This proposal is for a one day workshop including researchers from multiple research disciplines (e.g. education, communication, psychology) and key stakeholders from the giant screen film industry to develop key research questions, priorities, and strategies related to giant screen cinema characteristics that impact STEM learning. The workshop would be held preceding the October, 2013 meeting of ASTC in Albuquerque, NM. There has been little research performed on the unique components of STEM giant screen films related to the role of immersion, presence, and effect on cognition. This workshop would begin with an online forum where invited participants would develop a list of questions, organize prior research, and identify relevant readings. During the workshop day at ASTC, participants would engage in roundtable exercises to develop the research program strategies (methods, collaborative communities, etc.) for the prioritized questions. The workshop outcomes include development of future research proposals and collaborative communities that will address the questions related to the impact of giant screen films and the role of immersion and presence on learning.
The National Academy of Sciences is proposing a three-day Sackler Colloquium on the Science of Science Communication to be held in September 2013. This conference, which will build upon the themes of the colloquium held in 2012, will bring together communication researchers, scientists, and science communication practitioners to foster interdisciplinary discussion and promote the understanding and use of research in confronting science communication challenges of national import. Prominent communication researchers will cover subjects such as "Belief and Attitude Formation about Science Topics," "Communicating Uncertainty," "Influences of Social Networks", and "Narratives in Science Communication" during the first two days of the conference. Concurrent workshops on four topics of national interest will comprise Day Three. The meeting will be held at the National Academy of Sciences, and will be webcast live as well as archived. The proceedings of Days 1 and 2 will be published in a special issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In addition, written summaries of the research results and communication recommendations from the workshop on Day 3 will be distributed free on the National Academies website to highlight the importance of the role of research in effective science communication. Goals of the colloquium are to generate an appreciation of the power of social science research to guide more effective communication of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to help identify the gaps in communication research, and to promote sustained STEM communication programs. The colloquium will highlight the importance of the role of research in effective science communication, and strengthen understanding, appreciation, and collaboration between disciplines. It will also further strengthen the bridge between communication research and practice with the goal of improving the science of science communication.
This CAREER proposal focuses on the development of teachers' identities, which are operationalized as beliefs and practices, behaviors, and pedagogical knowledge. The PI uses a qualitative approach, occurring over two phases, to investigate the impact of formal-informal collaborations on identity development over time. The study is grounded in an ecological theoretical approach that incorporates a view of informal learning settings as learner-driven and unique in providing opportunities for interaction with objects during meaning-making experiences among groups of learners. The longitudinal research design includes collection of an array of data, including observations of teaching and learning activities, interviews, survey responses, and archival documents such as student work and videos of classroom experiences. The PI uses a narrative analysis and a grounded theoretical approach to generate themes about beliefs and practices around behaviors and pedagogical knowledge informed by informal science education experiences. Research findings and related educational activities inform the field's understanding of best practices of integrating informal science activities into science teacher education, including determining appropriate kinds of support for STEM teachers who learn to teach in informal learning environments (ILE). The PI is integrating research findings in the revision of existing courses and the development of new courses and experiences for both new and experienced teachers. The project addresses the need for empirical evidence of impacts of ILE experiences on professional development, and will build capacity of informal science institution and university professionals to provide effective teacher education experiences and new teacher support.
The New York Hall of Science proposes a two-pronged workshop project that will: (1) conduct a study of and develop a draft report on the topic of STEM badges including conceptualizations, rationale, systems, key contributors and challenges and opportunities for STEM-related badges; and (2) conduct a workshop drawn from a wide range of experts to provide critical feedback on the report. An advisory board will guide and evaluate the work. Learning increasingly takes place across a wide spectrum of institutions and contexts, through different platforms and environments, and is often incentivized by badge reward systems. There is a concomitant need to understand and make explicit the nature and criteria used, the kinds of accomplishments individuals are expected to realize, and the ways that badges are interpreted by conventional credentialing bodies, such as K-12 educational systems and institutions of higher education. The workshop creates an opportunity for a diverse group of individuals at the forefront of badges to inform each other's efforts. The report that is generated will be available to a broad audience of practitioners, developers and researchers involved in STEM education in both formal and informal sectors as well as to individuals involved in setting STEM education policy.
This Handbook was developed to provide project directors and principal investigators working with the National Science Foundation (NSF) with a basic guide for evaluating NSF’s educational projects. It is aimed at people who need to learn more about both the value of evaluation and how to design and carry out an evaluation, rather than those who already have a solid base of experience in the field. It builds on firmly established principles, blending technical knowledge and common sense to meet the special needs of NSF and its stakeholders. The Handbook discusses quantitative and qualitative
Joy Frechtling WestatNational Science Foundation
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
During this session at the 2013 Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference the authors discussed our preliminary framework for addressing the question of how to evaluate an evaluation. The three-part framework—(1) Worth of the Intervention, (2) Appropriateness of the Evaluation Study, and (3) Usefulness for Stakeholders—comprises a set of criteria for evaluating summative evaluations. The authors shared early impressions from in-progress work on practical applications of the framework, solicited feedback on the framework, and brainstormed ideas for innovative evaluation tools and measures
The Girls RISEnet project convened an international community to explore the role of science centers in issues of gender equity in STEM learning. This effort resulted in two major products, including this international literature review that synthesizes what is known about how science centers and museums contribute to girls' engagement with STEM, summarizes what is useful for practice, and identifies gaps in the research. In addition, an international survey identified common global themes and issues and began to outline opportunities for science centers and museums to advance gender equity.
This dissertation research is a comparative retrospective analysis of major change processes at history museums during the last two decades of the 20th century, based on long interviews with 77 informants. It presents emergent patterns across seven organizations in the study, rather than focusing intensively on one or a few case studies. The analytical framework provided a systematic way to ascertain whether 12 themes that emerged from a review of multiple literatures were salient and, in particular, whether these museum change experiences elucidate or build upon change experiences described
Candace Tangorra Matelic
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Given the rapid changes that 21st century museums must manage, flexible thinking about leadership forms and purposes is needed. Today's complex leadership landscape necessitates that staff engage in enacting leadership with positional leaders. Limited empirical literature exists that describes how the next generation of museum leaders is being nurtured and developed. The purpose of this study was to: describe museum professionals' perceptions of leadership practices; investigate museums as sites of organizational and leadership learning; and consider the experiences of museum professionals who
This nationwide study sought to detect and evaluate the shifting priorities of today's attractions visitors and how their needs and wants drive their behavior. The data revealed trends in how people view, plan for, and react to their world as they travel throughout the country. The research compares recent findings to pre-recession studies to track key shifts in consumer behavior in the post-recession era.
This technical report summarizes the statistical analyses used to determine how well the Measuring Activation (MA) instrument developed through the Science Learning Activation Lab project gathers appropriate information about the five dimensions of activation. The MA instrument was designed to evaluate the impact of science-learning programs and experiences on activation, and contains a series of survey items organized around five identified dimensions of activation. The five dimensions of activation are: fascination, values, perceived autonomy, competency beliefs, and scientific sensemaking.
This report is the result of a project to investigate through a sociocultural lens whether girls-only, informal STEM experiences have potential long-term influences on young women's lives, both in terms of STEM but also more generally. The authors documented young women's perceptions of their program experiences and the ways in which they influenced their future choices in education, careers, leisure pursuits, and ways of thinking about what science is and who does it. This report includes the questionnaire used in the study.