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resource research Media and Technology
This report from the National Research Council explores how learning changes the physical structure of the brain, how existing knowledge affects what people notice and how they learn, the amazing learning potential of infants, and the relationship between classroom learning and learning in everyday settings such as community and the workplace. It identifies learning needs and opportunities for teachers and provides a realistic look at the role of technology in education.
TEAM MEMBERS: National Research Council
resource research Media and Technology
In 1831 Michael Faraday built a small generator that produced electricity, but a generation passed before an industrial version was built, then another 25 years before all the necessary accoutrements for electrification came into place—power companies, neighborhood wiring, appliances (like light bulbs) that required electricity, and so on. But when that infrastructure finally took hold, everything changed—homes, work places, transportation, entertainment, architecture, what we ate, even when we went to bed. Worldwide, electricity became a transformative medium for social practices. In quite
TEAM MEMBERS: John Seely Brown
resource research Media and Technology
This study provides a historical overview of the development of the instructional television as a tool within the context of science education. The technology was traced from its beginning as experiments in public service broadcasting by universities and television networks, though closed circuit, cable, and commercially produced science-related programming. The use of the technology as a teaching tool is examined in terms of the concept of scientific literacy and the means by which instructional television helped to accomplish the goals of scientific literacy.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kenneth King
resource research Exhibitions
The author presents a list of ten points for designing engaging experience-based exhibits.
TEAM MEMBERS: Robert Russell
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
This article aims to discover evidence for the "Mozart Effect"--the observation that listening to music for brief periods temporarily enhances performance on spatial tasks.
TEAM MEMBERS: Lois Hetland University of Illinois
resource research Exhibitions
There is growing interest in the nature of the museum experience among researchers in the fields of art and museum education. The museum experience is broadly defined by John Falk and Lynn Dierking as all that transpires between the person's first thought of visiting a museum, through the actual visit, and then beyond, when the museum experience remains only in memory. Additionally, they propose that this experience varies from individual to individual and, in fact, is dependent upon the interaction between the personal context (the visitor's life experiences, interests and expectations), the
TEAM MEMBERS: Carole Henry
resource research Exhibitions
This article presents excerpts from reports written by visitor research professionals in Canada, Finland, Italy and Norway. These brief summaries describe visitor studies projects at various institutions in these countries.
TEAM MEMBERS: Visitor Studies Association George Hein
resource research Public Programs
This paper describes how an understanding of visitors could improve visitor services and museum experiences in order to maximize the attainment of museum objectives. Data from preliminary research at the Nehru Science Centre in India and implementation of findings in day-to-day management of science centre activities has brought about perceptible results, especially in creating new audiences and retaining visitors, thereby increasing overall visitor numbers and, above all, creating a renewed interest in the science centre among the community.
resource research Exhibitions
This paper discusses previous, current, and future visitor studies in Germany. It was presented at the Session International Marketplace of Ideas at the American Association of Museums 94th Annual Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio on April 26, 1999.
TEAM MEMBERS: Volker Kirchberg
resource research Exhibitions
This article briefly outlines the unique evaluation strategy developed by staff at the Science Museum in London as part of the £50 million Wellcome Wing expansion project. The project aimed to produce "visit-centered" exhibitions that illustrate the impact of contemporary science and technology on ordinary people's lives.
TEAM MEMBERS: Ben Gammon Eleanor Bridgman
resource research Exhibitions
This article discusses the influence of cueing visitors during evaluation studies. It reports findings from a study that compared two sets of data from thirteen various exhibits. The study examined the average times spent by uncued visitors versus cued visitors to determine if cuing visitors significantly increases the amount of time visitors spend in museum exhibitions.
TEAM MEMBERS: Beverly Serrell
resource research Public Programs
This study at the National Aquarium in Baltimore (NAIB) was conducted to assess four key aspects of the visitor experience: (1) incoming conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of NAIB visitors; (2) patterns of use and interaction with exhibition components throughout the NAIB; (3) exiting conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of visitors; and (4) over time, how the NAIB experience altered or affected individuals' conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Three hundred six visitors participated in the study, which was conducted from March through July, 1999. The
TEAM MEMBERS: Institute for Learning Innovation John H Falk Leslie Adelman Sylvia James