This article discusses a Visitor-Center Evaluation Hierarchy that illustrates the relationships between evaluation needs and various methodologies that, in turn, yield a variety of visitor data important to educators, marketers, evaluators, administrators, and program funders. It includes discussions about the utility of the hierarchy, implications of data gathering at each level, issues related to measurement and sampling, and a list of resources for further discovery.
This article describes an evaluation project that measured the effectiveness of particular communication strategies in the Kelp Forest feeding program at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. During the Kelp Forest program a volunteer guide (docent) delivers a narration about the Kelp Forest exhibit and has a conversation with a diver feeding the fish in the exhibit. The program concludes with the diver and the volunteer taking questions from the audience. The communication strategies measured in this study were identified by The Ocean Project (TOP), a collaborative initiative where the Monterey Bay
This article reports findings from a study of some of the museums most active in audience research to identify success factors crucial to effective audience research. The study focused on what makes audience research effective and when audience research can be considered effective. This article reports findings from eight case studies undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. Following an explanation of the research approach, this article outlines the principal criteria for audience research effectiveness found in the institutions studied and highlights the main success factors underlying their
This paper discusses four interpetative strategies employed by staff at the Arkansas State Parks System which have led to effective interpretation. These strategies include: (1) maintianing a position to interpret; (2) providing linked programs and messages to provide continuing and reinforcing learning opportuities; (3) using the Visitor Center as a threshold to the park; and (3) providing three levels of interpretation.
In this article, the author offers explanations for what is characterized as startling disconnect between the scientific consensus around climate change and the lack of a social consensus. The author brings attention to this disconnect by offering some explanations for what may be contributing factors to a limited public discourse on science topics such as a lack of training and/or support for scientists communicating about their research. Twelve "Rules of Engagement" are proposed in order to to begin a conversation about how scholars can effectively and appropriately communicate about their
University of MichiganAndrew Hoffman
In this paper, Word Craft's Chris Parsons examines the question, "Is an exhibit's goal to change visitor behavior?" Parsons also proposes a way to develop so the goal is change through two methods: (1) defining who our visitors are; and (2) developing clearly stated behavioral objectives when planning new exhibits. This discussion can be applied to educational programs as well.
This article develops an argument that the type of intervention research most useful for improving science teaching and learning and leading to scalable interventions includes both research to develop and gather evidence of the efficacy of innovations and a different kind of research, design-based implementation research (DBIR). DBIR in education focuses on what is required to bring interventions and knowledge about learning to all students, wherever they might engage in science learning. This research focuses on implementation, both in the development and initial testing of interventions and
Dynamic Patterns Theatre, an independent production company, is bringing a unique educational and entertainment experience to Central Illinois with upcoming performances of QED: A Play by Peter Parnell. Featuring a day in the life of Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman, the show interweaves strands from his professional biography, including the Manhattan project and the Challenger inquiry, and provides a window into many of his personal emotions and challenges, all the while offering several great discussions of physics ideas presented for a general audience. As the first production of a new "Science at the Theatre Series", QED (which stands for quantum electrodynamics, the physics model for which Feynman was awarded the Nobel Prize) will be incorporated with a unique informal educational opportunity along with the traditional theatrical experience for patrons to enjoy. Dynamic Patterns Theatre is collaborating with local physicists and teachers to host an informal forum highlighting aspects of Feynman's life and career and feature science topics discussed in the play. With an interactive format of "Ask a Physicist", patrons will be free to ask the panel any questions they might have about science for a unique opportunity to increase their appreciation for science and how the Universe works, if only just a bit. "My academic background is in physics, so I am personally excited to merge my theatre and science interests into a new cultural event that has not be attempted before in Central Illinois", said Matthew T. Dearing, co-producer of dynamic patterns theatre and director for QED. Richard Feynman is portrayed by Al Scheider, a long-time regional actor from Decatur who has performed in over sixty community theatre productions in thirty-seven years, and has directed theater for twelve years. The supporting role of Miriam Field, a young Caltech student, is played by Lynexia Dawn Chigges, who is an LPN with Memorial Physician Services, and has performed on stages from San Diego to Springfield, Illinois. QED: A Play performs for three weekends in three communities, with the opening on September 13, 14 at 8:00 pm in Springfield at the Hoogland Center for the Arts, September 20, 21 at 7:30 pm in Jacksonville at the Playhouse on the Square, and October 4, 5 at 8:00 pm in Decatur and the Madden Arts Center.
Backyard Mystery is an NSF-funded curriculum, focused on diseases, pathogens and careers, using interactive paper and physical activities. Content is for middle school participants in afterschool settings, like 4-H and other similar venues. The curriculum engages student interest in genetics and genomics and in the bioSTEM workforce. The curriculum storyline is placed in a familiar setting to students--the backyard--and explores fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites in a way that is engaging fun and informative. It can be tailored to specific audiences, e.g. participants interested in animal science will gain from focusing on the parasite panel. The curriculum is available in two forms: a combined lesson that brings all of the elements together in one session and another in which the content is broken out into three separate lessons. We would like to share this curriculum with facilitators and educators for both out-of-school time and classroom settings. It is available electronically and free to use. We only ask for users to complete a brief survey to give us feedback, which is helpful for NSF.
In this paper, Douglas Hoy of the National Museum of Natural Sciences the impact of new admission fee guidelines from a comprehensive study commissioned by the Canadian government. Hoy presents an overview of the new fees program enacted in June 1988 and its influence on museum attendance throughout Canada.
In this paper, researchers from University of Michigan discuss a major problem facing zoo administrators in major urban metropolitan areas: the relevance and attraction of urban zoos to inner-city minority residents. They present an overview of the methodology and findings from a study that examined zoo visitation to the Detroit Zoo by white and minority residents of Detroit.
In this paper, Conny Graft presents a brief overview of the interpretive planning process used on larger projects at Colonial Williamsburg as well as lessons learned from one specific program. Graft provides insight into the challenges of planning interpretations and evaluating live interpretive programs.