Informal learning in math, science, and technology is an increasingly important vehicle for educating the public. Throughout their lifetime, the average citizen will spend a much greater amount of time in informal learning environments than in school. For these efforts to continue without benefit of understanding, the dynamics of what makes informal learning experiences work, is a waste of valuable funding resources. Research Communications Ltd. (RCL) proposes an effort to investigate what has been learned about informal learning in math, science, and technology and to develop some directions for future research in this important area. The first step in the process would be to review the existing literature in the three primary areas of informal education for math, science, and technology: television/radio, community projects, and science museums and technology centers with a focus on evaluation studies that have shown what strategies have worked and those that have not. The outcome of this effort would be a comprehensive publication of what is currently known about informal learning research in math, science and technology.
Hands-On Science Outreach, Inc. has for a number of years developed and operated recreational after school and Saturday Science Classes for children, at first in Montgomery County, MD; and subsequently, with NSF support, at more than 22 sites around the country. During the last 10 years, they have reached more than 20,000 students with their unique collection of hands-on science activities. The project is well on the way to becoming self sufficient, and this final award will document both the philosophy of instruction and specific teaching methods that they have used and provide a third party evaluation of the processes of learning that they encourage in informal science education programs. Hands-On Science Outreach, Inc. will publish two 32 page booklets outlining their history, philosophy, and methods, and will conduct a third party evaluation of classes in four demographically diverse sites around the country, carried out under the direction of Dr. Harris Shettel, a nationally recognized informal education researcher. The resulting reports and publications will be widely disseminated, providing valuable information to others planning to offer hands-on science activities for children.
Scientists and engineers are an underutilized resource in motivating students and assisting classroom teachers in teaching science. Pilot programs have demonstrated the value of preparing scientists for what to expect when they enter the classroom, how to incorporate the school curriculum into their program, and how best to reach the goal of making their visits a "never to be forgotten" life changing experience for students. The concept of a Survival Kit is an outgrowth of a Scientist-in-Residence program at the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science which has successfully matched scientists and public school classrooms locally since 1982. The North Carolina Museum of Life and Science proposes to conduct meetings for staff and outside educational specialists to identify the materials and strategies needed to prepare scientists to enter school classrooms. The final report of these meetings will include mechanicals of a Scientist Survival Kit, which can be disseminated across the country, and an evaluation report of how the kits can be and are used. Dr. Mark St. John, Inverness Associates, a professional evaluator noted for his work with nationally significant science education projects, will provide local and national evaluation through surveys and meetings to give a picture of the issues involved in establishing and maintaining programs of scientists in the schools and the role played by the Scientist's Survival Kit in furthering this aim.
The Exploratorium proposes to create a multidimensional exhibition on the theme of navigation. The exhibition proper will contain approximately 20 new interactive exhibits dealing with topics of human orientation, wayfinding/exploration, the importance of time in navigation, maps and navigation traditions. Alongside the exhibits we will display real navigational artifacts borrowed from other museums. We have identified approximately 40 existing exhibits which, while not in the main show, will receive textual modification to show their relation to navigational topics. In addition to the exhibition of artifacts and interactive exhibits, we will present a series of lectures, theme weekends, and demonstrations of navigational techniques. During the run of the show we will host a Symposium On The American Encounter wherein we will hold an open forum of lectures and discussion of historical, anthropological and social consequences of cultural encounter on the North American Continent. We will produce both a brochure and a high quality catalog for this show. In addition we will create written "pathways" of organization of this museum-wide show to bring to focus different features and approaches to navigation. Our education departments will play a leading role in creating more formal programs for our visitors. The physical show will be reproduced in a travelling version to tour nine venues in the three years following its opening at the Exploratorium. We will collect the results of our researchers in a dissemination package to be made available to others in the field.
