This project is designed to monitor and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species through heightened awareness and education. This is an ongoing project throughout Chippewa, Eau Claire, Barron, Dunn, and Rusk counties that started the summer of 2007 and will end the fall of 2009. Each summer 40 different lakes are visited three times each. Volunteers commit to spending at least one day helping the Citizen Science Center Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator sample different AIS on lakes in the area, with training taking place on the same day.
Beaver Creek ReserveWisconsin Department of Natural ResourcesUniversity of Wisconsin ExtensionAna BradySarah Braun
On May 15th & 16th, 2009, citizens, area landowners and experts team together to conduct a 24-hour biological inventory of the taxa in an the Biodiversity Management Area near the towns of Roy and McKenna just east of Fort Lewis in Pierce County, WA. Teams will include botany, invertebrates, mammals, prairie species, butterflies, amphibians and reptiles. Teams will use CyberTracker software and handheld devices to input data into the UW's NatureMapping program. Overnight camping, t-shirts, and meals will be available to volunteers.
Tahoma Audubon SocietyPierce County Biodiversity AllianceWashington Department of Fish and WildlifeNorthwest Trek Wildlife ParkTacoma Nature CenterKrystal KyerJohn Garner
The Global Garlic Mustard Field Survey is a collaboration of scientists, students, conservationists, resource managers and 'amateur' scientists. Our goal is to collect high-quality data on the abundance and distribution of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in its native (Europe) and introduced (North America) ranges. This sampling protocol is designed to be simple and achieved with just a few hours of work, once populations have been located. It well help to fill an large gap in data on native and introduced plant populations.
Global Invasions NetworkRobert Colautti
The Cricket and Katydid Crawl of New York City and Surrounds is a citizen science pilot project in which participants will venture out between dusk and midnight to locations of their choosing throughout the NYC metro area to listen for the calls of crickets and katydids and document their observations. Counts will be immediately text, emailed, or cell phoned in. An extended network of databasers will enter the data online, and maps and anlayses will be generated in near real time. By dawn we hope to have a series of reports generated by observers, artists, mathematicians, and citizens. Following the survey on September 11, 2009 we will document the event and provide advice for those who would like to replicate this event elsewhere. We will be doing this purposely without copyrights and without institutional funding...a wiki approach to a survey.
USGSAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAppalachian Mountain ClubProteus GowanusSam Droege
A BioBlitz is a rapid biological survey of a property in which as many species from as many taxonomic groups as possible are counted during a 24-hour period. It is used to provide a snapshot of wildlife in any area, and identify any rare or endangered species there. As a volunteer you would participate in training to learn how to collect data during the BioBlitz, and on the day of the event you work with experts to identify species. By participating in the BioBlitz, you get the opportunity to meet and spend time with people who are interested in the environment, and learn about critters in Wisconsin!
Beaver Creek Reserve Citizen Science CenterSarah Braun
In this article, Carlos Plaza, exhibit developer and bilingual communications specialist at the Miami Science Museum, summarizes the museum's general guidelines and strategies for writing and designing bilingual exhibitions. These guidelines address label hierarchy, personnel (translators and editors), interpretation vs. translation, regional variation, and layout and design.
This white paper is the product of the CAISE Public Engagement with Science Inquiry Group. It describes how public engagement with science (PES) in the context of informal science education can provide opportunities for public awareness of and participation in science and technology. The term engagement is characterized by mutual learning by publics and scientists rather than a one-way transmission of knowledge from experts to publics.
In this Communicating Research to Public Audiences project, the University of Colorado at Boulder -- in partnership with the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, and the CU-Boulder Office of Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement -- is building on the work they have done via their NSF research award, A Meta-Design Framework for Participative Software Systems, in which they have been developing participative software systems (PPS) and applications of the framework. Community of Soundscapes will employ newly developed mobile computing and collaborative mapping technology in programs that help users gain greater insights and stake into the shared environment in which they live and visit. Sound Camera, a digital recording device outfitted with GPS mapping software, allows users to collect audio clips of their sonic experiences as they explore their cities, parks and other environments and upload them online onto a digital map through a Web 2.0 application. They can then compose, annotate, and share soundscapes of the places where the sounds were recorded. A Web site will be developed to expand the project's reach to audiences not in the Boulder programs. Professional development training will be provided for collaborators and through the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education. The educational goals are to promote literacy of PSS and engage the public in personally meaningful activities that benefit environmental education (cognitive goal) and expand environmental awareness (affective goal). The project work and its evaluation processes (by Wells Resources, Inc.) are intended to advance the field of informal science education with respect to PSS and to study how these new technologies might affect shifts in the kinds of experiences various audiences prefer to have.
