BioTrac will expand opportunities in biomedicine for low-income, first-generation college-bound high school students, increasing the number interested in, and prepared to enter, the biomedical research pipeline. Specific objectives are to: (1) Raise awareness of careers in biomedicine and provide students with real-world biomedical research experiences; (2) Increase awareness of requirements and opportunities for related post-secondary study; (3) Increase public understanding of the importance and diversity of biomedical research; and (4) Disseminate project outcomes. In collaboration with the University of Miami (UM) and Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS), the Museum will design and implement a replicable model program exposing students to research on selected priority areas outlined in the Public Health Service's Healthy People 2000 agenda. The program will focus on areas with significant local research capacity, ties to local growth industries, and relevance to Miami-Dade's diverse communities. Students will investigate each area through hands-on lab activities, on-line research, site visits to research facilities, and through interactions with research scientists at UM's nationally renowned Jackson Memorial Medical Complex. Students will work in teams to conduct community-focused research on aspects of each priority area, using technology skills acquired as part of the program to document their research through digital video, PowerPoint presentations, and development of a BioTrac website. Students will present their research at annual symposia held at the Museum. They will also serve as science explainers in the Museum's galleries, interpreting biomedical-related exhibits to the general public. During the summer before 12th grade, students will attend residential programs at University of Florida and Florida A&M University, gaining exposure to post-secondary programs leading to careers in biomedical research. Students in 11th and 12th grade will also be encouraged to participate in M-DCPS's Advanced Academic Internship Program, gaining up to three honors credits for work in institutions engaged in biomedical research. Following 12th grade, prior to beginning college, students will be placed in an eight-week summer internships at UM labs engaged in a broad spectrum of biomedical research. The Museum will disseminate students' research experiences and project findings through an BioTrac web page, ASTC and Upward Bound conferences and networks, and Museum and UM publications.
The article focuses on a study guided by identity theory and a model of interest development to assess the use of comic books for conveying science information. The study employs viruses as scientific content which is reviewed to disseminate, and provide evidence regarding the limited knowledge of general public. It mentions that key concepts are summarized to compare comic and essay formats for disseminating scientific information.
Recent biomedical research has transformed scientific understanding of human biology. But many of these advances haven’t filtered into public awareness, hindering our ability to make good health-related decisions. A new educational program ‒ Biology of Human ‒ will help the public, particularly young people, better understand advances in biomedical research. This innovative, learning research-based science education program is strategically designed to increase awareness of and understanding about new biomedical research developments pertaining to human biology. Biology of Human will provide a sophisticated science education outreach package for students aged 11 to 15 and adults, including parents and educators. The project's goal is to leverage the latest biomedical information and innovations, a dynamic suite of educational and dissemination strategies, and research-driven approach grounded in sociology to broadly educate youth and adults about human biology. A team led by the University of Nebraska State Museum, the Department of Sociology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the NIH/NCRR-funded Nebraska Center for Virology (a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence) will work with science writers, kids, and educators to complete three specific aims: 1) stimulate interest in and understanding of biomedical research's importance to diverse individuals' health, communities, and environments; 2) establish partnerships among science educators, biomedical researchers, science journalists, and others to create dynamic educational resources focused on biomedical research developments and human biology; and 3) increase youths' interest in biomedical science. Biology of Human will provide adults and youth with several simultaneous, complementary options for learning about how biomedical research has helped us understand human biology including essays, books and blogs; entertaining and scientifically accurate mobile and tablet apps; activities and graphic stories; and a Web site that complements and supports the project's professional development programs. More than 175,000 youth and adults are expected to be directly impacted through this effort.
The long-term goal is to broaden our model program that currently targets African-American populations in the national capital area. The aim of the program is to: a) educate junior and senior high students and elementary school teachers directly; and b) provide opportunities for exploration of health-related sciences for the public at large (via an interactive website) so that topics in the biomedical sciences become "friendly and familiar" rather than the existing stereotype that science is erudite, obtuse, and incomprehensible. Specific objectives: (A) Design hands-on experiences in science laboratories and opportunities to interact with scientists in the setting of a sophisticated research institute; especially target under-represented minorities, students from inner city schools and other local schools where science opportunities may be limited. This will include junior and high school students, elementary school teachers, as well as interactions with Children's Museum and other similar organizations. (B) Set up interactive web-based informatics to include: i) a system where high school students could refine the question they are posing for science projects by discussing it with a professional scientist; ii) a general "ask-the-expert" site for science and health issues; iii) a reference site containing the detailed experimental protocols for student experiments; and iv) an interactive resource to aid teachers throughout the U.S. to establish contacts with scientists. The goal of this project is to extend the reach of current health science programs that are targeted to females, African-American junior and senior high school students, and elementary school teachers, located in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. The project includes laboratory apprenticeships, student mentoring, and an interactive website to help students and teachers establish contact with scientists nationwide.
