In this paper, interpretive consultant Theresa Southam describes the process of developing a Local Advisory Committee, made up of representatives of the supporting agencies and visitors to three small interpretive centers adjoining freshwater fish hatcheries in British Columbia. Southam warns of the pitfalls and rejoices in the benefits of meaningful participation.
Theresa SouthamVisitor Studies Association
In this paper, the Museum of New Mexico's Thomas J. Caperton discusses how public programs often threaten preservation efforts at historic sties. Caperton suggests that alternative methods of interpretation can be accomplished in a museum setting through experimental archaeology and other programming.
In this case study, Carey Tisdal, internal evaluator at the St. Louis Science Center (SLSC), discusses the use of teacher response groups in the development of the school visit program at SLSC. This paper uses a case method to describe: (1) the context of policy and program issues from which the study arose, (2) the reasons this specific method was selected, (3) the development of a data base, (4) how the method was implemented to recruit and interview teachers, and (5) an analysis of the limitations and benefits of the methods.
In this paper, Marilyn G. Hood of Hood Associates discusses the benefits of community studies, rather than just visitor research. Hood examines how conducting community studies enables museums to learn new, often surprising facts about their area population as well as identify future or unsuspected audiences.
This paper describes findings from a study intended to improve the Confrontation Gallery at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. This remedial evaluation involved placing written text on the plexiglass photo panels that corresponded to the audi-recorded statements. Text placement was completed in two phases to asses the possibility that having written text on all panels would create competition for attention and result in less attention.
Stephen BitgoodAnn CleghornAmy CotaMelody CrawfordDonald PattersonChris Danemeyer
In this paper, researchers from Science Learning, Inc. discuss findings from an evaluation study that used interpretive carts to analyze visitor conversations. Researchers collected data using the "Rock Talk" cart to inform the redesign of the Geology, Gems & Minerals Hall at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.
In this paper, David M. Simmons discusses visitor studies at Old Sturbridge Village. Simmons presents an overview of visitor evaluation projects throughout the history of the institution as well as how it has responded to the data collected about visitor demographics and preferences.
This paper discusses the "Growing Up and Away" project at the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, in which a team consisting of a curator, programmer, designer and project team leader, developed a family-friendly exhibit that showcased the vast diversity of Glenbow's collection of artifacts related to childhood. This paper outlines the team's approach to development, front-end evaluation, formative evaluation, advisory groups, and related programs.
This report presents front-end evaluation findings at the North Carolina Transportation Museum. The study was conducted to assist with the formidable task of programming the 110,000-square-foot roadhouse and to provide data for researchers and exhibit designers. Front-end evaluation goals included: (1) determine if pre-existing or natural traffic flow patterns were present in the roundhouse; (2) evaluate visitor interest in proposed research topics; and (3) obtain visitor reactions, insights, attitudes and expectations concerning proposed roundhouse programming.
This paper examines the differences between the single and married visitors to Old Sturbridge Village, within the single group itself, and between single and married museum members. In addition, "singletons" are defined and explored as single visitors to the Village to see how they differ from the great majority who visit with friends and families. A variety of measures, including t-test, analysis of variance, chi-square, CHAID, and factor analysis, elucidate significant points of contrast within the data.
This article is a report of the impact assessment of two outreach programs to primary schools run by the Botswana National Museum. The oldest of the programs, Zebra-on-Wheels was officially launched in 1980 and has involved all the primary schools in the country at least twice. The study aimed to establish the impact of the two programs and make recommendations for possible improvements. Thirty-eight schools throughout Botswana participated in the study. Teachers in these schools were interviewed and classroom observation sessions were carried out. Teachers’ observations about the two programs
This paper examines one Australian museum’s commitment to create social awareness of political issues within its community. The paper begins by discussing the challenge of cultural representation of Indigenous peoples in the context of civic engagement. Some of the historical and political issues facing Indigenous Australians and their representation in Museums are discussed. A study of the Indigenous Australians exhibition at the Australian Museum in Sydney investigates visitors’ perceptions of the exhibition. Recommendations are made as they relate to community partnerships, interpretive
Katherine S. H. BoumanAustralian Museum