The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer received a three-year National Science Foundation grant from Fall 2003 to Spring 2006 to develop, produce and air science reports during the regularly televised news program. The Online NewsHour Web site extends the reach of the science reports by housing the broadcast transcripts of the science reports, as well as information, graphics, and links that enhance the televised segments. In addition, EXTRA, a feature within the Web site designed for teachers and students, provides lesson plans and resources to support the use of the science segments in the classroom
Rockman et alMacNeil/Lehrer Productions
In 2008, Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted summative evaluation of Absolute Zero, a collaborative effort of the University of Oregon's Cryogenic Helium Turbulence Laboratory and Twin Cities Public Television. The films were produced by Meridian/Windfall Productions, Washington DC, and/Windfall Films in London, UK. Outreach was spearheaded by Devillier Communications, Inc. The Absolute Zero project was centered on a two-part documentary about low-temperature physics, which aired on PBS/NOVA in early January 2008, as well as an outreach campaign, which included approximately 20
Irene GoodmanUniversity of OregonLaura HousemanMarianne McPherson
Relationships among attitudes of students toward science, as measured by the WASP (Wareing Attitudes Toward Science Protocol), perceived antecedents of such attitudes, and class achievement or performance indicated by reported grades were investigated for a survey sample of 1,740 students in 87 high school science classes from five communities. Additionally, students' self-reported number of tests administered in a given course, perceived rewards, degree of stress, and internal structure of the course were examined as potential predictor variables. Results indicate a significant correspondence
Probes personal beliefs about the nature of science within 3 scientific dimensions (structure, methodology, and validity of science) and learning science within 3 cognitive dimensions (learnability, reflective thinking, and personal relevance of science).
This guiding question for this evaluation conducted by ILI was to measure the long term impact of the NYHS SCL program on its participants. The SCL participants also known as Explainers are high school and college students who are paid employees for NYHS. Focus was on knowledge development and skill development specifically critical thinking, and problem solving and transfer of those skills to everyday life. The evaluation also attempted to gauge SCL graduates' perception of science and scientists, influence of the program on career planning, leisure time choices with respect to lifelong
Martin StorksdieckNew York Hall of ScienceKate Haley-GoldmanMika Cohen Jones
The tool was developed to measure: (a) change of science-related attitudes over time among students; and (b) the effect of similar curricula on the attitudes of different classes.
The Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale measures student attitudes towards mathematics. The survey consists of 4 subscales, each designed to measure confidence, math as a male domain, teacher perception, and usefulness.
The Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) is a 40 question, 4-factor survey designed to measure high school and college students’ attitudes toward mathematics. Unlike other math assessments, the ATMI was designed to be brief while also capturing multiple factors that contribute to one’s attitude about math.
To evaluate the reasons for students in abandoning the science, engineering, and medical (SEM) pipeline while others choosing to continue. The influence of family and teachers on students’ goals in science, activities, and science identity is considered.
Pamela R. AschbacherErika LiEllen J. Roth
Assesses children's interest in, attitude towards, and experiences in science and technology, as well as their opinion about environmental challenges and career aspirations.
The inventory consists of eleven items, each representing a different skill in the science inquiry process. Youth are prompted to respond to each statement using a 4-point Likert scale indicating how often they practice each of the items when doing science: Never (1), sometimes (2), usually (3), and always (4). Recommended scoring of the SPSI is the calculation of a composite science process skills score. This is calculated by summing the individual ratings for each item. The score range for the composite score is 11-44.