This paper presents strategies for audience development, using a research project of the Toronto Historical Board as an illustration. The project was comprehensive, and this paper focuses on some of the strategies used for development of the research design, the methodology and applications of the results. These strategies can be used by others facing the challenges of audience development. The paper is organized into four parts: 1. Definition of the audience development problem; 2. Strategic decisions for developing the research design for audience development; 3. Outcomes and impacts of
Rosalyn RubensteinLeslie MunroKaren Black
This paper discusses the importance of serving both internal and external publics, which requires attention to their values, expectations, and satisfactions, not just what decision-makers think they should want or expect from the museum. Author Marilyn G. Hood, of Hood Associates, presents data from two recent audience research projects that reveal internal publics (visitors, including volunteers, members or donors) may hold distinctly different views and preferences, and that these may contrast with those held by visitors and the community. This data can offer guidance for improving internal
This paper discusses the whole evaluation process and draws from a new communications evaluation program which covers live communication programs as well as exhibitions at Parks Canada, Quebec Region. This paper address the client's role and the evaluator's conduct: addressing a request, choosing a consultant, giving support, and applying results.
In this paper, Douglas Worts of the Art Gallery of Ontario discusses how forging partnerships with corporations, schools, universities, and other cultural organizations can help museums achieve economics of scale while maximizing their human and financial resources. Specifically, Worts describes the benefits of an honest and respectful partnership between museums and the public, with examples from his own work at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
In this paper, researchers from Colorado State University (CSU) discuss rising concern of public land managers, ranchers, and the general public about public lands grazing and the conflicts that arise between industry and recreation-seeking citizens. The authors present findings from a research project conducted under a cooperative agreement between the College of Natural Resources at CSU, the Grand Mesa/Uncompaghre National Forest, and the Rocky Mountain Forest Experiment Station. The first phase of this research was a visitor perception study conducted on the Big Cimarron Allotment in
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of real people (actors) as communicators of messages in museums. It includes findings from an evaluation of professional actors, who assume the roles of fictitious and real characters from the history of science, technology, and medicine at the Science Museum in London. The study attempted to understand more fully how visitors react to such live interpretations.
In this paper, Chris Parsons, of Word Craft, presents an overview of front-end evaluation. Parsons discusses the definition of front-end evaluation, how front-end evaluations differ from formative and summative evaluations, the goals and purposes of front-end evaluation, situations in which front-end evaluation would be useful, and the value of understanding your audience before designing programs or exhibits.
In this paper, the Museum of New Mexico's Thomas J. Caperton discusses how public programs often threaten preservation efforts at historic sties. Caperton suggests that alternative methods of interpretation can be accomplished in a museum setting through experimental archaeology and other programming.
In this paper, Charles A. Lewis, retired from the Morton Arboretum, discusses why and how visitors interact with botanical gardens and arboreta, places that provide natural ambiance as well as learning opportunities. Lewis argues that these types of "green museums" must recognize the psychological and physiological aspects of their landscapes that provide broader experiences for visitors.
In this paper, Marilyn G. Hood of Hood Associates discusses the benefits of community studies, rather than just visitor research. Hood examines how conducting community studies enables museums to learn new, often surprising facts about their area population as well as identify future or unsuspected audiences.
This paper describes findings from a study intended to improve the Confrontation Gallery at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. This remedial evaluation involved placing written text on the plexiglass photo panels that corresponded to the audi-recorded statements. Text placement was completed in two phases to asses the possibility that having written text on all panels would create competition for attention and result in less attention.
Stephen BitgoodAnn CleghornAmy CotaMelody CrawfordDonald PattersonChris Danemeyer
In this paper, researchers from Science Learning, Inc. discuss findings from an evaluation study that used interpretive carts to analyze visitor conversations. Researchers collected data using the "Rock Talk" cart to inform the redesign of the Geology, Gems & Minerals Hall at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.