This article is a case study describing how one science teacher makes everyday science in the community and classroom science intersect. This article is useful to help science educators relate information from home and neighborhoods to scientific content. The concept of transformative boundary objects is introduced in this article and can aid educators design projects that incorporate important science going on in their communities to foster long-term public engagement in science.
Mobile technology can be used to scaffold inquiry-based learning, enabling learners to work across settings and times, singly or in collaborative groups. It can expand learners’ opportunities to understand the nature of inquiry whilst they engage with the scientific content of a specific inquiry. This Sharples et al. paper reports on the use of the mobile computer-based inquiry toolkit nQuire. Teachers found the tool useful in helping students to make sense of data from varied settings.
The World Biotech Tour (WBT) is a multi-year initiative that will bring biotechnology to life at select science centers and museums worldwide. The program, supported by the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) and Biogen Foundation, is scheduled to run from 2015-2017, with the 2015 cohort in Belgium, Japan, and Portugal. The WBT will increase the impact and visibility of biotechnology among youth and the general public through hands-on and discussion-led learning opportunities. Applications are now open for the 2016 cohort! Learn more and submit an application at
Association of Science-Technology CentersCarlin Hsueh
This RAPID proposal was submitted in response to the NSF Dear Colleague letter soliciting proposals related to research addressing the Ebola challenge. The PBS NewsHour will produce 8 Television reports and Web coverage of scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer and technology experts as they apply their knowledge to tackling the Ebola virus. The programs will be distributed nationally through PBS, the NewsHour website, and multiple social media channels reaching a large national audience. The public needs to be kept informed about the research into Ebola in a way that is understandable to a broad general audience. Current news reports focus primarily on the immediate crisis of the victims and medical personnel while less so on the science of Ebola. The NewsHour programs will instead help people learn about the non-medical, non-clinical care research that can help lead to solutions about Ebola; information that may also be applicable to similar diseases. The videos and web content will show and explain the scientific work being done by some of the leading scientists, engineers, computer experts and big data gatherers. These researchers' stories and work will be told in ways that will be engaging to a large and diverse audience, increasing their knowledge of the scientific, engineering, and mathematical/computer data/modeling work that is critical to solving the Ebola crisis. The PBS NewsHour has significant reach through its nightly national broadcasts, its website, and its large social media following. Over 300 PBS stations broadcast the program each week night reaching 1.4 million people (11% African American and 51% female). The website has 3.8 million unique visitors and there are 575,000 Twitter followers. In addition over 1.5 million registered teachers use the PBS NewsHour educational materials. The videos and transcripts will be consolidated on the NewsHour website where they will exist permanently providing a resource for the public and researchers.
Westchester Library System, in partnership with Lifetime Arts, ALA's Public Programs Office, and AARP Foundation, will improve, expand, and sustain creative aging programs in public libraries and position libraries as community cornerstones for positive aging. Built on Lifetime Arts' capacity-building model, this initiative reflects new scholarship on the benefits of social engagement and creative expression for healthy aging, employs nationally recognized best practices in arts education, and promotes partnerships between librarians and arts and community organizations. Through the new Lifetime Arts Affiliate Network, up to 150 librarians will participate in in-depth training, receive ongoing technical assistance, participate in a national peer network, and receive support to implement programs in their communities. The program will provide a practical, replicable, and sustainable approach for transforming library services for older adults to align with new knowledge, societal priorities, and collaborative practice.
This article discusses the concept of ‘heroism’ in relation to science, medicine and technology. It unpicks the complexities of the concept and discusses its implications for historians of science and museum professionals.
This article argues that it is useful to see historical exhibitions as both responses and contributors to narratives about science that are circulating in the public sphere. It uses the example of the 1876 Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus (which was the immediate predecessor of the Science Museum in London). The article demonstrates how, in promoting this huge exhibition and fighting for the necessary support and resources, leading scientific, cultural and political figures engaged with two rather different public interpretations of science’s past, present and future. One dealt with
The arrival of William Bally’s set of miniature phrenological specimens in Manchester for the Wellcome Collection exhibition Brains: The Mind as Matter (26 July 2013 – 4 January 2014) was an ideal time to reassess the mysteries of its production – was it made in Manchester or Dublin? In what context was it produced? Phrenology – the study of the shape and contours of the skull to determine mental faculties – has received attention from historians. But the origin and context of this object, although long part of the canon of 19th-century phrenology, has never been fully explored. Close