Thomas HumphreyPeter RichardsMichael Pearce
The middle-school and high-school years are a period of change and crystalization in terms of life goals, disciplinary and course preferences, and social and political attitudes. The literature provides a number of cross-sectional descriptions and models concerning cognitive and attitudinal development during adolescence and young adulthood, but there are no longitudinal data available to study these processes. The proposed longitudinal study will examine the (1) development of interest in science and mathematics, (2) the growth of scientific literacy, (3) the development of attentiveness to science and technology issues, and (4) the attraction to careers in science and engineering among two national cohorts of adolescents and young adults. One cohort will begin with a national sample of 3,000 seventh graders and follow them through the 10th grade. The second cohort will begin with a national sample of 3,000 10th graders and follow them for the next four years through the first full year after high school. Data will be collected from students, teachers, counselors, principals, and parents. A purposive sample of two or three school districts with exemplary elementary school science and mathematics education programs will be selected and comparable data will be collected in these districts. The analysis will consist of a series of expanding multivariate developmental models that will seek to understand cognitive and attitudinal growth and change in the context of family, school, and peer influences. Each wave of data collection will provide an opportunity to examine cognitive and attitudinal change measures in an increasingly rich context of previous measures. Periodic reports will be issued with each cycle of data collection and the data will be made available to other scholars on a timely basis. The first phase of the project, being funded at this time, provides approximately 15 months for instrument development and pilot testing, for sample selection, for monitor selection and training, and for working with the research advisory committee.
Digital image processing offers several possible new approaches to the teaching of a variety of mathematical concepts at the middle-school and high-school levels. There is reason to believe that this approach will be successful in reaching some "at-risk" students that other approaches miss. Since digital images can be made to reflect almost any aspect of the real world, some students may have an easier time taking an interest in them than they might with artificial figures or images resulting from other graphics- oriented approaches. Using computer-based tools such as image processing operators, curve-fitting operators, shape analysis operators, and graphical synthesis, students may explore a world of mathematical concepts starting from the psychologically "safe" territory of their own physical and cultural environments. There is reason to hope that this approach will be particularly successful with students from diverse backgrounds, girls and members of minority groups, because the imagery used in experiments can easily be tailored to individual tastes. The work of the project consists of creating detailed designs of the learning modules, implementing them on microcomputers, and evaluating their effectiveness in a variety of ways, using trials with students at Rainier Beach High School, which is an urban public high school having an ethnically diverse student body and a Macintosh computer laboratory.
Steven TanimotoMichele LeBrasseurJames King
The Computer Museum in Boston, MA is requesting a SGER of $49,000 to support preliminary research into the use of virtual reality as a tool for informal science. Using a virtual reality environment of the human cell, they will test to determined: 1) if people gain a physical understanding of the human cell, including a sense of scale, the shape and location of elements, and the physical relationship between elements, and 2) if people gain an understanding of the concept of a system by interacting in the virtual world of the human cell. The PI will be David Greschler, Exhibit Developer at the Museum. He has developed two major exhibits at the Museum, has worked at the MIT Media Laboratory, and has taught educational software design at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Eben Gay will be co-PI and will have oversight for the software development of the virtual reality. He has been Principal Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation since 1980 and has been building virtual realities since 1982.
The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) is requesting $50,000 to investigate and report on education activities linking science centers with schools. The research will examine the nature and levels of service currently provided by science centers, and produce a report that describes the current status with an emphasis on understandings that provide insight for program planning. The study will gather information from both museums and schools and museums where collaborative efforts are not occurring to investigate the barriers that have discouraged linkages.
Bonnie VanDorn
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This conference is to examine learning techniques in a museum setting, in cooperation with the American Association of Museums. The conference will initiate the process of defining both what and how to measure learning in museums.
This is a study of the writing styles appropriate for describing science and nature television programs, thereby making them accessible to visually impaired audiences, and to access the audience's needs and preferences for science and nature programs.
The Brooklyn Historical Society is planning a new exhibit that will focus on the development of penicillin in Brooklyn. In order to get information about potential visitors' knowledge of and interest in the topic, a survey of 40 people was conducted. The exhibit team's desire was to find out how much people know about penicillin; what they want to know about it, and what their misconceptions might be.