This award will support two years of work to plan and implement a national conference of approximately 30 participants representing the major research-based natural history museums in America to consider best practices for enhancing museum visitor understanding of evolution. Evolution is the central paradigm of the life sciences, and natural history museums are of fundamental importance to an understanding of the paradigm of evolution. Despite this fact, recent surveys indicate that the majority of the American public, including visitors to natural history museums, neither understands nor believes in evolutionary theory. The three-day conference to be held at the Florida Museum of Natural History in 2003 will be preceded by a pre-conference planning workshop in 2002 and a synthesis of literature and practices pertinent to the understanding of evolution in museums. The conference will bring together chief scientists, directors of education and exhibits, and directors of research and collections as participants in a program professionally facilitated by informal science education experts. Findings and outcomes of the conference will constitute 'best practices' for the field and will be published in the professional literature and disseminated via the Florida Museum website. With more than 10,000,000 visitors to natural history museums per year, once implemented in museum exhibitions and programs the results of this conference will have a broad impact on science literacy in America for years to come.
The Institute for Learning Innovation (ILI) requests support to conduct the second conference on museum learning, "In Principle, In Practice," following their successful NSF-funded conference of a decade ago entitled "Public Institutions for Personal Learning: Establishing a Long-term Research Agenda." The goals of the conference and two related publications are to advance shared knowledge within the field about current research concerning learning in and from museums, to promote effective practice, to identify and disseminate research-based best practices for developing evaluation frameworks and to enhance the infrastructure for research and education. The four components of the project include: 1) a special supplement of the journal "Science Education," 2) a two-day national conference, 3) a post-conference white paper on informal science learning, and 4) a post-conference book on research-based understandings of learning from museums.
This is a two-year planning project that will support planning activities to provide a basis for further STEM education reform in the Greater Mohawk Valley of New York. These include different workshops for school administrators and teachers preparing them to support student research and venues for students to present the results of their research. Perhaps even more importantly it will provide an alternative path for assessment of districts' STEM educational goals. The 25 years of Utica College's support and programming of student research activities will provide a rich background for assessment of the effectiveness of student learning in science, mathematics and technology through such activities.
Lawrence Aaronson
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Exploratorium will host an invitational three-day conference on best practices in science exhibition development. At the conference practitioners will identify best practices in conceiving, designing, managing and developing science exhibitions. The conference will highlight current issues such as responding to diversity, providing access to current science and balancing the considerations of market and mission. The ideas and issues raised at this conference will culminate in a publication for dissemination to the field that includes conference proceedings as well as interviews with and essays by practicing exhibition professionals
This report presents the findings of a summative evaluation of Dynamic Earth, conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A), for the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey. Data collection took place in April and May 2003. The evaluation documents the scope of the exhibition's impact and effectiveness via timing and tracking observations and exit interviews.
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Newark Museum
The tool was developed to measure: (a) change of science-related attitudes over time among students; and (b) the effect of similar curricula on the attitudes of different classes.
Experience Learning Community plans to open a museum dedicated to science fiction in the summer of 2004. The Science Fiction Experience (SFX) will be an interactive, media-rich museum combining artifacts and information that immerse visitors in science fiction's alternative worlds. They are implementing a planning phase to assure that the museum's exhibits and programming content will illustrate the relationship between science and science fiction. Specific tasks during the planning phase include: 1. Conduct front-end research of the public's perceptions of science fiction vs. science fact. 2. Conduct formative testing of proof-of-concept materials for one of the museum's premiere exhibits, "Mars, Then and Now." 3. Convene leading science and museum educators, scientists, science communications researchers and science fiction practitioners to inform and shape the museum's exhibit concepts and approaches relevant to the public's understanding of science through science fiction. 4. Create and disseminate a document that will inform of the development of exhibits and programs. Advisors to the project include: Greg Bear, best-selling author of more than 30 science fiction books; Gregory Benford, Professor of Plasma Physics and Astrophysics at the University of California at Irvine; David Ellis, President Emeritus of the Museum of Science, Boston; Lawrence Krauss, Chair of the Department of Physics at Case Western Reserve University; and Donna Shirley, for manager of the Mars Exploration Program at Jet Propulsion Laboratory and currently Professor at the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma.
The issue of “scale” is a key challenge for school reform, yet it remains undertheorized in the literature. Definitions of scale have traditionally restricted its scope, focusing on the expanding number of schools reached by a reform. Such definitions mask the complex challenges of reaching out broadly while simultaneously cultivating the depth of change necessary to support and sustain consequential change. This article draws on a review of theoretical and empirical literature on scale, relevant research on reform implementation, and original research to synthesize and articulate a more