Gerhard FischerElisa GiaccardiGerhard Fischer
The Liberty Science Center (LSC) will develop "Science Now, Science Everywhere (SNSE)," a three-year project using mobile phones to expand exhibit learning at three LSC exhibits. Goals of the project include conducting intensive research on the capabilities of mobile phones for exhibit learning; developing methods with mobile technology to sustain and expand informal learning beyond the science center; investigating the effectiveness of mobile learning, as a means to engage wider audiences and underrepresented groups in science learning; and inspire new generations of technology users to participate in informal science learning. "SNSE" research will greatly expand upon limited findings on pedagogical and technological issues associated with mobile learning. Results will be disseminated to the field at professional conferences, via the project's website, and at the Association of Science and Technology Centers' RAP Sessions at the Liberty Science Center. An online resource and planned symposia for ISE professionals will be hosted by LSC on the "SNSE" process with review of the research and guidance on how to utilize project prototypes. Collaborators include Caterpillar Mobile, the Center for Mobile Communication Studies at Rutgers University, the Institute for Learning Innovation, and Verizon Communications.
This project brings together polar researchers, science centers and broadcast media reporters to tell the story of four polar research expeditions to the general public, teachers and students. The four expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic were chosen based on their relevance to the three primary IPY research emphasis areas defined by NSF. A science writer and a professional photographer/oceanographer reporting on each expedition will do daily webcasts on the "Polar Discovery web site (" as well as several scheduled real-time phone patches to audiences at the Museum of Science, Boston, the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, The Field Museum (Chicago), the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the Pacific Science Center (Seattle), the Birch Aquarium (San Diego), National Public Radio stations, CBS News and to student "reporters" writing for Scholastic Online. Programs will also be broadcast on University of California TV. A museum exhibit at the WHOI Exhibit Center will highlight polar research. Components of it will either travel to partner museums or be replicated in the partnering museums. Photo archives of the expeditionary material will also be created and made available to interested users.
Christopher LinderFrederic HeideJames Kent
Norbert Wu and collaborators will create an extensive library of visual media documenting polar marine ecosystems in Antarctica. The PI will partner with the BBC to film and photograph images of marine life in Antarctica at McMurdo and the PI will also film at Palmer. Some of the video footage will contribute to the BBC Natural History Unit production, Life, to be released in 2010. The video and still imagery will also be used to extend the Underwater Field Guide to McMurdo Sound maintained by Scripps. The series of podcasts will profile women researchers at both McMurdo and Palmer. The Ocean Institute will use material as part of their polar science education curricula, "Girls in Ocean Science." Archived materials will be made available to both scientists and the public, and other interested publishing and broadcasting entities, including a number of existing IPY projects. The visual media produced during this project are designed for national and international distribution to enhance the legacy of the International Polar Year.
Washington State University, the University of Puget Sound, the University of Washington, a consortium of three museums, and a state-wide charter school system that assists home-school teachers in the Northwest are collaborating to develop new strategies to educate and inform the public about evolution through interactive museum exhibits. Background information and baseline knowledge will be garnered through focus group discussions and surveys. Information will be sought from parents and students in home-school environments and teachers of faith-based groups. The planning work is the prelude to development of the actual exhibition and is needed to inform the PIs how most effectively to help the public best learn key concepts of evolution. The same groups that supply the baseline information and knowledge of concepts will be used to judge museum development in an iterative manner. A second objective in this endeavor is to catalyze collaboration among regional museums. Participants in the project will be staff from the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle, Conner Museum in Pullman, Washington, Slater Museum of Natural History in Tacoma, Washington, Nebraska State Museum, and Idaho Distance Education Academy. An advisory committee includes evolutionary scientists, philosophers of science, and members of the clergy. This project will derive baseline perspectives on evolution from the unique home-school and faith-based communities, piloted interactive exhibits describing contemporary evolution stories, comparative knowledge on whether these participating groups provide useful strategies in the exhibit development, and whether contemporary content exhibits are better at explanations of evolution than the more traditional examples.
Larry HuffordMichael WebsterRichard OlmsteadAmy RykenCarol AnelliPeter Wimberger