naturalistic data as the 16 groups engaged with the exhibits from 4-6 times over a two
Evaluators sought to determine impact on math attitude and content knowledge of students (3rd - 6th grade), and math literacy workers (high school and college students), based on pre-post testing and observation of YPP after school programs, in which college and high school students teach math games to elementary and middle school students in marginalized and vulnerable communities. The study focused on the Chicago YPP site, 1 of 7 in the YPP national network. Increases in math attitude scores were not statistically significant, however in some instances evaluators found significant increases
Norman LedermanYoung People's Project, Inc.
The goal of this evaluation was to assess issues of user friendliness, appeal and comprehension related to the Cyberchase website’s homepage, web adventures, weekly polls and games. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase’s mission is to improve kids' problem-solving and math skills, and inspire them with confidence and enthusiasm toward math. The TV series airs daily on PBS
Barbara FlaggSandra SheppardCarey BolsterMichael TempletonThirteen/WNET
Produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana International, the Award-winning series CYBERCHASE is the only mathematics series for children on American television. Designed for kids ages 8 to 12 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, each episode delivers positive messages about math by teaching concepts in a fun way that kids can understand. To inform the design of a planned major study of children's learning from multiple media (using materials from the mathematics series Cyberchase), a small-scale, quasi-experimental pilot study was conducted with 47 children in the third and fourth
Produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana International, the Award-winning series CYBERCHASE is the only mathematics series for children on American television. Designed for kids ages 8 to 12 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, each episode delivers positive messages about math by teaching concepts in a fun way that kids can understand. To assess the impact of Cyberchase on children's mathematical problem solving, MediaKidz Research & Consulting conducted summative research using an experimental/control, pretest/posttest design. Participants were 108 third- and fourth-grade
The 2010 Cyberchase Summer Challenge Outreach initiative was designed to allow local public television stations to develop community-appropriate outreach plans as part of a unique summer launch of a new season of shows for a PBS children's television program. The Cyberchase Summer Challenge was a national initiative; eight stations were selected for a pilot study of best practices related to summer programming. Grantee stations were provided modest funding and material support. RMC's evaluation focused on understanding how public television stations and their outreach partners can build
Alice ApleyWendy GrahamElizabeth GoldmanThirteen/WNET New York
The focus of this naturalistic study was to explore the enjoyment and appeal of Cyberchase, and its influence on children attitudes about math, self-confidence about mathematical problem solving, patterns of Website use, mathematical problem solving skills, and content recall. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase's mission is to improve kids' problem-solving and math
To gain insight into the Cyberchase audience, a Web survey was conducted with parents through the PBS Web site during June and July, 2005. Participants were 94 parents of children who were current or past users of at least one Cyberchase media component (e.g., TV, Web site, outreach materials, etc.). Roughly equal numbers of boys and girls were represented, and one-third of the children were identified as minorities. Parents were recruited through the Cyberchase Web site and online mailings, and were asked to complete the online survey. Rather than being representative of U.S. parents as a
To prepare for future summative research on the synergy among multiple educational media, the present pilot research explored real-life use of Cyberchase outreach materials. The present pilot study included: a Web survey of 48 outreach providers (representing over 3000 children in 19 states), follow-up phone interviews with 26 of these providers, and in-person observations at two outreach sites, one in New York and one in Massachusetts. With an eye toward future summative research, the resulting data yield conclusions and implications in two broadly defined areas: providers' use of Cyberchase
As part of a National Science Foundation grant, Thirteen/WNET produced and posted online ten short-form motivational animated videos. To evaluate the impact of Cyberchase Do the Math videos, Multimedia Research implemented a pre-post same-sample evaluation with the following goals: (1) to determine the extent to which viewing ten short math videos online motivates further online and offline math-related activities; (2) to evaluate whether viewing ten videos changes interest and confidence in figuring out math-related problem activities; (3) to assess change in math knowledge related to viewing
How Did We Approach This Study This report presents findings of a program evaluation conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A), for the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California. The evaluation examined learning outcomes and experiences of 6th to 8th grade Boy Scouts attending the Hiller Aviation Museum's Flight Planning Program to earn an Aviation Scout Merit Badge. The full-day program was offered one Saturday a month in October, November, and December 2010. RK&A designed pre- and post-test standardized questionnaires to explore Boy Scouts' understanding of the importance of
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Hiller Aviation Museum
August, 2009 Communities of Effective Practice, 2008-2009 Evaluation Abstract: The Communities of Effective Practice (CEP) project is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project to develop a professional development model for supporting math and science instructional practices that are culturally responsive within American Indian communities. This report summarizes findings from the Year 3 evaluation (conducted during the 2008-2009 academic year) and discusses these findings within the context of the Years 1 and 2 evaluations. It presents key considerations for developing a Community
Gina MaghariousKasey McCrackenUtah State University