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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
A collaboration between two North Carolina state agencies allows in-school and out-of-school educators to share knowledge, engage students in in-school and out-of-school opportunities, and develop learning communities to advance science education in the state.
TEAM MEMBERS: Debra Hall Benita Tipton Lisa Tolley Marty Wiggins
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This is an extended discussion of the question that appeared in the Viewpoints department of the September/October 2015 issue of Dimensions magazine. It contains perspectives from across the field on early career advice.
TEAM MEMBERS: Emily Schuster
resource research Public Programs
Having been part of the ASTC Equity and Diversity Committee for much of its history, outgoing committee chair Ann Fumarolo has seen the difference equity and diversity initiatives can make. Fumarolo, who serves as president and CEO of Sci-Port: Louisiana’s Science Center in Shreveport, spoke to Dimensions about the importance of maintaining a diverse staff and engaging audiences of all backgrounds, as well as the work the field still has to take on.
TEAM MEMBERS: Joelle Seligson
resource research Public Programs
At the entryway to Chicago Children’s Museum (CCM), a vibrant collection of nearly 400 self-portraits greets visitors, proclaiming, “We are Chicago Children’s Museum.” The faces of children, teachers, community leaders, parents, and caregivers from a variety of backgrounds are intermingled with mirrors so that all visitors are reflected in the museum’s community. This collection is much more than a “monument” to diversity and inclusion. Each portrait was created by an individual as an expression of his or her personal story. The collection reflects CCM’s approach to community engagement
TEAM MEMBERS: Natalie Bortoli
resource research Public Programs
The development of character is a valued objective for many kinds of educational programs that take place both in and outside of school. Educators and administrators who develop and run programs that seek to develop character recognize that the established approaches for doing so have much in common, and they are eager to learn about promising practices used in other settings, evidence of effectiveness, and ways to measure the effectiveness of their own approaches. In July 2016, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a workshop to review research and practice
resource evaluation Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Researching the Value of Educator Actions for Learning (REVEAL) is an NSF-funded research project, led by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) in collaboration with TERC and Oregon State University (OSU), which studied the impact of science center staff facilitation strategies at math exhibits. Building on and using exhibits from Design Zone—an interactive math exhibition which engaged visitors in exploring algebraic relationships and functions—the study was designed to add to the scant existing literature about the impact of staff facilitation on visitors. The study also aimed to
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Museums, science centers, and other informal education institutions offer powerful engagement and learning experiences for children and adults of all ages. Staff facilitators, such as museum educators or docents, play an important role in these settings and can enhance and deepen visitors’ interactions at exhibits and during programs. By effectively balancing the exploration of educational content with sensitivity to the needs and desires of visitors, facilitators create personalized interactions with the potential to impact visitors long after the experience is over. Despite their important
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Andanen Andee Rubin Scott Pattison Ivel Gontan Crosby Bromley
resource evaluation Public Programs
As part of a grant from the National Science Foundation, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is conducting regional STEM workshops in partnership with local science museums, entitled NFB STEM2U, for blind youth [youth], grades 3 – 6 and 9-12 [apprentices]. During the fifth regional workshop in San Francisco, CA, the NFB operated two different programs simultaneously: one program for youth and a second program for their parents/caregivers. A third program, for the Exploratorium staff, was conducted earlier to prepare the museum staff to assist with the youth program. A separate report
resource evaluation Public Programs
As part of a grant from the National Science Foundation, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is conducting regional STEM workshops in partnership with local science museums, entitled NFB STEM2U, for blind youth [youth], grades 3 – 6 and 9-12 [mentors]. During the fourth regional workshop in Phoenix, AZ, the NFB operated three different programs simultaneously: one program for youth, a second program for their parents/caregivers, and a third program for teachers of the visually impaired. A fourth program, for Arizona Science Center staff, was conducted earlier to prepare the museum staff
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The scientific community has been under increasing pressure from policymakers and the public to explain how research contributes to the public good. The community has emphasized two distinct approaches to explaining its operations and value. The first is the use of narratives that can make the work of science more accessible and engaging to nonscientists. The other is the use of new data mining and analysis methods to document quantitatively the complex paths by which research progresses and eventually contributes to a variety of societal goals. While both of these approaches have proved useful, the goal of this workshop is to explore ways that they might be combined into a hybrid approach that will be even more effective.

This workshop will assemble experts in the narrative and data-driven science communication approaches with leading science researchers to discuss how these various perspectives can be merged to define a template for a type of communication that encompasses the appeal of narrative, the rigor of new analytic data, and the understanding of how science works in practice.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kevin Finneran
resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
How should we convey science—both its findings and its value to society—to the many members of the public who lack either scientific training or intense interest in scientific progress? In October 2016 the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop to explore ways of better presenting science—both specific findings and the processes of discovering and confirming—to the public. Participants discussed ways to develop data-enriched narratives that communicate to the public and policy makers in an engaging and rigorous way the work of basic research. They also
TEAM MEMBERS: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
resource research Public Programs
The Zoo and Aquarium Action Research Collaborative (ZAARC) was an NSF-funded project (DRL-1114335) involving four zoos and two aquariums, plus informal science education researchers from TERC (a non-profit educational research and development company in Cambridge, MA), Oregon State University and California State University, Long Beach. The goal of ZAARC was to investigate how action research might be carried out by educators in zoos and aquariums, and how its implementation would impact both the individual practitioners and their institutions.