As part of the Oakland Museum of California’s (OMCA) Hotspot California project funded by NSF, Garibay Group conducted research investigating whether habitat dioramas contribute to visitors’ development of Sense of Place. The main research question for the study was: What role does sense of place play in visitors’ experiences with habitat dioramas?
This research investigated ways in which habitat dioramas contribute to visitors’ development of Sense of Place. Visitors’ responses to dioramas at the Field Museum (Chicago) and Denver Museum of Nature and Science were studied, using observations, interviews, and a Diorama Sense of Place survey instrument. Although observations revealed few conversations about the places depicted in the dioramas, other data revealed that dioramas inspired memories and connections to place. A complex set of factors contributed to visitors’ feelings of Place Bondedness. Visitors expressed the strongest
This final report summarizes the findings from three summative evaluation activities conducted by Serrell & Associates and the Oakland Museum of California with visitors to the newly renovated, reinstalled, and reinterpreted Gallery of California Natural Sciences in April and July 2014: the stay-time study, the cued questionnaire study, and the personal connections study.
Serrell & AssociatesBeverly SerrellMary T. Faria
This presentation about the Online Project Monitoring System (OPMS) was given as part of the "Mining the Field: What Are We Learning?" Diving Deeper session at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC.
SRI’s Afterschool Science Networks (ASN) study provides new insights and empirical findings regarding the offering of science learning opportunities at scale. Four meetings of afterschool and informal science stakeholders were held in March and April 2014 to discuss the ASN findings generated from 5 years of research (see research summary on page 12). These stakeholders helped SRI Education researchers generate a vision of science in afterschool settings, as well as recommendations for strengthening the field. This document presents this vision of powerful afterschool science and provides a
Ann HouseCarlin LlorenteTiffany Leones
These front end studies were done before the gallery reopened and show how visitors perceive particular habitat cases. The findings were later used to inform what species would be illustrated on guide cards for the habitat cases.
Oakland Museum of CaliforniaDana Neitzel
The Gallery of California Natural Sciences hosted four preview events before officially opening all sections. The target audiences for the evaluation of developing exhibits were Members and the general public with a focus on families. Researchers collected qualitative data in response to prototypes and developing exhibits for the Introduction and Oakland Sections, as well as for the developing Now and Then and Coastal Issues Lounges, and for the prototyping of live gallery animations. An exit survey was also administered to capture narrative, qualitative responses to visitors’ experience of
Oakland Museum of CaliforniaMary T. Faria
These are samples of observation/interview testing instruments that were used in front end studies with recruited visitors to experience habitat case "interventions" such as guide cards and question prompts; and understanding concepts for a digital interactive.
Oakland Museum of CaliforniaMary T. Faria
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The NSF/IES Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development suggest that external feedback is appropriate for each of the different types of research described. What exactly does that mean? How does a project effectively engage an advisory board in the evaluation process? This session will provide suggestions for how the external feedback function can be undertaken by an advisory board with clearly defined roles and expectations that correspond to the type of research and the purpose of the feedback.
“Scaling up” involves adapting an innovation successful in some local setting to effective usage in a wide range of contexts. In contrast to experiences in other sectors of society, scaling up successful programs has proved very difficult in education. In this chapter, Chris Dede discusses the challenges in creating scalable and sustainable educational interventions.
This presentation by Sue Ellen McCann opened the "Building New Audiences with Technology" Diving Deeper session at the 2014 AISL PI Meeting in Washington, DC. It frames the discussion by asking how people learn about and choose to use new technologies, and then uses KQED's e-book strategy as an example.