In January 2012, New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) hosted Design-Make-Play: Growing the Next Generation of Science Innovators. The two-day conference brought together leaders of schools, community-based programs, research and development organizations, the funding community, universities, government and business. They gathered at NYSCI to assemble evidence supporting the belief that designing, making and playing can create new pathways into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), particularly among children. A core argument of Design-Make-Play is that informal learning centers like
Recognizing that the Maker movement embodies aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning that are the hallmarks of effective education — deep engagement with content, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, learning to learn, and more — NYSCI, in collaboration with Dale Dougherty and Tom Kalil, approached the National Science Foundation to sponsor a two-day workshop. Over 80 leaders in education, science, technology and the arts came together at NYSCI to consider how the Maker movement can help stimulate innovation in formal and informal education
NSF's Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery is presented in a set of interrelated chapters that describe the various challenges and opportunities in the complementary areas that make up cyberinfrastructure: computing systems, data, information resources, networking, digitally enabled-sensors, instruments, virtual organizations, and observatories, along with an interoperable suite of software services and tools. This technology is complemented by the interdisciplinary teams of professionals that are responsible for its development, deployment and its use in transformative
This monograph, the final report of the 21st Century Literacy Summit held in April 2005, presents an action plan for this emerging field applicable to higher education, K-12 education, policy makers, media & the arts, and research, and details the strategic priorities and specific recommendations for these sectors that were the summit's major outcomes.
This research study reports on the evaluation of the outcome and impact of learning as a result of the implementation of Education Programme Delivery Plans in 69 museums in the nine regional museum hubs in England during September, October and November 2005. This is the second study of the impact of learning achieved through museum school services which have been funded through the Renaissance in the Regions programme, which provides central government funding to museums in the English regions. The first study 'What did you learn at the museum today?' was carried out in 2003. The findings of
Eilean Hooper-GreenhillJocelyn DoddLisanne GibsonMartin PhillipsCeri JonesEmma Sullivan
This paper details a long-term evolving effort to provide evaluation instruction designed to address specific information needs for selected target groups from a centralized location within a networked environment. Additionally, this paper examines a content design process that focuses on user-centered data-appropriate evaluation methods where the content of the instructional system is comprehensive, organized, and presented for use by library researchers and practitioners in a variety of library settings and situational contexts. Specific examples of web-based evaluation instructional systems
John SneadCharles McClureJohn BertotPaul Jaeger
Discovering and understanding the temporal evolution of events hidden in text corpora is a complex yet critical task for knowledge discovery. Although mining event dynamics has been an important research topic leading to many successful algorithms, researchers, research and development managers, intelligence analysts and the general public are still in dire need of effective tools to explore the evolutionary trends and patterns. This exploratory project focuses on developing and validating a novel idea called narrative animation. Narrative animation uses animated visualizations to narrate, explore, and share event dynamics conveyed in temporally evolving text collections. Film art techniques are employed to leverage the animated visualizations in information organization and change detection, with the goals of enhancing analytical power and user engagement. A prototype system called CityStories is being developed to generate narrative animations of events in cities derived from web-based text. If this novel, risky research is successful, it is expected to yield fundamental results in narrative animation that can advance the current paradigm in information visualization and visual analytics by developing novel techniques in using animations for presenting and analyzing dynamic abstract data at a large scale. The pilot system CityStories system is expected provide a novel network platform for education, entertainment, and data analytics. It will engage general users such as students, teachers, journalists, bloggers, and many others in web information visualization and study. Results of this research will be disseminated through publications, the World Wide Web, and collaborations with researchers and analysts. The project web site ( will include research outcomes, publications, developed software, videos, and datasets for wide dissemination to public.
What makes “making”—the next generation of inventing and do-it-yourself—worth paying attention to? In this report, we explore the three categories of makers, the ecosystem growing around those categories, the role technology plays in this ecosystem, and, finally, how business can take advantage of the opportunities this movement represents.
John HagelJohn Seely BrownDleesha Kulasooriya
How can research on teaching and learning be used to improve the design of e-content? The contents of this report are based on a series of seminars conducted during 2003 and 2004, funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), that were coordinated by Lydia Plowman, University of Stirling. They were also sponsored by a number of organisations including Futurelab. Each seminar was attended by researchers from universities, creators and managers of companies that make educational resources, and people engaged in policy making or representing Government agencies
To explore how the United States can harness the powerful features of digital games for learning, the Federation of American Scientists, the Entertainment Software Association, and the National Science Foundation convened a National Summit on Educational Games, on October 25, 2005 in Washington, DC. The Summit brought together nearly 100 experts to discuss ways to accelerate the development, commercialization, and deployment of new generation games for learning.
Federation of American ScientistsHenry Kelly
Young people’s participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is a matter of international concern. Studies and careers that require physical sciences and advanced mathematics are most affected by the problem and women in particular are under‐represented in many STEM fields. This article views international research about young people’s relationships to, and participation in, STEM subjects and careers through the lens of an expectancy‐value model of achievement‐related choices. In addition it draws on sociological theories of late‐modernity and identity, which situate
Maria Vetleseter BoeEllen Karoline HenriksenTerry LyonsCamilla Schreiner
Youth EXPO: Youth Exploring the Potential of Virtual Worlds was a proof-of-concept study to determine if an immersive, 3D virtual environment is an effective medium to increase high school students’ understanding of current climate change research and motivate interest in learning more about climatology-related careers. The project was conducted by the Miami Science Museum in partnership with Goddard Institute of Space Sciences and Goddard Space Flight Center, and implemented with high school students in Miami. The overall goal of the project was to develop a prototype cyber resource to promote awareness of climate change and careers in climatology, in support of NASA’s role in helping youth understand how Earth’s global climate system is changing. YouthEXPO explored the extent to which 3D virtual learning experiences can increase high school students’ conceptual understanding of complex scientific issues related to climate change. This was accomplished through the development of a series of virtual exhibits, YouthEXPO Island, and pilot testing of the exhibition with high school students as part of a broader climate change curriculum. Youth EXPO Island is a series of simulations in an immersive, 3D virtual world environment designed to increase high school students’ understanding of current climate change research and motivate interest in learning more about climatology-related careers. Modules include EarthLab, IceLab, VolcanoLab and SpaceLab, four environmental simulations where avatars can analyze the relationship between global temperature change and a variety of climate factors, learn about remote sensing and field sampling techniques, and explore related careers.