Supported by the National Science Foundation, the Global Soundscapes! Big Data, Big Screens, Open Ears project employs a variety of informal learning experiences to present the physics of sound and the new science of soundscape ecology. The interdisciplinary science of soundscape ecology analyzes sounds over time in different ecosystems around the world. The major components of the Global Soundscapes project are an educator-led interactive giant-screen theater show, group activities, and websites. All components are designed with both sighted and visually impaired students in mind. Multimedia
Through a generous three-year grant from the Abundance Foundation, the Agency by Design (AbD) initiative at Project Zero, a research organization at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, began to investigate the promises, practices, and pedagogies of maker-centered learning. Over the last two years we have simultaneously pursued three strands of work: 1) a review of pertinent literature; 2) interviews and site visits with leading maker educators; and 3) action research and concept development. We’re now commencing our third year of work. Our active data collection stage is over. We are
Harvard Project ZeroHarvard Project Zero
This report from the National Research Council explores how learning changes the physical structure of the brain, how existing knowledge affects what people notice and how they learn, the amazing learning potential of infants, and the relationship between classroom learning and learning in everyday settings such as community and the workplace. It identifies learning needs and opportunities for teachers and provides a realistic look at the role of technology in education.
The days of desktop dominance are over. Mobile has swiftly risen to become the leading digital platform, with total activity on smartphones and tablets accounting for an astounding 60 percent of digital media time spent in the U.S. The fuel driving mobile’s relentless growth is primarily app usage, which alone makes up a majority of total digital media engagement at 52 percent. In this report we let the numbers and charts do most of the talking, as the story of today’s app landscape is told through the visualization of comScore’s mobile data.
An important challenge in urban science education is finding ways to engage all students in the learning of science. However, research in this area has consistently shown that around middle school student engagement in science wanes. Using critical ethnographic methods this study reveals how students cultivate a sense of ownership in an informal science video project. Student ownership of what they they learn plays an important role in how they engage in the learning environment. In this study ownership is characterized by five themes, and the notion of student ownership science is challenged
The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for initiatives focused on supporting learning across settings in the domains of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The conceptual framework emerges from ecological perspectives on learning that suggest a need to consider how learning develops across settings, through a range of supportive interactions and relationships (Barron, 2006; Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The framework presents initial design principles for organizing learning opportunities that connect people to practices in multiple settings. It also
In 2007, Carnegie Corporation of New York joined with the Institute for Advanced Study to create a commission, comprised of some of our nation’s most distinguished mathematicians, scientists, educators, scholars, business leaders, and public officials, to assess not only the current state of math and science education in the U.S. but also how to enhance the capacity of our schools and universities to generate innovative strategies across all fields that will increase access to high-quality education for every student in every classroom.
Carnegie Corporation and the Institute for Advanced Study
Afterschool programs that provide strong STEM learning experiences are making an impact on participating youth not only become excited and engaged in these fields but develop STEM skills and proficiencies, come to value these fields and their contributions to society, and -- significantly -- begin to see themselves as potential contributors to the STEM enterprise. This paper summarizes evaluation data from a selection of strong afterschool STEM programs, providing a snapshot of the types of substantive impacts afterschool programs are having on youth.
This report focuses on the use of games as resources to support the educational aims, objectives, and planned outcomes of teachers who understand that games are an important medium in contemporary culture and young people's experiences. The report provides an assessment of game-based learning in UK schools. It is intended to test out the hype and enthusiasm for using games in education and to identify a sensible rationale and practical strategies for teachers to try out games in the classroom.
This report for educators aims to examine the current landscape of adult informal learning using digital technologies. It provides new data on adult use of technology for informal learning and outlines the existing landscape of tools, resources and services which can support this. It aims to develop a shared understanding of the ways in which digital technologies are used for adult informal learning, and how this could be supplemented to enhance and transform adult informal learning in the future.